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10 Cards in this Set

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Corticopontocerebellar Pathway
Originantes in the primary motor cortex & premotor cortex. (Cortex to pons to cerebellum)
Information to the cerebellum from the corticopontocerebellar pathway is what?
It is a copy of the motor plan from the primary and premotor cortex.
Olivocerebellar tract
directs information from the inferior olive nucleus to all parts of the cerebellum.
Information to the cerebellum from the olivocerebellar tract is what?
It is a copy of the motor plan from the cortex, basal ganglia, spinal cord, and reticular formation.
Vestibularcerebellar fibers
Originate in the vestibular aparatus and vestibular nuclei and travel to the flocculonodular lobe and fastigial nucleus in the cerebellum.
Vestibular fiber connections are very important for.......
maintenance of equilibrium.
Dorsal Spinocerebellar tracts
Transmit somatic sensory info from the muscle spindles golgi tendon organs, and joint receptors to the cerebellum.
Dorsal spinocerebellar tracts send what to the cerebellum?
Sends feedback of somatosensory information (muscle stretch, muscle tension, and joint position in space).
Ventral spinocerebellar tarcts
Transmit a copy of motor plan that actually arrived to the anterior motor neurons.
Together the dorsal and ventral help the cerebellum compare what?
Helps the cerebellum compare the intended motor plan from the cortex to what actually is received at the anterior motor neurons and compares how well the motor plan was executed.