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50 Cards in this Set

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How is the cardiovascular system organized?

Pulmonary circuit

Systemic circuit

Blood vessels (Arteries,Capillaries, & Veins)

What is the function of each area of the cardiovascular system?

Pulmonary circuit - from right heart to lungs for gas exchange

▪Systemic circuit - from left heart to organs of body

▪Blood vessels - carry blood through the circuit

---> Arteries carry blood away from the heart

---> Capillaries permit nutrient/gas/waste exchange with tissues

---> Veins carry blood to the heart

What gas is distributed from peripheral tissues into the lungs, and eliminated?

Carbon dioxide

Small vessels that distribute blood to a capillary bed


The foramen in the fetal heart permitting a shunting of blood from the right to the left atrium is called a

foramun ovale

________ ____ ____ distributes deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from the head and neck

Superior vena cava

What relevant gas diffuses from the lungs into the blood?


What regulates the passage of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta?

semilunar valve

What vessel receives blood from the left ventricle?


Small vessels that give rise to larger veins


This chamber ejects blood into the pulmonary circuit

Right ventricle

This chamber receives blood from the vena cava

Right atrium

Exchange vessels of the body


Name the AV valve on the left side of the heart

mitral valve

What AV valve is located on the right side of the heart?


What vessels carry blood away from the heart?


Carries oxygenated blood back to the heart

pulmonary veins

What drains blood from the coronary circulation into the right atrium?

coronary sinus

Name the chamber that ejects blood into the systemic circuit

Left ventricle

What circuit provides oxygenated 2to peripheral tissues?

systemic circuit

Great vessel that bifuricates into the pulmonary arteries

pulmonary trunk

This chamber receives blood from the pulmonary circuit

Left atrium

Distributes deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from the abdominopelvic cavity and lower extremities

Inferior vena cava

The pulmonary trunk bifuricates into _________ ________.

pulmonary arteries

The _________________________ regulates the passage of blood from the right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk.

pulmonary semilunar valve

What permits the shunting of blood from the pulmonary trunk into the aorta in the fetal heart?


What do you call the simple squamous lining of chamber walls and heart valves?


very thin and very shiny

Give the name of the 'point' of the heart, located left of the midline.


Name the cavity surrounding the heart, formed by visceral and parietal pericardium.

pericardial cavity

This anchor the cusps of the AV valve to the papillary muscle:

chordae tendinae

"heart strings"

Inflammation of the pericardium due to infection


The valve that regulates blood flow from the atria to the ventricle

atrioventrivular valve

What is the narrowing of a valvular opening called?


____________ skeleton; prevents overexpansion of the heart and provides elasticity.


Has concentric layers of cardiac muscle tissue


thickest muscle layer

The name of the sound produced by irregular blood flow or regurgitation of blood


Intercalated disc:

double membrane separating adjacent cardiac myocytes; location of desmosomesans gap junctions between cells

What region of the heart does great vessels emerge?

The base

The contraction of what muscles prevent blowback of AV valve cusps?


The region within the thoracic cavity where the heart is located is the __________________.


A ______ is a junction between adjacent cardiac myocytes.


The other name for the visceral pericardium is the


outer most heart wall layer

A _______________ is the pathological increase in fluid volume in the pericardial cavity


compresses the heart and decreases blood pressure

Regulates the movement of blood from the ventricles into the great vessels


What are the functional differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle?

▪increased time of contraction in cardiac muscle due to slow calcium entry during the plateau phase

▪cardiac muscle cannot be summed like skeletal muscle which prevents tetanic contraction of cardiac muscle

Define Stroke Volume (SV)

The the volume of blood ejected by the heart per beat

What is End Diastolic Volume (EDV) ?

The maximum amount of blood left in the ventricle at the end of atrial systole

In what order does the cardiac cycle occur?

▪Isovolumic relaxation

▪Passive filling

▪Active filling

▪Isovolumic contraction


What is the cardiac cycle?

The period of time between the start of one heartbeat and the next, where chambers relax and prepare for the next heartbeat

The cardiac is divided into how manny phases? Name and explain the function in each.

It is divided into 2 phases, the systole and diastole. In systole (contraction) the chamber contracts and pushes blood into an adjacent chamber or into an arterial trunk. In diastole (relaxation) the chamber fills with blood and waits for the next cardiac cycle.