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55 Cards in this Set

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Marco Polo
Early Venetian travelers to China who recorded his observations in his book the Travels
People who travel to new areas to convert others to their religion
God, Glory and Gold
Phrase that summed up many peoples motives for exploring
Centralized Monarchies
Term for New Monarchies with powerful monarchs
Charts made by medieval navigators or mathematicians
Astronomer from the second century AD whose book Geography greatly underestimated the circumference of the earth
Islands far off the coast of Africa that Europeans were sailing to by the fifteenth century
Prince Henry the Navigator
Portuguese leader who founded navigation school in 1419 and helped Portugal sail around Africa
Portuguese explorer who first rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488
de Gamas
Portuguese explorer who first reached India in 1498
Portuguese explorer who took malacca from Arab traders so Portugal controlled spice trade
Italian explorer sailing for Spain's Ferdinand and Isabella whose three ship expedition (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) landed in the Americas in 1492
italian explorer sailing for England's Henry VII who explored the New England coastline
Portuguese explorer who "discovered" South America in 1500
Amerigo Vespucci
Italian explorer and writer whose letters about the new world led to it being named America after him.
Spanish explorer who first reached the pacific ocean in 1513
Spanish explorer killed in Philippines whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe in 1419
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 treaty that divided up the new world into Spanish and Portuguese spheres of influence
Spanish explorers in New World motivated by glory, greed and religion
Msoamerican empire conuered by Cortes of Spain in 1519
Aztec leader conquered then killed by spanish under Cortez
South American empire conquered by Pizarro of Spain in 1530s
Spanish system of administering new world by putting conquistadors in charge. Very brutal to natives
Small Pox
disease principally responsible for devastating Native American populations
de las casas
Spanish Dominican friar who spoke out against the harsh treatment of Native Americans and got the Spanish government to replace the encomienda system
Spanish administrators (i.e. governors) in New world after encomienda system abolished
Major New World crop of the Caribbean and Brazil which fueled the slave trade
Dutch farmers who settled in southern aftrica (Cape Town)
Triangular Trade
Connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas manufactured goods from Europe traded for African Slaves who were traded in America for sugar, rum coffee and cotton which was te=hen sold in Europe
Middle Passage
The journey of africans to the americas within the trianbular trade. Very brutal
The Dutch
Europeans who took the Spice Islands from the Portuguese
Mughal Empire-
Indian Empire conquered by the British in 1600- 1700s
Sir Robert Clive
British empire-builder in India
"Black Hole of Calcutta"-
Underground British prison in India
Battle of Plassey-
1757 British victory over the Mughal Empire which put Britain in charge of India
British East India Company-
Company given authority to administer India (i.e. govern it), run for a time by Sir Robert Clive
Qing Dynasty-
Chinese rulers who were bullied by British for trade concessions in 1700s
Only Japanese city open to European (Dutch) traders from 1600s ti1 1800s
West Indies-
New World islands colonized by British (Jamaica , Barbados) and French (Guadeloupe) primarily for sugar
English explorer hired by Dutch to explore North America in 1609
New Netherlands-
Dutch N American empire in present-day New York (initially New Amsterdam) seized by British in 1644
First permanent British colony in N America, established in 1607 for profit
Massachusetts Bay-
Second permanent British colony in N America, established for Puritan religious freedom
French explorer who claimed Canada for France
French explorer who established French colony Quebec in Canada
Treaty of Utrecht-
1713 treaty ending War for Spanish Succession that required France to cede much of Canada to Britain
Seven Years War-
1756-1 763 war that forced France to cede the last of its empire in Canada to Britain
Spain's permission to other countries to trade with Spanish colonies
Price Revolution-
Time of great inflation in Europe in 1500s brought about by the importation of much New World silver and an increase in European population
The Low Countries-
Term for modem nations of Netherlands, Belgium , and Luxemburg
Joint-stock Companies-
Companies that sold shares of itself (stock) to investors who would then share in the profit or loss
Rich banking and mining family in central Europe that leant Habsburg Charles V lots of money
Economic system employed by many European nations in the 1600 and 1700s which promoted the accumulation of gold and silver (bullion) in a nation's treasury by exporting much and importing little. Colonies were frequently used to provide markets and resources to mercantilist nations.
Representatives of particular religions who travel to areas around the globe in order,to convert people to their religion. Catholic missionaries known as Jesuits were especially effective in New Spain
Columbian Exchange-
The exchange of plants and animals between the Old World (Europe & Africa) and the New World (the Americas )