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60 Cards in this Set

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Italian city-states
Florence, Venice, Milan, Genoa, Papal States, Naples
Many Italian city-states became:
constitutional oligarchies
Charles V ruled:
Hapsburg Empire (Spain, Netherlands, areas of Italy, Central Europe), Holy Roman Empire, and empire in New World
After Charles V, the Hapsburg Empire:
Split between Austrian and Spanish branches
1450-1550 French dynasty
Won the Hundred Years' War:
France (1453)
In 1500s, France was fighting with:
Spanish Hapsburgs
1515-1547 French ruler:
Ruled with:
Francis I; cooperation of nobles
Henry Tudor defeats ____ to become:
Richard III; Henry VII who strengthened royal authority
Donatello did what and what made it important?
David, first free standing nude sculpture since antiquity
new expressive style rejects symmetry of earlier Renaissance art
Northern humanist, promotes intellectual inquiry, piety, use of Latin as common scholarly language
Vasco de Gama
Portuguese explorer; reaches India by going around Africa (spice trade to the east begins)
Spain holdings in the age of exploration:
Central, South America
Portuguese claims in the age of exploration:
Brazil, African coast
Hernan Cortes
Spanish explorer, conquers Aztecs in Mexico
Francisco Pizarro
Spanish explorer, conquers Inca in Peru
Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese explorer, circumnavigates world
Catholic priest that protested against Spanish treatment of Native Americans
Bartolome de Las Casas
John Wycliffe and Jan Hus
called for reform during Great Schism (1378-1417)
Edicts of Worms/Council of Worms
Charles V signed it after excommunicating Luther, condemning Luther's ideas. Luther brought to the court and questioned
Augsburg Confession
makes Luther break with Church permanently, founds Lutheran Church
Ulrich Zwingli
leads Reformation in Switzerland based on literal reading of scripture
Peace of Augsburg
lets German princes decide on religion in their states (Lutherans and Catholics)
Henry VIII founded:
Daughter Mary returned to:
Daughter Elizabeth:
Anglican Church; Catholicism; enforces Protestantism through Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy but tolerates Catholicism
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by:
Ignatius of Loyola
Council of Trent
reforms bishop and priest conduct; reaffirms Catholic doctrine: papal authority, seven sacraments, Christ's presence in Eucharist, power of indulgences (not sale!), power of good works, celibacy of clergy
Pope Paul IV did:
ordered Jews to live in ghettos and established the Index of Prohibited Books
1600 Catholic majority in:
Ireland, Spain, France, Italian States, Austria, Poland, southern German states
1600 Protestant majority in:
England, Switzerland, Netherlands, Scandinavia, northern German states
1600 Orthodox majority in:
Russia, Balkans, parts of Poland-Lithuania
standard currency for many European traders from 1450-1600
Florence's gold florin
Peasant's War in H.R.E calls for:
an end to serfdom, unfair taxation; revolt suppressed
Edict of Nantes
declared by Bourbon kind Henry IV in France; a religious truce; official religion is Catholicism but Protestants granted freedoms
In 1572, Dutch Protestants began a revolt against:
This leads to:
Catholic Spanish Hapsburgs;
Calvinists United Provinces (northern Netherlands) declare independence and southern Netherlands(Belgium and Lux. today) remains Catholic and loyal to Spain
Most destructive war of religion
Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)
Treaty of Westphalia
ends wars of religion, establishes many of today's European borders; Calvinists gain legal recognition; Independence of Swiss Confederation and United Provinces (Netherlands) recognized; H.R.E. weakened; Austria and Brandenburg-Prussia gain power; France and Spain still in war until 1659
In 1650, __% of Europeans are Protestant
Nicolaus Copernicus
heliocentric (sun-centered) universe
Tycho Brahe
collects observations of planets and stars
Johannes Kepler
develops laws of planetary motion
Galileo Galilei
uses telescope to observe sun's rotation, moon's craters; argues that universe follows laws of mathematics; Pope persecutes for promoting Copernican system
Isaac Newton
argues that light can be described mathematically; publishes laws of gravity
Gottfried Leibnitz
developed calculus
Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey
explore workings of the human body, including the skeletal and circulatory systems
Blaise Pascal
attempts to reconcile science with religion
Francis Bacon
inductive reasoning (small-->large)
Rene Descartes
deductive reasoning (large-->small)
prominent scientific society:
Royal Society of London
Baroque style embraced by what religious countries?
Baroque musicians
Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi
Rembrandt von Rijn
paints townspeople in rich color, shadow
Rococo style
mid-1700s, features flowing curves; smaller-scale, less ornate
Jean-Antoine Watteau
rococo artist; paints elegant, smaller, secular themes
Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote! - a sympathetic satire of chivalry
John Milton
English Puritan; Paradise Lost explores the sin of pride
Thomas Hobbes
English philosopher; Leviathan sees humanity as naturally materialistic and selfish; argues that ABSOLUTISM is necessary to prevent conflict
John Locke
English philosopher; Two Treatises of Government argues that humanity is naturally peaceful, call for moderate rule, rights, liberty, and protection of property
In republican states:
legislatures hold some power over taxation and law, but states not necessarily democratic as legislatures may represent only nobles and wealthy
Elizabeth 1 (1558-1603)
establishes tolerant religious settlement, increases royal bureaucracy and efficiency (Spanish Armada!)