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66 Cards in this Set

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miasmatic theory
the belief that people contracted diseases through breathing in bad odors of decay and excrement
comtes positvism
same as experimental method but in relation to sociology and laws of human relations
Edwin Chadwick
one of the commisioners charged with the administration of relief to paupers after poor laws. idea of sanitation and hs report became the first public health law
Louis Pasteur
french chemist who began studying fermentation and found that it depended on the growth of living organisms and their activity could be decreased by pasteurization
Robert Koch
german country doctor developed pure cultures of harmful bacteria and described their life cycles, these helped to identify causes of diseases
Jean Baptiste-Lamarck
asserted all forms of life had arisen through a long process of continued adjustment to the environment flawed because what parents develope about themselves cant be passed on
Charles Darwin
Sigmund Freud
Gustave Flaubert
Charles Darwin
most influential 18th century evolutionary thinker chance determines which of species survive natural selection variations that are .....useful...are..
Sigmund Freud
Viennese founder of psychoanalysis analysis of family dynamics began treating mentally ill most influential idea was oedipal tension lots of analysis of sexual. emotional and defense mechanisms
Gustave Flaubert
artist realist unparalled in depth and accuracy of psychological insight
Emile Zola
........in literature defended his first novel that was criticized for pornography and moral corruption but he claimed to be simply objective
Auguste Comte
french philosopher disciple of utopian socialist saint simon postulated that all intellectual activity progresses through predictable stages positivist method of sociology
Joseph Lister
english surgeon who grasped the connection between aerial bacteria and wound infection he reasoned that chemical disinfectant would help antiseptics principle
Baron Haussman
alsatian who napoleon the II placedin charge of inproving Paris ...........who was capable of bulldozing opposition widened streetsI
Gustav Drosz
Saw that love within marriage was the key to human happiness urged women to follow there hearts to the reign of men????
New imperialism
Characterized by frantic rush to put down roots and gain lands and as many people as possible it had huge consequences new tensions and wars , war rumors aimed primarily at Asia and Africa
traditionalist response to imperialism
upset because imperialsim ruined traditional ruling classes religion and education system and way of life non-westerns experienced identity crisis because of the power and arrogance of intruders
modernist response to imperialism
the believed that the gains of machinery and new technology was good for countries
social darwinism
another major cause of imperialism took Darwin's concept of "survival of the fittest" and used in a racist manner in stating one group was stronger than another and therefore people should .....
one of the major causes of imperialism the belief that one race of group of people is superior to another many whites believed that they were superior to africans so they tried to assimilation?
white man's burden
idealogy that imperialism was not used to ???? other countries but to assist the colonies in becoming industrial and modern and making them more like the whites b/c they believed whites were the better and more strong race
Qing Dynasty
two hundred year old chinese dynasty that was on the verge of falling in 1860 revolution and chaos ruled the country but comeback of tradition lasted 30 years
suez canal
safeguarding this canal played a huge role in british imperialism in Egypt and british control in Egypt led to a bloody conflict in Sudan
battle between british and Muslim forces in the Sudan where the muslims charged with bows and arrows and were shot down immediately by Britians much stronger machinery
British Opium Trade
Qing decided that this had to end because it was ruining the people and stripping the empire of its (Silver)???? which was going to British merchants to pay for the opium
Muhammad Ali
governor of Egypt built up a strong ?????????powerful army along english...
Leopold II
energetic and strong willed monarch played a major role in the complex euro seizure of Africa focused on Central Africa and formed a financial syndicate under personal control his actions alarmed France Gold Rush Mentality
Matthew Perry
commodore in the Us who went to Tokyo after several failed attempts to establish commercial relations he demanded diplomatic recognition and Japan reluctantly signed a treaty that opened two ports
also know as Afikaaners the descendents of the (Dutch?) in he cape colony fought many times with the British for land and political independence
John Hobson
forceful critic of imperialism radical English economist who ??? (imperialism) which influenced ????thought rush of imperialism was because of ????imperialism which influenced ??? and others thought rush of imperialism was was because of ??????????????????????????????????????
Japanese opening of Korea in 1876
they imperialistically opened Korea with gunboat diplomacy which decisively defeated china in a war over korea ????????? taiwan
Berlin Conference of 1884 - 1885
lay down basic rules of imperialist competition in sub-saharan africa between Fance and Germany established that Euro claims in Africa had to rest on effective occupation coincides with Germany's sudden emergence as a power
Fashoda crisis of 1898
British armies found the village occupied by a small French force was continued imperial competition between them and serious diplomatic crisis resulted France eventually backed down and withdrew its forces
Great trek of the Boers
when britian took over Cape Town in South Africa and the Boers moved to the ????? of Africa and fought the Xhosa and Zulu people for land
Sino-Japanese War
this and its harsh treaty revealed china's helplessness when faced w agression rush of foreign concessions and protectorates????
Congress od Berlin 1878
peacemaking efforts of Bismarck infuriated Russian Nationalists and led Bismarck to make a defensive alliance with Austrian against russia???
Schlieffen Plan
plan of Germans to attack France by going through nuetral Belgium this would help them avoid a two front war with fance and Russia but this brought Britian into the war and was Germany's mistake
"total war"
all money and efforts goes to fighting the war and winning and that is the main focus WWI and WWII were total wars
when a ruler has complete and total control over every part of the government and life and runs his country
western front
the Germans were fighting a two front war for some time and the western front was where they were fighting France and Britian it was alltrenches on the Western Front and a Stalemate
russian political party of marxian socialism split into two groups one the ????? and the other the Bolsheviks Lenin led them developed this party to be tough, disciplined and revolutionary seized power with Leon Trotsky
war reparations
prices that Germany and other losing countries had to pay to help the winning countries make up for the ??? lost during the war Very high for Germany because of inflation
First Balkan war 1912
Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria joined together to attack the Ottoman Empire Nationalism finally destroyed the Ottoman Empire
Lawrence of Arabia
British Colonel who helped lead the Arab revolt he was successful at inciting them to revolt against their turkish rulers he was originally British
Algerciras Conference of 1906
Germant was wanting to ?? the Anglo-French entente and requested a conconference over the issue of Morocco they threatened war this one pushed Britian and France closer and Germany left empty-handed
Anglo-French entente of 1904
When Britian was trying to make allies they agreed to recognize France's plan for control in Morocco and France recognized British rule in Egypt this settled outstanding colonial disputes
Third Balkan War
When Serbia did not fully respond to ultimatum they mobilized and declared war beginning the so-called third Balkan war which is truly just the first world war
Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare resulted in them sinking this passenger ship off the coast of Ireland it killed American passengers and was one of the causes of the US entering the war
Admiral Tirpitz
German leader of nationalists who led in Germany's decision to add a large and expensive fleet of battleships which added to heightened tensions
(German) Auxiliary Service Law of 1916
part of the efforts for total war in Germany all males between 17 and 60 were required to work only at jobs deemed critical to the war effort
Davis Lloyd George
thought that the build up of a large naval fleet was a detestable military challenge which forced countries to spend the people's money in places it shouldn't be spent
began his career in a sect known for its unorthodox practices he became a friend of the Russian royal family and began to help them with there hemophiliac child he was (weird)?? and led to the fall of the empire
Georges Clemenceau
effective wartime leader in France he established a virtual dictatorship eliminated strikers and jailed journalists a nd politicians who wanted a compromised peace with Germany helpful because civilians were tired and felt defeated
took the lead in war efforts organizing comittees to coordinate efforts improved military situation although there weere still many failures
Tsar Nicholas II
when he was sworn in he vowed peace if enemies stood on Russian soil he had to go back on this vow pull Russia out of WWI when revolts rose in Russia
Petrograd Soviet
Modeled after revolutionary Soviet of 1905 huge mass meeting they watered down the provisional government and made their own radical orders which further weakened the provisional government
Leon Trotsky
Lenin's supporter, revolutionary speaker executed Bolshevik seizure of power he was determined and a fantastic leader and appealed to tired workers and the government was in anarchy
Petrograd Bread riots (1917)
after Rasputin died the bread shortages became much worse and people began rioting and it spread to factories and the Tsar ordered troops from the front to put down revolts
Alexander Kerensky
reorganization of government included him he became prime minister in July he was a patriot and a modern socialist continuation of war was very important to him
Vladimir Lenin
most radical and talented of Soviet Socialist leaders he led the Bolshevik party and viewed the war vs imperialistic rivalries he wanted to sieze power for the soviets but failed and had to go into hiding
Army Order 1
most famous of the Petrograd Soviets radical orders stripped officers of their authority and placed power in the hands of elected committees of common soldiers led to collapse of army discipline
constituent assembly
bolsheviks freely elected assembly that was to draw up a constitution but the free elections were a setback as hey did not win after one day of meeting it was disbanded and a one party gov't formed???
white opposition
groups that were opposed to the Bolsheviks in Moscow led by officers of the old army in Southern Russia they were united by their hatred??? of "Red" bolsheviks
Treaty of Brest Litovsk (1918)
18 nations were competing by 1918