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22 Cards in this Set

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A form of government in which the monarch rules by "divine right." The monarch wields absolute power.

Thomas Hobbes


English philosopher. He argued for absolute monarchy and believed people needed a strong central power to succeed.

Louis XIV


King of France from 1643-1715. He created a centralized state, pacified the aristocracy, fought in three major wars, abolished the Edict of Nantes and persecuted the Huguenots, forcing them to move or convert. He was a warmonger and nearly destroyed the French economy.



A series of civil wars in France during the Franco-Spanish War. King Louis XIV fought against and beat the princes, the nobility, the law courts, and the majority of the French people. This conflict began after the Peace of Westphalia. These wars created an absolute monarchy in France and strengthened royal authority.


An economic system in which the government controls the economy to increase the power and wealth of the nation. It was employed in absolute monarchies.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert


French politician and Minister of Finances. He improved French manufacturing and brought the French economy back from near bankruptcy using mercantilism.

Nobles of the Sword

The oldest class of nobility in France who gained their status through military service. They were very influential during the French Revolution. Louis XIV attempted to keep them busy in Versailles.

Nobles of the Robe

French nobility who held judicial and administrative positions. Louis XIV created them to run the country and take power away from the Nobles of the Sword.


The French center of society and culture under Louis XIV. The Court of Versailles was created by Louis XIV to control the nobility.



A French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the great comedic authors of the Western literature.

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

(October 22, 1685)

An Edict issued by King Louis XIV. It ordered the destruction of the Huguenot churches and Protestant schools, leading the emigration of many Protestants out of France.



A Catholic theological movement in France. It emphasized the original sin, human depravity, the necessity of divine grace, and predestination.

Holy Roman Emperor Leopold III

King of Hungary & Bohemia, he fought the Spanish War of Succession.

War of the Holy League


A series of conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League. The Ottoman Empire lost a large amount of land in Central Europe.


Prussian nobles who made an alliance with the ruler. They dominated the estates and commanded the peasants in the army. Taxes could not be levied by the estate.

Great Elector Frederick William


Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia. He promoted trade and gave Prussia a stronf position in the political order of north-central Europe.

Ivan the Terrible


First Czar of Russia. He treated those who opposed him with cruelty and turned Russia into a European power.


The system of agricultural labor popular in eastern Europe in which peasants had no rights or freedoms and were bound to the land.

Peter the Great


Tsar of Russia. He expanded Russia into a major European power and led a cultural revolution based on the Enlightenment.

Table of Ranks

Table of RanksPeter the Great instituted it to create opportunities for non-nobles to serve the state and join the nobility. There were 14 levels. Each official was required to begin at level one and work his way up. When a non-noble reached the eighth rank, he became a noble.


Metropolis peter the great created, capital of russian empire for more than 200 years; nobles paid for canals, parks etc while peasants worked on the city. the navy was held here, showed the westernization and modernization of russia during peter's rule and examplified his absolute power

Balance of Power

To prevent France from becoming Powerful: 1) The Low Countries of Holland and Belgium were combined to form a Dutch republic to be a check on French power in the north and west. 2) Prussia received separate territory along the Rhine River to be a check to French power in the East