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36 Cards in this Set

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Weimar Republic
COnstitution signed in city name, 1919-1933 (when Hitler comes to power) is the militarily weak but culturally vibrant government of Germany
Proportional Representation
party gets the percentage of seats that was the percentage of votes
National Asssebly and Reichstag
two houses (bicameral) of the Weimar Republic
biggest right-wing mailitia after the war.
communist party tried a coup d'etat and was defeated by the Freikorps
Dr Kapp
leader of the right wing milita that leads a Putch to overthrow the government and was put down by the workers.
DAP (german Worker's party)
a tiny, secretive political group. the government sent Adolf Hitler to investigate the group and he ended up joining them.
NSDAP (national socialist german worker's party)
when Hitler transformes the DAP, he makes it this.
Sturm Abteilurg (SA)
Brown Shirts
when Hitler organized the milita, he made them this. 3 names. they got their weapons from Ludendorff, in the military.
communist/socialist milita.
Rhur Valley 1922
where and when the French occupied when the Germans stopped paying the reperations. they were going to take coal and steel, but the workers went on strike, making even more inflation as the Germans had to pay them too.
1924 - Dawes Plan
date and name for the plan of the US to get Germany out of debt by lending them money, to pay off France, GB, etc, so those countries could repay the US. morale booster and therefore economy booster.
1921 - Washington conference on Naval Disarmament
date and name of the conference in Washington to make a ratio of navys. Japan was given a very small navy and was therefore made angry
1922 - Genoa conference
date and name of the conference in Italy where they wanted to reduce German's reparations and make the Soviet Union pay off tsarist debt. failed.
Germany joins the league of nations
Non-Aggression pact
the agreement between Germany and Russia that the Germans broke.
1928 - Kellog-Briand
US and France forgin ministers who foreswear war as a means of political policy. 65 countries join in the foolishly idealistic idea and ultimately failes.
Gustav Stresemann
made good relations possible in Germany. followed the middle path by not making arguments.
new architectural movement, literally meaning "Build house"
1919 Dessau, Germany
Bauhaus began (where and when)
Le Corbusier
swiss architect of Bauhaus who worked in France
very famous for his chapel in France (morse and library) and had a big impact on modern-day cities. building up and fur functinoality/neccecity
founder of the Bauhaus movement. started the school and fled to the US from the Nazis, who hatted the Bauhaus movement for suppressing culture for practicality. built house in concord, mass.
Mies van Der Rohe
head of school after Gropious left in the Bauhaus moevement. bulit a house and many scyscrapers, ended up fleeing to america where he built his famous glass house.
"Beer Hall Putsch"
Hitler's first announcement of an overthrow of the government in a rather unlikely place. sent him to prison for treason.
"November criminals"
socialists who surrendered and Jews.
"Mein Kampf"
Hitler wrote in Jail on his beleifs.
opposite of marxism that war and anti-democracy is the solution to all problems. heroism and holiness make history, not only economic surroundings.
Benito Mussolini
Italian who started Fascism in his state.
Collectivist century
20th century (by Benito mussolini). century of the state.
leader of the second part of the naxi party that wanted to come to power and then have a second revolution to make nazis control industry. head of the brown shirts and murdered by hitler.
Atonalism music
rejects harmony and has clashing, dissenent music. took place in Weimar Germany and several other metropolisis of the big cities.
Bertolch Brecht
a german who wrote many plays such as the 3 penny operah with communist themes and idolizing the prositutes and beggars.
Kurt Weill
made the soundtrack of the 3 penny operah.
filmmaker who made several expressionist movements.
Fritz Lang
made movies like metropolis and "M" (for murder).
Moulin Rouge
cancan dancers in minimal clothing.