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51 Cards in this Set

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cold war
an opposition without direct war
NATO '49
north atlantic Treaty organization
date of creation and name of the US organization.
Warsaw Pact '54
date of creation and name of the USSR alliance
M.A.D. mutually assured destruction
the law that kept a nuclear war from happening because of mutual fear of complete destruction
inter continental ballistic missles
missles developed in the late 50's
Space race
the race between the US and the Soviets that lauched Sputnik
Soviet Block
part of europe forcibly brought under Soviet influence
Western Allies
most of whom belonged to NATO
Iron Curtain
border between Soviets and West
Cold war ends
Chairman Mao
communist leader of China
Containment Policy
to contain an internationl communist revolution
Truman Doctrine
pledged to defend any country threatened by communism (greece)
"Our Zero"
Germany's new start to rebuild
"women of the ruins"
women who collected bricks to rebuild germany
US and British zones cooperate and join
Marshall Plan '47
US offering money to all countries to help boost economy. many western countreies accepted, but Soviet countries were forbidden to accept.
Currency Reform '48
soviets didn't join and very secretly done, hardened the line between Bizonia and SOZ
when French joined Bizonia
1949 - Basic Law
date and name of the constitution written for Eastern germany, purposfully not called a constitution
Federal Republic of Germany
new country in the West
Konrad Adenaur
first Chancellor of Western germany
Ludwig Enhard
Economic minister of the first and the second Chancellor of Western Germany
representative senate of Western Germany
govoners part of Western Germany's politics
1950 - Korean War
date and name of the war that gave Germany a huge ecnomic boost
Ecnomic Miracle
50's in Germany when there was 0 percent unemployment
1947 - Berlin Airlift
when the US and Britain landed planes bringing coal and food and care packets to East Berlin for one year before Stalin gave in
German Democratic Republic
SOZ formed into in the 50's in response to the new Western Government
Berlin Wall formed
"Anti-Fasciest protection wall" was its defense.
SPD socialist party of Germany
red party
party in West Germany all the way to the left
FDP free Democrats
yellow party
middle party that beleived in a capitalist government with minimal interferance in lives and econ, but in helping the people.
CDU Christian Democratic Union
Black Party
party to which Adenaur, first chancellor, was part of. party all the way to the right
CSU christian socialist union
also a black party and only found in Bavaria.
enviromental party
SED socialist union of Germany
one and only party in the Soviet part of Germany
Walter Ulbricht
founder of the SED in East Germany
Chancellor Democracy
because Adenaur wasin power for SOO long, it was a criticism of Germany that there was only one man running it.
where the SPD met to renounce their calls for a unified/neutral Germany and become Pro-west to win an election
Social market Economy
both capitalistic and government looking out for its people. econ system in Germany
Co Determination
the practice in German companies to have workers representatives automatically on the board of trustees.
1962 Spiegel Affair
where a magazine printed a story of how unprepared West german military was and the defense minister arrested the jounalist, siezed all documents and had the editor who was in spain be arrested by the spanish and brought back. made people see how false their democracy was. GERMANY
Franz Joseph Straub
defense minister who delt with the magazine incident so badly. GERMANY
1965 APO extra parlimentary opposition
organization formed in reaction to the magazine incident of young people. they adressed their concerns of nukes, education reform, real democracy, and Nazi past. GERMANY
RAF red army faction
a terrorist group in Germany of young people seeking a communist Revolution.
Bader-Meinhof Craig
5 German radicals who kidnapped industrialist and killed him. part of the RAF/
1965 Rudi Dutchre
name and date when the APO leader shot by a conservative, giving them more of a reason to protest. GERMANY
student protests against many things, primarily vietnam, in Germany.
also, election that the SPD wins
Willi Brandt
new chancellor in 1969. idealist, young, good-looking and makes the young people happy.
East politics, practiced by Brandt, trying to get in touch and reach out to communist countries for peace.
Joscha Fischer
stone throwing radical who made the green party in the 80's and became Forgin minister in the 90's.