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81 Cards in this Set

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Louis XV
great grandson of Louis XIV
Nobility gained influence during his reign Influeneced by ministers and mistresses
Undermined monarchy
Madame de Pompadour
Influenced Louis XV regarding appointments, foreign policy
Most famous mistress
high court of France
Restore power to approve or disapprove king's decrees
judge once members of middle class who bought offices, felt no obligation to king
Refused to allow Louis XV to raise taxes to pay for War of Austrian Succession
Rene de Maupeou
Louis XV appointed as chancellor and ordered him to subdue judicial opposition
Abolished Parlement
Royal-friendly Parlement created
Louis XVI
grandson of Louis XV
dismissed Maupeou repudiated his rules
Old Parlement of Paris reinstituted
Public hoped for reforms, more representative government
3 Estates
1st: clergy
2nd: nobility
3rd: everyone else (bourgeoisie)
Social structure in France
Gallacian Church
owned 20% of land, exempted from taxes
Aristocrats within church got money: local parishes suffer
demanded political power, reflect econmic power and contribution
resented 1st and 2nd estate who had all economic responsibility
Jacques Necker
Louis XVI appointed as director of finances
tried to tax nobility
blocked by Paris Parlement
Assembly of Notables
Louis XVI summoned in 1787
thought assembly would agree with new tax sysstem, end own tax exemption
Assembly demanded control over government spending (to nobles)
lettre de Cachet
freedom from arbitrary arrest, imprisonment
Estates general
July 5, 1778, to be convened following spring
King asked everyone to study situation
Only called before in 1302 and 1614
Cahiers de doleances
each estate's list of greivances
common agreements of all three estates:
france=constitutional monarchy, liberties guaranteed by law, parish clergy improved, elimination of internal trade barriers
Abbe de Sieyes
"What is The Third Estate"
claimed it had power in France
nobility should be abolished
"Social contract"
Age of Montesquieu
first phase of revolution
National Asssembly
Constitution, ends feudalism
National Assembly
June 1789, 3rd Esatste meeting, leave Estates General, meet at tennis court, wrote constitution
Tennis Court Oath
assumed soverign control over the nation
National Assembly would not leave until France had a constitution
Storming of the Bastille
Reaction in Paris to shortagesof bread
Parisians believed army was going to be used to squash them, subjugation and grain speciulators
Pissed at Marie Antotonette for garmet industry
The Great Fear
spirit of rebellion in Paris spread to countryside, violence
peasants attacked manor houses and destroy legal records of fuedal obligations
Declaration of the Rights of Man (And Citizen)
Thomas Paine, due process
everyone is a citizen
Olympe de Gouges
"Rights of Women"
replaced the word man with woman in "Rights of Man"
Rights of Women
Olympe de Gouges
Mary Wollestonecraft
"Vindication of the Rights of Women"
similar to Gouges, feminist
Madame de Steel
deplored subordination of women, angry revolution changed nothing
Women's March
to Versailles
peasant women, incited by JEAN PAUL MARAT 7000 women kill National Guard (from Paris) to address economic problems
Refractory Clergy
respond to Civil Constitution of Clergy in 1790
divided church into 83 bishops and diocese
forbidden to be loyal to pope
supported by king, aristorctats, peasants
new paper currency
flight to varennes
Royals attempt to escape France for noble and foreign aid in counter revolution
failed, forced to accept constitutional monarchy
Edmund Burke
"Reflection on the Revolution in France"
predictded anarchy and despotism
intellectual defense of European conservatism
Thomas Paine
"Rights of Man"
response to Burke's arguments
Enlightemnet principles, triumph of liberty
republican political club, dominate legislative assembly
left wing of Revolution, part of Jacobins
passionately committed to Revolution
French nobles who had fled France in 1789, influence Austria and Prusia to help restore French monarchy
Leopold II annoyed
Declaration of Pillnitz
Leopold II get rid of nobles
intended to slow revolution
Austria and Prusia would send toops if order not restored
made war more tempting to French revolutionaries
Brunswick Manifesto, Prussia and Austria threateded to destroy Paris if king harmed
incited mob violence
reigned terror
Paris Commune
revolutionary provisional government, usurped power from Legislative assembly
led by Danton
radicals, Constitution
new elections, universal male suffrage, new national currency
led Paris Commune
September Massacres
led by Paris Commune
Rumors spread, imprisoned counter-revolutionary aristocrats and refractory priests plotting with foreign invaders
Mobs slaughter over 1,000 priests, bourgeoisie
Age of Rosseau
National Convention 1792-1795
most of members of National Convention were Jacobins and Republicans
radical members of working class
more of an econimic agenda than political one
influence National Convention
skilled at inciting violence
led by Robespierre
radical urbanites
leaders of radical working lcass in Paris
Arrested 31 Girondins, many left Paris to work against revolutionary government
"Death of Marat" :: Charlotte Corday murdered him
Committee of Public Safety
emergency government
national convention abolished
Robespierre influence by Rosseau, fanatic of revolutionary idealism
worked with sans culottes
Leader: Louis Saint-Just
Law of Maximum, planned economy
Levee en masse
whole country conscripted to army, largest army in European history
Reign of Terror
Law of Suspects accused enemies of revolutionary tried in front of Revolutionary Tribunal
tried for treason: Louis XVI, 40,000 guillotined, 300,000 imprisoned
Cult of Supreme Being
Deistic, naturalistic religion which recognized existence of God and immortality of human soul
Notre Dame Cathedral changed into TEMPLE OF REASON
The Directory
new republican constitution
assembly chose 5-member exectuive to govern direcotry
almost all adult members could vote, not hold office (reserved for property owners)
Conspiracy of Equals
Led by Gracchus Babeuf
Overthrew Directory to replace it with dictatorial "democratism"
Consulate Era
new constitution
Napoleon overthrew directory, did away with legislative assembly
general referendum (poll)
approve Napoleon's actions
HUGE support
Napoleon Bonaparte
Italian descent
French family from Corsica
Military genius (specialized in artillery)
Enlightenment, supported Revolution, Jacobins
Rapidly advance in army: talented, many vacancies to emigres
Napoleonic Code
Legal unity
CDodification of French law
Criminally commercial, penal
Emphasize protection of private property
Central gov. unity
Concordat of 1801
Pope renounce claim to Church property lost in early years of Revolution (peasants divided alleigence)
Refractory clergy could replace priests who had taken oath of loyalty to state
Catholic freedom of worship
Replaced Revolutionary Calendar
Appoint as many Protestants as Catholics
Treaty of Luneville
Bratain moved off of European continent
Austria lost Italian possessions to Napoleon
German territory on West bank of Rhine given to France
Russia tried to get foothold in Mediterranean, withdrew after British blockade
Battle of Trafalgar
French and Spanish fleets defeated by British navy, Horatio Nelson killed
Battle of Austerlitz
Moravia, Alexander I pulled Russian troops out, Austria was forced to give up much territory in exchange for peace
Arch de Triomphe
built in 1806 to commemorate victory in Austerlitz
Roman times
3rd Coalition Collapsed
Treaty of Tilsit
Prussia ceded land to France (1/2 its population)
Russia accepts Napolon's dominance of Western, Central Europe
Accept Napolon's continental system (against English)
Confederation of the Rhine
Napoleon consolidated 300 soverign states into 15 (Germany)
Did not include Austria, Prussia, Saxony
Napolon's title is protector
HRE abolished (in Gremany)
Continental System
economic warfare against Britain
stalemate in 1805
starve another out
French made of Berlin and Milarn Decree
Brits: order of council
Berlin Decree
Napolon closed continents ports to British ships
All big trading powers
Orders in Council
Close ports under British control to French neutral ships confiscated if going to trade with continent
Milan Decree
Neutral ships tro Britain from it boarded by Brits, confiscated violate US neutral rights at sea
War of 1812
Peninsular War
Portugal violated continental system
Napolon sent army through Spain
Reserved king
Spain waged guerilla warfare against French troops, all classes involved
First revolt against Napoloeon's power
Duke of Wellington
from Britain to help fight Peninsular war
Hundred Days: defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
Battle of Bordino
Ended in draw: Russians retreat
Scorched earth policy
France started with 600,000 ended with 30,000
Burn Moscow: effective
War of 4th Coalition
Battle of Leipzip
Frankfurt Proposal
Quadruple alliance (beginning of end)
battle of Leipzig
Battle of Nations
Largest battle until 20th century
Napoloen loses 500,000, refuses to accept peace terms
Frankfurt Poposals
France reduced to boundaries of 1792, Napolon could remain in power
napoloen refuses
Quadruple Alliance
Napoleon forced to abdicate
Bourbns restored to French throne
Brother of Louis XVI
New mConsitituionfor France
Ran away when Napoloen returned
Charter of 1814
first Constitution offered by a monarch
Louis XVIII, came after Napoleon left
Napoloen's reforms
Where Napoleon was exiled
Horatio Nelson
British patriot fighter, killed 9in Battle of Traflagar
Congress of Vienna
Sept 1814 - June 1815
Austria, England, Russia, Prussia
Big negotiatioins
metternich there
conservative, from Austria
Opposed to liberal and reformed ideas because impact on Austria woudl be devastating
Particularly vulnerable to nationalistic movements
Offered Frankfurt Proposals
Alexander I
Rulerof Russia, Congress of Vienna
Fought Napoleon
German Confederation
Now 39 states
Austria the President of the Diet of the Confederation
After Congress of Vienna
Napoleon defeated for the last time by Duke of Wellington
Concert of Europe
Guarantee enforcement of peace of Vienna
Very conservative
Two parts:
Quadruple alliance (enforcer)
Congress system: diplomatic, guardians
Holy Alliance
by Czar Alexander I
All monarch to sign statement to uphold Christian principles of charity, eace throughout Europe
No one took it seriously
Pope, Ottomans, Brits refuse to sign
Liberals saw it as obstacle to liberty and progress