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122 Cards in this Set

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12 Years' Truce
(Phillip II against Dutch)
Pettition of Right
"Habeus Corpus"
no forced loans
no raised taxes
no new laws by king
no billeting (soldiers taking over homes)
Habeus Corpus
people cannot be tried without an unbiased person to decide if the punishment is valid.
Louis XIV becomes king.
Treaty of Dover
France and England against Dutch.
Secret: France financially supporting English re-Catholization.
Louis begins wars
most against Netherlands
Glorious Revolution
England forcibly removes James II from the throne and puts William III and Mary on it.
Bill of Rights
stating that William of Orange and Mary are destined to rule.
a constitution.
Peace of Utrecht
end of the war of Spanish Succession.
A document that states how a government should operate and normally is keeping from absolutist gov.
Spanish nobility.
lesser nobles/students/involved in Church.
Ursuline Sisters
Started schools for girls.
women religious groups.
like female Jesuits.
Middle Class of England
1/2 students at oxford
French dynasty - began with Henry III (of Nevaa)
Sun King
Le Roi du Soleil
Louis XIV
L'eant, c'est moi
"the state is myself" ~ Louis XIV
Bishop Boussuet
Theocracy - King received power from God.
Kingdom under one God.
Franche comte
Burgandy conquered by Louis XIV in treaty of Nimwegen.
Treaty of Nimwegen
Ended the Dutch Wars of 1672
Universal Monarcy
what everyone feared
one monarch over everyone
Cause of 30 years' war and War of Span. Succession.
"Un roi, Un loi, Un foi"
"one king, one land, one faith" ~ Richelieu's motto and later Louis XIV's
Louis XIV's palace where nobles stayed to keep power centralized.
cult of personality/gambling
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
Louis XIV 1685 - seeking religious unity revokes the rights of the Huguenots
Civil war for rights of Parlements and nobles against mainly Cardinal Mazarin. (French)
Cardinal Mazarin
Governed whle Louis XIV was a boy.
Fought the Fronde.
Members of councils of the state and supervised laws, recruitment into the army and taxes and reported to the king.
Made by Richelieu
war of Devolution
Against Hapsburg spain for Spanish Netherlands.
Led to Franco-Dutch war because Louis XIV felt cheated by the Dutch.
Dutch War
Louis invaded Dutch lands (1672), but was later forced to sign the treaty of Nimwegen by William III
war of the League of Augsburg
William III and Leopold I (HRE) formed Grand ALliance against France.
Peace of Ryswick
Ended the war with the League of Augsburg. Lands were given out and William III finally recognized Louis XIV as King.
Charles II of Spain
Exorcised and Inbred
had no son (probably impotent)
left throne to Louis XIV's grandson.
War of Spanish Succession
"the Pyrenees exist no longer"
Bourbons ruled France and Spain - one big empire?
William of orange
Standholder in Holand, King od england, formed Grand ALliance in 1701.
Duke of Marlborough
leader of Allied forces in the war of succession.
escorted James II out of England before the Glorious revolution in 1688.
Phillip V of Spain
Bourbon, LOuis XIV's grandson.
Spanish King after war of Succession
Prince Eugene of Savory
Leader of Austria during the War of Spanish Succession
military genious
refused in France as a general but welcomed in Austria.
(really a Frenchman)
Dutch Barrier
Chain of Islands allong Amsterdam inlet
English ships hid during English-Dutch wars.
Estates General of the united Provinces
Dutch republic - Bourgeoisie "high and mightinessess" representitives had no say and were forced to vote how their provinces had dictated
Bank of Amsterdam
Gov. guarenteed safetey of money.
minted their own coins
all coins accepted for real value.
loans and checking accounts.
House of Orange
Standholders of Duch Rep. since William the Silent
William III (in England)
Married to Mary Stuart
Hatted Louis XIV
gained power in England in Bill of Rights (1689) which gave him the throne as the husband of Mary.
English-Dutch wars
3 wars - England took over new Amsterdam (now New York)
hereditary Standholder
1673-76 provinces voted to make standholder only in the house of Orange.
Hugo Grotius
"Law of War and Peace" on International Law
Baruch Spinoza
Jewish Portugese Philosopher
"god only exists as far as we beleive"
Christian Huyghens
Phisics and Math in the Dutch Rep.
Discovered Saturn's rings, telescope, and that light is a wave.
James VI of Scotland
James I in England
"the True Law of Free Monarchy"
written by James I
Kings had divine right and free from laws and customs and churches.
Tunnage and Poundage
tax according to quantity and not value.
Milenary Petition
1604 - Anglicans with puritan sympathies got rid of the hierarchy and the catholic leftovers in the Church of England, but James I refused it and it was the beginning of his disagreements with Parliament
Archbishop Laud
beleived in religious Conformity
ship money case
Charles II wanted navy in peacetime and taxed England without the Consent of Parliament
Long Parliament
1640-1660 when Charles I put down scot rebellion and needed money. he dissolved the parliament but they were re-elected and blackmailed him for rights to give him money.
Solmn league and Covenant
Passed by Parliament
Presbyterians to be the legal religion of the UK
Soldiers of Cromwell
Pride's Purge
colonel Pride, under Cromwell's command, took every Parliament member who was opposed to the execution of Charles I out of Parliament and left only those in favor.
Parliament after Pride's Purge
Fifth Monarchy Men
Thought the Apocolyspe was coming
Charles II of England
Puritan with catholic Leanings
Treaty of Dover 1670 where he allied against Dutch and agreed to re Catholicazise England
Test Act
Excluded Catholics from almsot everything state or Education related in England.
Against King in England
Came up with Exclusion Act
For King in England
Voted against Exclusion Act
Tiral of the Seven Bishops
7 bishops refused to endorse religious (Mainly Catholic) toleration under Charles II.
Prosecuted but aquitted by jury.
Battle of the boyne
1690 - William III and army beat France and ireland - England still Anglican
United Kingdom of Great Britan
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland
Act of Sttlement of 1701
no catholic King in England
Excluded "Pretenders" (decendants of James II)
Toleration Act
1689 - dissenters could practice their religion - still no rights.
Penal Code for Ireland
on Irish Catholics
weakened ireland
No rights (education, occupation, land, etc.)
Phillip II
spanish King
El escorial
Dutch Revolt and SPanish Armada
Catholic Hapsburg
Union of Utrecht
1579 - 17 Calvinist Provinces of the Dutch Republic.
Reasons for the spanish Armada
Privateers(english Pirates)
Anglican England (not Cath.)
Bloody Marry was married to Phillip II
England helped Dutch against SPain.
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
1572 - Catharine de Medici
Colgoy(huguenot leader) was shot coming to wedding in France. fearing a revolt, Catharine acted first, killing first in Paris and then spredding.
Henry of Nevaa
Calvinist Burbon
ended being best king of France
Ended war of 3 henries
Throne transfered from Valois to Burbon
other royal famliy
Henry of Guise assassinated
first ruling family of France
Henry III (valois) also assassinated.
Ferdinand II
seeking religioius uniformity in HRE.
Catholic League founder.
centralizing gov.
30 years' war.
Frederich of Palatine
Calvinist leader
centralized power in Bohemia
Defeated at the Battle of white Mountain
Christian IV
Danish king extedning control along the Baltic
Catholic League Leader
Just following orders
Edict of restitution
Centralized power/spread Catholicism
took territory from Protestants.
French Cardinal Against Hapsburgs in 30 years' war because afraid of Absolute Monarcy. took power form nobles in france - took manors and even exectuted some. mercantilist. spy network and created Intendants and Ammended the Edict of Nantes.
Battle of Rochelle
Battle where Huguenots were defeated in France, led by Cardinal Richelieu
English Class
all nobles gentry but not all gentry nobles.
more of a flexible class.
Oliver Comwell
New Model Army
Military Leader - Paid soldiers
ended as a dictator although in favor of a democracy.
soldiers loyal to King in England
Daughter of Charles VI - Austrian Monarch
was next ruling power.
Pragmatic Sanction of Austria
1713 - Asked everyone to accept maria-theresa as the queen of austria and allow her to rule.
paying of the hapsburgs to get electors to vote for them.
gave up powers and liberties.
centered in Brandenburg
Prussian ruling dynasty
Frederich Wilhelm "the Great Elector"
Lutheran and tolerant of Catholics and Protestants Welcomed other religions after Louis expelled them Built up standing army. Mercantilism Became absolutist Expanded power and consolidated
Frederich III (Frederich I, King "in" Prussia)
Elector of Brandenburg King “in” Prussia (given by HRE)Aided the HRE (Leopold I) against Louis XIV in War of Spanish Succession – was allowed “King in Prussia”Religious tolerance
Frederich Wilhelm "the Soldier King"
VERY FRUGAL and VERY MILITARY Built up military and was mercantilistTreated eldest son, next king, very harshly
Frederich II "the Great"
Loved music and art and debatably gayAfter the death of Charles IV, ignored Pragmatic Sanction and attacked Austria to take land. Although many joined forces against him, he succeeded because of great military skill from his father. Toleration to improve econ Abolished torture
Ivan the Great
First Czar
Expelled Mongols from the country.
Nobles of Russia
Ivan the Terrible
Died with no successor
Russian Time of Troubles
Zenski Sobar
Boyar assembly
Vote on next Czar
1613 - Romanovs voted into power
Micheal Romanov
first Romanov
1613 - accepted after others refused.
Romanov Czars ruled 1613-1917
Orthodox Church
reformed and insulted many people
Old beleivers
Small branch of Russian Orthodox Church.
were insulted by changes
Patriarch elected in Moscow
Moscow now third Rome
st Petersberg
Naval port = Better econ
model of new western Russia
50,000 serfs died building and filling swamp
1667 - expansion
1698- Expansion
Life tax on everyone in Russia
nobility based on who is serving in state - not based on birhright.
Trustworthy people - state service
Table of Ranks
good working = higher rank
10 territorial Governments chosen by Peter
religious control - Peter appointed head.
Alexis (Peter's son) allied with old Beleivers against father and was tortured to death.
Peter the Great's son.
St Bartholomew's day massacre
HRE forced to give protestants rights in the "letter of Majesty"
Protestant Union
All against HRE in 1608
battle of white mountain
1620 when Ferdinand II beat Frederich V.
Frederich V
Elector of Palatine
was voted to Bohemian throne and defeated at white mountain.
represented Protestants in bohemian phase.
gustavus Adolphus
King od Sweeden and a protestant leader in the 30 years' war. - sweedish phase.
Battle at which gustavus Adolphus was killed.
German Liberties
states for liberties in HRE
supported by French for uncentralized power.
Defenestration of Prague when 2 officials for the HRE were thrown out of a window for violating the Letter of Majesty and sparked the 30 years' war.
Peace of Westphalia
Ending the 30 Years' War
Burbons were new power
Calvinist rights.
Frederich the Great's palace.