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77 Cards in this Set

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A broad group that refers to a complex human organization. a collection of people bound by shared institutions , define how human relations should be conducted
Ethnic identity
specific attributes and societal institutions that make one group of people culturally different from others.
often based on customs
generally assigned at birth
not inherently political
National identity
much more consistent across various cases
more political
binds people through a common set of political aspirations
develops from an ethnic identity
basis for nationalism
ones relation to the state , a purely political identity
pride in ones state
people seek to defend and promote their state
a sovereign state encompassing one dominant nation that it claims to embody and represent
ethnic conflict
different groups struggling to acheive a certain goal at each others expense
national conflict
one or more groups develop clear aspirations for sovereignty causing problems with others as a result.
political attitudes
describe views regarding the necessery pace and scope of change between freedom and eaquality
top down view
conflict generated by elites , this could be stopped by controlling the political leaders responsible.
Bottom down view
conflict generated by long standing friction between groups . the use of outside force is effective and the conflict will burn its self out.
believe in dramatic often revolutionary change to a political system. they believe the system must be scappped and cannot be repaired. they do not believe in slow evolutionary change.
believe much can be changed for the better , favor evolutionary transformation , the system can be fixed
question weather change is neccessary question or if change is good - could it lead to unforseen outcomes.
see the system as unnacceptable and want to restore it to what once existed.
political ideologies
sets of political values regarding the fundamental goals of politics
high priority on individual economic and political freedom , politics should seek to create this for all people (freedom of speech , right of association , ) requires a state with low autonomy
liberal democracy
(considered conservative in the US because it represents the current US regime) a system of political social and economic liberies , supported by competition participation and contestation (voting)
no personal freedom- believes that without this type of government a small group of people will eventually control . they think that a liberal democracy is only for the rich
*advocates that the state controls the people as to promote prosperity
social democracy
also called socialism , private property and private ownership are allowed but there is an emphasis on economic equality to balance peoples needs.
like communism , anti-liberal . believe that there are superior and inferior people , everyone submits to a collective will or seeks to dominate (liberals and communitst see potential in every person but do not agreee on the best means to reach it )
rejects the idea of a state , sees a state as a threat to freedom , has never existed
political views fused with the nature of human views like religion . seeks to make faith a guide for politics , some of these people though reject god and are never satisfied with life .
a government with a combined religious and political leader
comprises basic institutions that help define a society . social road made and guidelines for priorities .
political culture
basic norms for political activity in a society
political economy
how economy shifts the balance of freedom and equality
the interactions between the factors of supply and demand, decrentralized and spontaneous
refers to ownership of goods and services
public goods
goods secured by the state , no one owns them (roads , schools) they generate collective equality and security
social expenditure
provided by the government , like healthcare
central bank
an institution that controls how much money is flowing through an economy (controlling interest rates)
prices rise and money looses value
more than 50% increase in prices in a month for 2 consecutive months.
rules or oders that set the boundriees of a given procedure
a single producer of a single source that can thus dominate the market and price
a group of producers that try to dominate the market together
comparative advantage
the ability to produce a good more efficiently than other countries
political economic system
this relationship in a country is made of up government and the market and their outcomes
economic system based on private ownership and free markets
laissez faire
theory that an economy should be allowed to do as it wants
social democracy
loves equality , believes in private prop , open markets, but with lots of programs provided by the government
a system of policy making , involving the state , labor and ,business
focuses on the needs of the state .
focuses on the needs of the state with low taxes and high tariffs (today)
part or full state ownership of an industry
gross domestic product
defined as the total market value of all goods and services produced within a country within 1 year , doesnt include how it is distributed
like gdp but includes income from abroad
purchasing power parity
estimates the buying power of income in each country buy comparing living costs.
gini index
formula that measures economic inequality in a society m perfectly eaqual is ZERO and freedom is 100
human development index
assesses health, education m wealth of population , the overall well being of the people and the outcome of the wealth.
the organization that maintains a monopoly of violence over a territory
the ability to carry out actions or policies within a territory independent from external actors or internal rivals
the fundamental rules and norms of politics where power should riside and how it should be used
democratic regime
emphasize a large role for public in politics + individual rights and liberties
authoritarian regime
limited role for the public in politics , power in the hands of those in power
the leadership or elite in charge of running the state , weakly institutionalized and limited by the current regime
belief that individuals bond together willingly (democracy)
security through domination , a ruler monopolizes power (authoritarian)
value of acceptance of a government by its people , it is recognized as right or proper.
charismatic legitimacy
gains support through the power and appeal of ideas , power with language, commonly dieas with the individual who posses it .often called TRADITIONAL LEGITIMACY
Rational legal legitimacy
based on a system of laws and procedures that are highly institutionalized, leaders are legit because of the rules they follow ,
signifigant powers like tax , law and security are devoted to regional bodies , helps local interest .
unitary states
political power at the national level , limited local authority - the states have more power.
the ability of the state to weild power in order to carry out basic tasks
the ability of the state to wield power independently of its people (high autonomy follows public opinion)
the deepening of international connections
the ability of states tto carry out actions or politics within a territory independently
organizations or activites that are self prepetuating and valued for their own sake.
the sturggle in any group for power , that will grant the ability for one or more persons to make decisions on behlaf of the group
comparative politics
compares the political strugle across countries
quantitative method
statistical date
qualitative method
one cannot truly understand a country or region unless he or she experiences its history and culture
how to govern
modernization theory
that eventually all countries will become capitalist democracies
the ability of an individual to act without fear or restriction by the state .
refers to a shared material standard of individuals within a community .