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45 Cards in this Set

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246. The concentration of a particular gas in a solution is determined by the solubility coefficient of the gas multiplied by
a. the partial pressure of the gas.
b. the molecular weight of the gas.
c. the diffusion coefficient of the gas.
d. Avogadro's number.
247. Based on the composition of mixed venous blood, on the average a drop of blood that passes through the systemic loop gives up about__________ of its oxygen.
a. 100 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 10 percent
248. The oxygen carrying capacity of blood is
a. affected by pH.
b. normally about 10 ml/liter.
c. determined by the Hb concentration of the blood.
d. increased by 2,3 DPG.
249. The amount of oxygen unloaded from Hb in any particular tissue is increased a. by a leftward shift of the 02 dissociation curve.
b. if the tissue is metabolically active.
c. if the tissue has a higher pH.
d. if the temperature of the tissue is decreased.
250. Most of the CO2 in arterial blood is in the form of
a. bicarbonate.
b. carbaminohemoglobin.
c. carboxyhemoglobin.
d. dissolved CO2 gas.
251. Most of the respiratory drive in a healthy person at sea level is due to
a. input from peripheral chemoreception that reflects the oxygenation of arterial blood.
b. input from central chemoreception that reflects the oxygenation of arterial blood.
c. input from lung and chest wall stretch receptors.
d. input from central chemoreceptors that reflects the CO2 content of arterial blood.
252. Neural centers that generate the basic respiratory rhythm are located in the
a. brain stem respiratory area.
b. pons.
c. hypothalamus.
d. motor cortex.
253. An inspiration is the result of
a. contraction of the smooth muscles of the diaphragm and airway.
b. contraction of the diaphragm and internal intercostals.
c. a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity.
d. a volley of action potentials traveling to respiratory muscles along the vagus nerves.
254. The retroperitoneal organs
a. are suspended from a mesentery.
b. are surrounded by peritoneum.
c. lost their connection with the peritoneum during development.
d. are outside the abdominal cavity.
255. The mesentery
a. lines the abdominal cavity.
b. suspends intraperitoneal organs.
c. separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
d. surrounds thoracic organs.
256. The myenteric plexus is
a. alternating layers of circular and longitudinal muscles.
b. an internal mucosa that consists of an epithelial layer, a basement membrane, and smooth muscularis. (yes, spell is correct)
c. autonomic vessels and nodes within the submucosa.
d. a layer of autonomic nerve fibers in the muscularly externa.
257. The two main modes of motility in the GI tract are
a. segmentation and peristalsis.
b. twitch and tetanus.
c. contraction and relaxation.
d. rapid movement and slow movement.
258. The cardiac sphincter
a. guards the entry to the stomach from the esophagus.
b. separates the stomach from the duodenum.
c. lies at the entrance to the ileum.
d. controls entry of bile into the duodenum.
259. Saliva often contains what enzyme?
a. Peptidase
b. Amylase
c. Lipase
d. Chymotrypsin
260. In the stomach, acid secretion is carried out by
a. chief cells.
b. zymogen cells.
c. D cells.
d. parietal cells.
261. Pepsinogen is
a. the inactive precursor for pepsin secreted by the stomach.
b. a protease secreted by the pancreas.
c. secreted by parietal cells of the stomach.
d. present in saliva.
262. Acidic chyme is most likely to increase secretion of the duodenal hormone
a. cholecystokinin.
b. secretin.
c. motiles.
d. gastric,
263. The presence of fat and protein in chyme is most likely to increase secretion of the duodenal hormone
a. cholecystokinin.
b. secreter.
c. motilin.
d. gastrin.
264. Which of the following hormones would stimulate gastric acid secretion?
a. Cholecystokinin
b. Secretin
c. Motilin
d. Gastrin.
265. A major effect of the hormone secreten is to
a. stimulate pepsin secretion by the stomach.
b. stimulate HCO3- secretion by the pancreas.
c. stimulate gastric motility.
d. stimulate intestinal motility.
266. A major effect of the hormone cholecystokinin is to
a. accelerate gastric emptying in the presence of a meal of fat and protein.
b. increase gastric motility during the gastric phase.
c. stimulate gastric acid secretion.
d. stimulate gall bladder contractions.
267. The pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct from the liver to form the
a. thoracic duct.
b. hepatic sinusoid.
c. hepatopancreatic ampulla.
d. hepatic duct.
268. Bile salts
a. are breakdown products of hemoglobin.
b. are responsible for the yellow color of bile.
c. function as detergents in lipid digestion.
d. are the enzymes that hydrolyze phospholipids.
269. Micelles are
a. small packets of digested lipid molecules associated with bile salts.
b. secreted by the liver.
c. enzymes for digestion of fat.
d. secretory ducts in the liver.
270. The role of colipase in digestion is to
a. emulsify fat.
b. attach pancreatic lipase to fat droplets.
c. hydrolyze triacylglycerols.
d. remove carboxy-terminal amino acids from proteins.
271. Which of the following is not a protease?
a. Trypsin
b. Chymotrypsin
c. Amylase
d. Pepsin
272. The small intestine is divided into the
a. duodenum, cecum, and ileum.
b. cecum and colon.
c, duodenum and colon.
d. duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
273. Chylomicrons are
a. found in the intestinal lymphatics (lacteals) after a meal.
b. found in intestinal capillaries after a meal.
c. generated from large fat droplets by bile salts in a process called mechanization.
d. generated by the liver from incoming fat from a meal.
274. The driving force for uptake of glucose and amino acids into intestinal epithelial cells is provided directly by
a. ATP
b. osmosis.
c. diffusion.
d. the transmembrane Na gradient.
275. The entry into the large intestine is guarded by the______________ sphincter.
a. ileocecal
b. cardiac
c. enterocolic
d. colonocecal
276. Vitamins synthesized for us by bacteria in the large intestine include a vitamin important for blood clotting called
a. vitamin A.
b. vitamin C.
c. vitamin K.
d. vitamin D.
277. The dominant hormone of the absorptive state is
a. glucagon.
b. epinephrine.
c. cortical.
d. insulin.
278. Insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells is stimulated by
a. a drop in blood glucose levels.
b. a rise in blood levels of glucose and/or amino acids.
c. an increase in blood levels of triacylglycerol.
d. release of the duodenal hormone somatostatin.
279. The major forms in which nitrogen from excess protein is eliminated are
a. ammonium and urea.
b. uric acid and ammonia.
c.creatinine and urea.
d. keto acids and amino acids.
280. A "complete" protein
a. hasn't been digested yet.
b. contains all of the amino acids that are found in human proteins.
c. contains all of the amino acids that can't be synthesized by human cells.
d. can be completely digested by pancreatic pretenses.
281. Hormone-sensitive lipase is
a.found on capillary walls of adipose tissue.
b.found in pancreatic secretion.
c. activated by insulin.
d. stimulated by glucagon and epinephrine.
282. The permissive effect of cortical applies to
a. the metabolic effects of glucagon and epinephrine.
b. the effect of insulin during the absorptive state.
c. the effect of growth hormone on growth.
d. the release of epinephrine by the adrenal cortex.
283. The ketone bodies
a. are the products of protein germination.
b. are produced by beta oxidation of fatty acids.
c. can be metabolized by the brain as part of the process of glucose sparing.
d. are produced from chylomicrons during the absorptive state.
284. The pathway of gluconeogenesis occurs in the ___________ during fasting.
a. brain
b. skeletal muscle
c. liver
d. adipose tissue
285. The dominant hormones of the postabsorptive state are
a. glucagon, epinephrine, and cortical,
b. insulin and norepinephrine.
c. growth hormone and somatostatin.
d. androgen and estrogen.
286. The renal circulation differs from that of most other tissues in that
a. there are no true capillaries.
b. there are two capillary beds in series.
c. blood flow can bypass the kidney entirely.
d. the kidney converts almost all of the plasma that comes to it into tubular fluid.
287. Juxtamedullary nephrons
a. are responsible for making concentrated urine.
b. have short loops of Henle that barely reach to the medulla.
c. are the most numerous type of nephron in humans.
d. do not serve as countercurrent multipliers.
288. The portion of the peritubular capillary bed that accompanies the loops of Henle into the renal medulla is called the
a. renal portal blood vessel.
b. afferent arteriole.
c. efferent arteriole.
d. vase recta.
289. The fraction of the cardiac output that goes to the kidneys is approximately
a. 20 percent.
b. 100 percent.
c. 50 percent.
d. 10 percent.
290. Almost all of the obligatory reabsorption of water from the nephron occurs as a result of solute reabsorption by the
a. proximal tubule.
b.distal tubule.
c. collecting duct.
d. loop of Henle.