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38 Cards in this Set

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Structural classification subcategories joints include?
Fibrous joints, Cartilaginous joints, and Synovial joints
Functional classification subcategories of joints include?
Synarthrosis (an immovable joint)
Amphiarthrosis (a slightly movable joint)
Diarthrosis (a freely movable joint)
What joints lack cartilage and a synovial cavity.
The bones are held closely together by dense irregular connective tissue?
Fibrous joints
Suture joints in the skull
and the teeth joints are what kind of joints?
Fibrous joints
What joints consist of a bar of cartilage between two bones.
They lack a synovial cavity and provide little or no movement?
Cartilaginous joints
Pubic symphysis and the intervertebral disks of the spine
are examples of what kind of joint?
Cartilaginous joints
What joints are more complex than the other two: Ligaments hold bones together to form a synovial cavity and a freely moveable joint.
Synovial joints
The two layered capsule
that encloses the synovial cavity consits of?
An outer fibrous capsule
An inner synovial membrane
The synovial membrane secretes ____ ____ which functions to reduce friction by lubricating the joint and absorbing shocks. It also supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage, while removing carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes.
synovial fluid
What are immoveable joints, like the fibrous joints of the skull?
What are slightly movable joints like the cartilaginous pubic symphysis?
What are freely moveable joints like the big “ball and socket” synovial joints of the shoulder and hip.
What are bands of dense regular C.T. (like tendons) that join one bone to another bone.
What (and tendon sheaths)
are fluid-filled structures
strategically placed to
minimize friction in some joints?
The three types of Fibrous joints are?
Suture, syndesmosis, and interosseous membrane.
A ____ is a fibrous joint composed of a thin layer of dense irregular connective tissue.
A ____ is a fibrous joint in which there is greater distance between the articulating surfaces and more dense irregular tissue than in a suture?
What is a fibrous joint which is a substantial sheet of dense irregular connective tissue that binds the neighboring long bones and permits slight movement?
Interosseous Membrane
The two types of Cartilaginous joints are?
Synchondrosis, and Symphyses
What is a cartilaginous joint in which the connecting material is hyaline cartlidge?
What is a cartilaginous joint in which the ends of the articulating bones are covered with hyaline cartilage?
There are 6 types of synovial joints based on the shapes of the articulating bone surfaces. Name the types.
Plane, Hinge, Pivot, Condyloid, Saddle, and Ball-and-Socket joints.
In a ____ joint, the articulating surface is flat or slightly curved, permitting back and forth and side-to-side
In a ____ joint, the convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another, producing an opening and closing action like a hinge.
In a ____ joint, the rounded surface of one bone articulates with a ring structure formed by another bone and a ligament (allowing
rotation around its longitudinal axis).
In a ____ joint, the articular surface of one bone is saddle-shaped. This is really a modified condyloid joint, but the range of motion is expanded to include
movement around all 3 axes.
In a ___ __ ___ joint, the ball surface of one bone fits into a cuplike depression of another bone. These joints allows the most movement of any joint.
What refers to the range, measured in degrees of a circle, through which the bones of a joint can be moved?
Range of motion (ROM)
List the six factors that affect joint contact and range of motion.
Structure or shape of the articulating bones, Strength and tension of the muscles, Arrabgement and tension of the muscles, Contact of soft parts, Hormones, and disuse.
How do Hormones effect ROM?
Relaxin increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis and loosens the ligaments between the sacrum and hip bone toward the end of pregnancy.
How do Structure or shape of the articulating bones effect ROM?
The shape of the articulating bones determines how closely they fit together.
How do strength and tension of the muscles effect ROM?
The strength and tension of the muscles and joint ligaments varies to restrict or permit certain positions.
How does Disuse effect ROM?
Movement may be restricted if a joint has not been used for an extended period.
Joint movements are grouped into four main categories. List the four categories.
Gliding, Angular movements, Rotation, and Special movements.
Relatively flat bone surfaces move back-and-forth and from side-to-side with respect to one another. What Synonial Joint Movement is this?
There is an increase or a decrease in the angle between articulating bones. What Synonial Joint Movement is this?
Angular movements
A bone revolves around its own longitudinal axis.
What Synonial Joint Movement is this?
What type of movement includes elevation, depression, protraction, retraction, inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, supination, pronation, and opposition?
Special Movements