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65 Cards in this Set

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3 tunic in vein

Tunic intima, tunic media, tunic externa

What transports blood TO the heart


What transfers blood AWAY from the heart


What is endothelium?

Lining of tissues

What is lumen

Diameter of inside vessel.

3 groups of arteries

Elastic , muscular, arterioles

Another name for elastic arteries


Another name for muscular arteries


Another name for arterioles

Resistant vessels

What does a cappilary do?

Exchange 02, nutrients, waste

What holds endothelial cells together


3 types of cappilaries

Continuous(most common),finistrated, sinusoidal (leakiest)

What allows wbc to leave circulation


Percent of blood supply in veins?


What do venous valves do

Prevent backflow

What is vascular anastomes

Connecting of extra vessels

Main artery to feed brain?


What is volume of blood through vessel

Blood flow

How much blood flow per minute?


What contributes to blood flow resistance?

Viscosity, blood vessel length, and blood vessel diameter

What is atherosclerosis

Plaquing of artery

What is arteriosclerosis

Hardening of artery

What is pulse pressure


Map formula

Distolic+pulse pressure/3

What is blood pressure in cappilary


What is BP I'm vena cava


Hypertension without any underlying cause


Hypertension with identifying conditions


What is tissue perfusion

Blood flow through tissue

What controls local vasodialtion

Nitric Oxide

What happens when MAP falls below 60 and goes above 160

Syncope / fainting

What is hydrostatic pressure

Forces fluids througj cappilary walls

What is colloid osmotic pressure

Pulls fluid into cappilary

3 types of circulatory shock

Hypovolemic, vascular, cardiogenic

Most common type of circulatory shock


Artery that feeds lungs


2 arteries that feed brain

Vertebral, and internal corotid

How many brachiocephalic veins drain into SVC


What is hepatic portal system

Carries nutrient rich blood from digestive organ to liver

Longest vein in body

Great saphones vein

Amount of interstitial fluid produced by lymph daily


What is lymph

Interstitial fluid that enters lymphatic system

What is a lacteal

Lymphatic cappilaries transport absorbed fat from sm intestine to bloodstream

What is chyle

Milky white lymph that drains througj lacteal

Right thoracic duct drains what

upper right limb and right side of head

Thoracic duct drains what

Drains rest of body

What is lymphamgitis

Enflamed lymphatic vessels, red lines, tender to touch

What veins lymphatic ducts drain into

Subclavian, internal jugular

Major lymph cells

T cells b cells and macrophage

Define antigen

Anything provoke immune response

What is principal lymphoid organ in body

Lymph node

2 main functions of lymphoid organ

Filteration, immune system acctivation

Main structures of lymph node

Cortex, medulla

Circulatory pattern of lymph node

Afferent lymphatic vessels-subscapular sinus- medullary sinus -hiliuk

What is a buboes

Swollen node, inflamed

Function and characteristics of spleen

Largest lymph organ, rbc graveyard

Function of thymus

Lacks b cells,

White and red pulp functions of spleen

White-immune functions. RED- where RBC are destroyed

4 tonsils

Palatine, linguial, pharyngeal, tubal

What are peyers patches

Clusters of lymphoid follicles, in small intestine

How does thymus differ

No follicles, doesn't fight antigens, has epithelial cells rather then reticular fibers

Arteries 1 2 3

1. Subclavian, 2. Axillary, 3. brachial

Arteries 4 5 6 7

4 radial 5 ulnar 6 deep Palmar arch 7 superficial Palmar arch

Arteries 8 9 10 11

8. Digital, 9. External illiac, 10. Femoral 11. Popliteal

Artery 12 13 14

12. Anterior tibial 13. Posterior tibial 14. Arcucate