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18 Cards in this Set

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What does the somatic nervous system innervate, how many neuron chains, and what kind of neurotransmitters?

skeletal muscle, single chain, ACh is always excitatory

What does the autonomic nervous system innervate, how many neuron chains, and what kind of neurotransmitters?

smooth and cardiac muscle and glands, two neuron chain, ACh and NE that are excitatory or inhibitory

What division of the autonomic nervous system is "resting and digesting" and which one is "fight or flight"

parasympathetic, sympathetic

What's the origin of preganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic division?

brain and sacral spinal cord

What kind of fibers does the parasympathetic division have?

long preganglionic, short postganglionic fibers

What's the origin of preganglionic fibers in the sympathetic division

thoracic and lumbar regions

What kind of fibers does the sympathetic division have?

short preganglionic, long postganglionic

What's the parabertebral ganglia and fibers that connect ganglia?

sympathetic trunk

What's all sympathetic preganglionic neurons entrance to sympathetic trunk?

white rams communicans

What carries all sympathetic preganglionic neurons from the sympathetic trunk to peripheral organs?

gray ramus communicans

What's the fiber exit route?

lateral horn, spinal nerve, white rams communicans, sympathetic trunk

What's the innervation of both sympathetic and parasympathetic in most organs?

dual innervation

What are the exceptions to dual innervation?

adrenal medulla, kidney, skin, and most muscles

What keeps vessels in a continuous state of partial constriction?

sympathetic (vasomotor) tone

What neurotransmitters in all parasympathetic postganglionic axons?


What neurotransmitters in all sympathetic postganglionic fibers?


What's the main integrative center for ANS activity?


Where does unconscious input come from on the hypothalamic center?

limbic system structures