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22 Cards in this Set

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What is an Arachnoi?
1)Mesh Web-like Structure
2)Is many thin layers to make up the whole structure
3) Used for cushioning
There are 3 answers
What can damage to the Medulla Oblangata cause?
1) Breathing to stop
2) Heart rate to stop
There are 2 answers
What does cerebrum disorder cause?
1) Hallucination
2)Loss of sensation
3) Inability to recall learned information
3 answers
What oes the brain use for food?
1) Glucose
2) Oxygen
2 answers
What is in between the layers surrounding the brain?
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
What is the "master gland"?
Pituitary Gland
What is the cerebellum associated with?
1) Coordination
2) Balance
3) Posture
4) Reflexes
4 Answers
Damage to the Cerebellum can cause what?
1) Jerky moving
2) Ataxia
2 Answers
What is the function of the medulla oblongata?
1) "Primitive"
2) Autonomic function
3) Breathing
4) Heart Rate
5) Blood Flow
5 answers
In terms of the brain.
What does "Primitive" mean?
The major goal of the brain/body:
What is concindered to be the "Little Brain"?
What is the Pia Mater?
Blood Cells
The Thalamus is associate with what?
Regulates te sensory impulses
"Relay Station"
What is the largest part of the brain?
The Hypothalamus is associated with what?
Primitive Responses
1) Temp regulation
2) Hunger
3) Thirst
4) Anger
5) Sex Drive
What is loss of coordination called?
What is the "Brain Stem"?
Medulla Oblongata
What are the ridges of the brain called?

Middle Group = Sulcus
What is the Cerebrum associated with?
1) Learning
2) Intellegence
3) Awareness
4) Communication
5) Memory
5 answers
What are the three layers surrounding the brain?
1) Duramater
2) Arachnoid
3) Pia Mater
What is the function of the Pituitary Gland?
1) Controls all other gland functions
2) Regulates hormones
3) Regulates Growth
4) Regulates metabolism
4 answers
What is proprioception?
Knowing where your body parts are without seeing them
Knowing orientation