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60 Cards in this Set

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the scientific study between organisms and their environment
evolutionary time vs. ecological time
ecological time is measured in minutes, months and years.
evolutionary time is measured in decades, centuries, millenia, and longer.
organismal ecology
is concearned with the morphological, physiological, and behavioral ways in which individual organisms meet the challenges posed by bothe their biotic and abiotic environments
all the members of species in a given area that makes up a breeding group
population ecology
concentrates on factors that determine how many individuals of a particular species live in an area
all the populations in a given area
community ecology
deals with various species liviving in an area (not just one species like _____ ecology)
units of interacting organisms and their physical environment that includes biotic and abiotic factors
In ecosystem biology there is especially present _______ and the _______ of _______
energy flow
cycling of chemicals/nutrients
abiotic factors
temp, light water
biotic factors
food, predators, prey
the global ecosystem where life exists
earth's water
earth's crust
earth's gasses
study of past and present DISTRIBUTION of individual species
major abiotic factors of the atmosphere
Temperature, Water, Sunlight, Wind,(these first 4 have to do with climate) Rock and Soil, Periodic disturbances (fires, tornadoes, etc.)(the second two have to do with the weather conditions at a particular location)
broad geographic region with characteristic plant and animal life
Marine biomes
get ready, refer back to the packet to make sure you can label the picture
Oceanic pelagic
low nutrients, open blue water, deep OCEAN
abyssal zones
low light, high nutrients, not inhabited by much life. bottom of the ocean OCEAN
intertidal zones
periodically submerged and exposed by tides(on the shore part of the picture), rocky, sandy, high oxygen levels OCEAN
coral reefs
formed by calcium carbonate skeletons of coral, high oxygen levels OCEAN
FRESHWATER develop in shallow basins, nutrient rich, support aquatic plants
rivers and streams
FRESHWATER silty bottoms, currents, more sediment
lakes and ponds
FRESHWATER different types, standing bodies of water
transitions between rivers and seas
look at lake stratification? and seasonal turnover
also look at zonation in a lake picture!!!!!!!!!
lakes that are deep and nutrient poor
these lakes are shallower and rich in nutrients
study of past and present DISTRIBUTION of individual species
major abiotic factors of the atmosphere
Temperature, Water, Sunlight, Wind,(these first 4 have to do with climate) Rock and Soil, Periodic disturbances (fires, tornadoes, etc.)(the second two have to do with the weather conditions at a particular location)
broad geographic region with characteristic plant and animal life
Marine biomes
get ready, refer back to the packet to make sure you can label the picture
Oceanic pelagic
low nutrients, open blue water, deep OCEAN
abyssal zones
low light, high nutrients, not inhabited by much life. bottom of the ocean OCEAN
intertidal zones
periodically submerged and exposed by tides(on the shore part of the picture), rocky, sandy, high oxygen levels OCEAN
coral reefs
formed by calcium carbonate skeletons of coral, high oxygen levels OCEAN
FRESHWATER develop in shallow basins, nutrient rich, support aquatic plants
rivers and streams
FRESHWATER silty bottoms, currents, more sediment
lakes and ponds
FRESHWATER different types, standing bodies of water
transitions between rivers and seas
look at lake stratification? and seasonal turnover
also look at zonation in a lake picture!!!!!!!!!
lakes that are deep and nutrient poor
these lakes are shallower and rich in nutrients
study of past and present DISTRIBUTION of individual species
major abiotic factors of the atmosphere
Temperature, Water, Sunlight, Wind,(these first 4 have to do with climate) Rock and Soil, Periodic disturbances (fires, tornadoes, etc.)(the second two have to do with the weather conditions at a particular location)
broad geographic region with characteristic plant and animal life
Marine biomes
get ready, refer back to the packet to make sure you can label the picture
Oceanic pelagic
low nutrients, open blue water, deep OCEAN
abyssal zones
low light, high nutrients, not inhabited by much life. bottom of the ocean OCEAN
intertidal zones
periodically submerged and exposed by tides(on the shore part of the picture), rocky, sandy, high oxygen levels OCEAN
coral reefs
formed by calcium carbonate skeletons of coral, high oxygen levels OCEAN
FRESHWATER develop in shallow basins, nutrient rich, support aquatic plants
rivers and streams
FRESHWATER silty bottoms, currents, more sediment
lakes and ponds
FRESHWATER different types, standing bodies of water
transitions between rivers and seas
look at lake stratification? and seasonal turnover
also look at zonation in a lake picture!!!!!!!!!
lakes that are deep and nutrient poor
these lakes are shallower and rich in nutrients