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63 Cards in this Set

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-The scientist who discovered 'jumping genes' now called transposons.
Recombination DNA
-This contains DNA sefements or genes from different sources.
-These fragments migrate further through the gel in the method of gel electrophoresis.
-The taking up of DNA from the fluid surrounding a cell.
-The process of DNA exchange through the union of bacteria cells.
DNA Ligase
-An enzyme that pastes and stabilizies the two recombinant strands together.
-The charge of a DNA molecule due to the phosphate groups.
Binary Fission
-The process by which a bacteria cell reproduces.
-These fragments produce a unique DNA fingerprint for every individual.
-This carries the genes for making sex pili and other things needed for conjugation.
-Provice bacteria with resistance against
Synthetic Primers
-These are used during plymerase chain reaction methods to initate replication at specific nucleotide sequences.
-These enzymes are used during recombinant techology to cut up DNA.
-The transfer of bacterial genes by a virus of phage.
A small, circular DNA molecule separate from the much larger bacterial chromosome.
-Means that the DNA nucleotide sequence is being transcribed and then translated into a protein
-Only in prokaryotes
Gene Expression
-The process ofgenetic information going from genes to proteins
-genotype to phenotype
-Only in prokaryotes
-Only in prokaryotes
-Cluster of genes with a related function that are turned on or off together
lac Operon
-Only in Prokaryotes, E. Coli
-Cluster of genes that must be expressed to break down lactose
-Turned on by presence of lactose
-Turned off by a repressor when lactose is not present
-Only in prokaryotes
-Where RNA polymerase attaches and initiates transcription
-Regulatory regions/control sequences
-O Region
-Only in prokaryotes
-Where determines whether or not the RNA polymerase can attach to the promoter and start transcription
-Regulatory regions/control sequences
-Only in prokaryotes
-Transcription is turned off when present
-Binds to operator and blocks the attached of RNA polymerase to the promotor, no transcription
-No Transcription
trp Operon
-Only in prokaryotes, E. Coli
-Produces enzymes that make the amino acid tryptophan
-Regulatory genes produce an inactive repressor that does not bind to the operator
-RNA polymerase transcribes the enzymes and tryptophan is produced
-Transcription is turned off when tryptophan is present
-Tryptophan binds to repressor, making it active and binds to operator to stop transcription
-Prokaryotes differ from Eukaryotes because eukaryotes are specialized.
Cellular Differentiation
-No operons, Eukaryotic cells
-Specialized Cells
-Gene regulation
-As zygote matures, cells make different proteins by activating different genes
-cells still remain at original 'genetic potential'
-Impairs the ability of a lac operator to bind to repressor
Eukaryotic Cells
-No operons, genes controlled individually
DNA Packaging
-Chromosome contains double helix, wound around a cluster of histone proteins, forms a string of beads (nucleosomes), then folds and coils DNA further
-Precents gene expression by precenting RNA polymerase and other transcription proteins from contacting the DNA
-At nucleosome level, they participate int eh short-term switching on and off of genes
-For genes to be transcribed, they must loosen grip on DNA
-for longterm, cells use higher levels of packing such as highly compacted chromatin found during metaphase
X-Chromosome Inactivation
-In female mammals, one of the two X Chromosomes in each somatic cell does not uncoil into chromatin.
-Some cells will express one X, the other cells will express the other.
-All cells of the female are not functionally identical.
Barr Body
-In X-Chromosome Inactiviation, one X chromosome remains coiled as a dark, compact body
-Most of the genes are not expressed nor do they interact with their respect alleles on the X chromosome that is expressed.
Regulatory Proteins
-Control 'on' or 'off' by binding to DNA and turning transcription
-Each has own individual promoter and control sequences
Transcription Factors
-Turning 'on' a eukaryotic gene involves regulatory proteins in addition to RNA polymerase
-Activators bind to DNA sequence which is located far from the genes they regulate and function to initiate transcriptionq
-Repressors bind the DNA sequence which function to inhibit the start of transcription
RNA Processing
-RNA splicing and alternative spicing (introns and exons)
-Packaging, Transcription Factors (Enhancers and Silencers), and RNA Processing (introns and exons)
-The lifetime of an mRNA molecule helps determine how much protein is made, as do protein facotrs involved in translation
Homeotic Gene
-Blue print for human body
-A master control gene that regulates other genes that actually create the anatomical identity of parts of the body
-cell to cell signaling is key for development
Signal-Transduction Pathways
-a series of molecular changes that convert a signal/message on a target cell's surface into a specific response inside the cell
1. Fertilized Egg
2. Homeotic Gene "master gene"
3. Signal Transduction "communication"
4. Growth
Cancer Cells
-Divide uncontrollably
-Result from mutations in genes whose proteins products regulate the cell cycle
-A normal cell that promotes cell division
-a mutation can change into an oncogene
-Causes a cell to divide uncontrollably
Tumor-Suppressor Genes
-Mutations can inactivate which then causes excess cell disvision, creating a tumor
-Proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes both code for proteins actice in signal-transduction pathways regulating cell division
-Mutations of these genes can cause malfunction of the pathway
-Other cancer-causing mutations impair the cell's ability to repair damaged DNA allowing other mutations to accumulate
-Prokaryotic Cells
-Lack Nucleus, organelles, microtubules, and centrioles
-Single, circular DNA
-Reproduce by Binary Fission
-Carries genes that are beneficial but not eddential to the bacteria's survival and replicate independently
-Short circular DNA moelcules separate from the larger chromosome
F plasmid / F factor
-Contains genes that enable a bacterium to produce a pili needed for conjugation, also contains an origin of replication
R Plasmids
-Provide bacteria with resistance against antibiotics
-Bacteria absorb DNA from their surroundings
-New DNA is introduced into the bacteria from a virus/phage (the DNA is from the virus' previous host cell)
-The process of DNA exchange through the union of bacteria cells, "mating"
-"male" donor cell has sex pili, one attaches to "female"
-Cytoplasm forms a mating bridge, connects the cells
-Chromosomal or plasmid DNA is sent to recipient cell
-When DNA is received, it has the ability to become a donor cell
Recombinant DNA
-DNA that contains segments/genes from different sources
-Can be formed naturally through transduction, transformation, conjugation or artificially through DNA technology
Recombinant DNA Technology
-Uses restriction enzymes to cut up DNA at a sequence of nucleotides
-Cut across double-stranded DNA, usually staggered, produces fragments
-Has one that extends beyond complementary, called sticky end.
-Fragments produced insert into a pasmid treated with same restriction enzyme, two sticky ends, base pairing
-DNA ligase will then stabilize
DNA Ligase
-Stabilizes fragments of recombinant DNA
Gel Electrophoresis
-Restriction fragments can be separated using a method
-Different length fragments are separated as they diffuse through a gelatinous material under the influence of an electric field
-DNA is negative (due to phosphate group) and moves towards the positive electrode
-Shorter fragments migrate further than longer, heavier ones
-Number of fragments and sizes reflect sequence in DNA
-Fragments differe in length, slight differences in DNA sequences of Gel Electrophoresis
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
-Used in applications such as DNA dingerprinting, species anlysis, evolutionary studies, forensics, etc.
Complementary DNA
-When new, foreign genes are introduced, the introns prevent transcription.
-Obtain mRNA (after RNA Processing) that codes for the desired polypeptide and use reverse transcriptase to make the DNA from mRNA
Polymerase Chain Reaction
-Method which can clone any DNA segment in a test tube any number of times without using living cells
-Uses DNA polymerase directly and synthetic primers to intiate replication at specific nucleotide sequences