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27 Cards in this Set

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the totality of an organism's chemical processes
catabolic pathways
degradative process that release energy by breakind down complex molecules to simpler compounds
anabolic pathways
consume energy to build complicated molecules from simpler ones
kinetic energy
energy of motion, energy doing work
potential energy
stored energy that has the capacity to do work
the study of the energy transformations that occur in collection of matter
closed system
collection of matter under study which is isolated from its surroundings
open system
system in which energy can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
a quantitative measure of disorder or randomness, symbolized by S
bond energy
the quantity of energy that must be absorbed to break a particular kind of chemical bond; equal to the quantity of energy the bond releases when it forms
spontaneous reaction
a reaction where the free enery of a system decreases
free energy
the portion of a system's energy that can perform work when temperature is uniform throughout the system
exergonic reaction
proceeds with a net release of free energy, delta G is negative
endergonic reaction
absorbs free energy from its surroundings, delta G is positive
delta G equals zero, can do no work
a chemical agent that changes the rate of a reaction without being consumed by the reaction
catalytic proteins
activation energy
the energy required to break bonds in the reactant molecules
the reactant an enzyme acts on
active site
the restricted region of the enzyme molecule where the enzyme bonds to the substrate
induced fit
allows the enzyme to change its state so the active site and substrate fit snugly
nonprotein helpers of enzymes for catalytic activity
an organic molecule that is a cofactor
competitive inhibitors
resemble the normal substrate molecule and reduce the productivity of enzymes by blocking the active site
noncompetitive inhibitors
impede ezymatic reactions by binding to a part of the enzyme away from the active site
if an enzyme has two or more subunits and one substrate molecule activates the other subunits
feedback inhibition
when a metabolic pathway is switched off by its end product