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35 Cards in this Set

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• Light Microscopes
visible light
o Magnification- ratio of an object’s image size to its real size
o Resolution→ measure of the clarity of the image
• Electron Microscope (two kinds)
can see organelles- uses electrons instead of light

o Scanning electron microscope- shows the surface of a specimen
o Transmission electron microscope- shows the inside of a specimen

o Electron microscopes kill the specimen while light microscopes don’t
• ALL CELLS have what?
plasma membrane

cytosol (cytoplasm)


Bacteria or Archaea

o DNA is in a designated region (nucleoid) and its not membrane bound
o No membrane bound organelles
o Smaller than eukaryotics→ bigger ratio of surface area to volume
o Circular chromosome of DNA
• Protists, fungi, animals, plants

o Nuclear envelope covers the nucleus and the DNA
o Membrane bound organelles
o Bigger than prokaryotic cells
o Linear chromosome of DNA
surface area to volume ratio
o You want a big surface area and small volume to make an efficient cell
o When cells get too big they don’t have enough surface area to support their large volume- that’s why they splits
o This is why cells are small
o You want a high surface area to volume ratio so the cell can efficiently exchange enough materials to support itself
Parts of a prokaryotic cell
• Pili→ used for movement, sticking to things, and bacterial conjugation
• Nucleoid→ region where the cell’s DNA is located (not membrane enclosed)
• Ribosomes
• Plasma membrane→ encloses the cytoplasm
• Cell wall→ rigid structure outside of plasma membrane
• Capsule→ jelly like outer coating on some prokaryotes
• Flagella→ used for movement on some prokaryotes
• Bacterial chromosome

plasmids--> small circle of DNA with 3-5 genes in it- separate from bacterial DNA - used in plasmid conjugation
Parts of an Animal cell
• Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)→ network of membranous sacs and tubes- used for transportation
o Rough ER→ has ribosomes attached to it
o Smooth ER→ no ribosomes attached to it
• Flagellum→ used for movement on some eukaryotes- made of microtubules
• Centrosome→ region where the cell’s microtubules are initiated- contains a pair of centrioles (function unknown)
• Cytoskeleton→ like the bone structure of the cell- used for structure, shape, movement- made of proteins
o Microfilaments- solid
o Intermediate filaments
o Microtubules- hollow
o Microvilli→ increases the cell’s surface area
• Peroxisome→ organelle with different metabolic functions→ produces hydrogen peroxide
• Mitochondria→ cellular respiration, generates ATP, generates energy
• Lysosome→ digestive organelle where macromolecules are broken down
• Golgi apparatus→ modifies sorts and secretes cell products
• Ribosomes→ make proteins- not membrane bound
• Plasma membrane→ encloses the cell
• Nucleus
o Nuclear envelope→ double membrane enclosing the nucleus- has pores where RNA comes out of- connected to the ER
o Nucleolus→ not membrane bound- involved in producing ribosomes
o Chromatin→ material consisting of DNA and proteins- visible as individual chromosomes during mitosis
• Parts of animal cell that aren’t in plant cells→ Lysosomes, centrioles, flagella
Parts of Plant cell
• Nucleus
o Nuclear envelope
o Nucleolus
o Chromatin
• Centrosome→ where the microtubules originate- no centrioles in plant cells
• Golgi apparatus
• Mitochondria
• Peroxisome
• Plasma Membrane
• Cell wall→ outer layer that maintains cell shape and protects cell from damage- made of cellulose
• Plasmodesmata→ channels through the cell wall that connect the cell to the cytoplasms of adjacent cells
• Chloroplast→ where photosynthesis happens
• Cytoskeleton
o Microfilaments- solid
o Microtubules- hollow
o Intermediate filaments
• Central vacuole→ huge organelle- used for storage, breakdown of waste products, breakdown of macromolecules- bigger vacuoles make plant cells grow
• Ribosomes
• ER (rough and smooth)
• Parts of plant cell that aren’t in animal cells→ chloroplasts, vacuole, cell wall, plasmodesmata
• Nuclear envelope

nuclear lamina

nuclear matrix
o Encloses the nucleus
o Double membrane (lipid bilayer)
o Has pores for MRNA and other stuff to go in and out of
o Nuclear lamina→ array of protein filaments that maintain the nucleus’ shape
o Nuclear matrix→ framework of fibers throughout the nucleus’ interior that maintains shape
• Chromosomes
o Chromosomes are made out of chromatin (protein with DNA wrapped around it)
o Humans have 46 chromosomes
o Human sex cells have 23 chromosomes

hold DNA
• Nucleolus
o Makes ribosomal RNA (rRNA- which makes ribosomes when combined with proteins)
o Sometimes there are two or more nucleoli

inside the nucleus
• Ribosomes→ made of rRNA and protein
• Carry out protein synthesis
• Not membrane enclosed
• Free ribosomes→ float around in the cytoplasm- make proteins that function in the cytosol
• Bound ribosomes→ attached to the rough ER or nuclear envelope- make proteins that have a specific destination or need to be sent outside of the cell
• Bound and free ribosomes can switch places- cell adjusts number of bound and free ribosomes according to need
Endomembrane system
nuclear envelope, ER, Golgi, lysosomes, vacuoles, plasma membrane

network of membranes used for transportation, protein synthesis, metabolism/movement of lipids, detoxification of poisons
• Vesicles
sacs made of membrane that travel between membranes to help connect them
• ER
o ER accounts for more than half of the total membrane in eukaryotic cells
o Made of network of tubules and sacs called cisternae
o ER lumen/cisternal space (internal compartment of the ER)
• ER membrane separates ER lumen/cisternal space from the cytoplasm
o Nuclear envelope is connected to ER membrane and ER lumen
o Rough ER and Smooth ER
• Functions of Smooth ER
o Helps with lipid synthesis, carb metabolism, detoxification of poisons
o Enzymes in smooth ER synthesize lipids like oils, phospholipids, and steroids- makes sex hormones
o Adds hydroxyl groups to toxins so they can be easily flushed through the body- liver cells have lots of smooth ER
o Stores calcium ions
• Muscle cells have smooth ER that pump calcium ions from the cytosol into the ER lumen- when the muscle cell gets stimulated by a nerve cell it moves the calcium ions back across the ER membrane into the cytosol which trigger contraction of the muscle cell
• In other cells calcium ion movement can trigger other responses
• Functions of rough ER
o Makes secretory proteins and membranes
o Bound ribosomes make proteins that have a specific destination- uses the ER to transport the proteins
o Glycoproteins→ proteins that have carbs covalently bonded to them- most secretory proteins made in the rough ER are glycoproteins
• Secretory proteins leave the ER in vesicles that grow and bud off of the transitional ER
• Transport vesicles→ vesicles in transit from one part of the cell to another
o ER makes more membrane and expands
• Grows in place by adding membrane proteins and phospholipids to its own membrane
• ER makes its own membrane phospholipids
• Makes membranes (ex: makes lysosome membranes)
• Golgi Apparatus
o Modifies packages and ships proteins for transport
o Made of cisternae (flattened membrane sacs)
o Two poles of the Golgi- cis and trans
• Cis→ closer to the ER
• Transport vesicles enter the golgi through the cis side
• Trans→ closer to cell membrane
• Packaged proteins exit the golgi through the trans side
o Proteins are modified as they move from the cis to the trans side
o Golgi also makes polysaccharides
o Cisternal maturation model→ theory that the cisternae of the Golgi actually progress from the cis to the trans side
o Golgi adds molecular “identification tags” like phosphate groups which tell the packaged proteins where to go
o Vesicles that come off of the Golgi also have “molecular identification tags” that tell them where to put the protein
• Lysosomes
o Lysosomes→ sac of digestive enzymes used to digest and break down stuff
o Lysosomes are acidic so lysosome enzymes work best in acidic conditions
o Rough ER makes hydrolytic enzymes and lysosome membrane
o Phagocytosis→ eating something else
• Lysosomes digest food vacuoles full of stuff like simple sugars
• Macrophages (type of white blood cell) eat bacteria
o Autophagy→ lysosomes break down damaged organelles
• Lysosomes use their hydrolytic enzymes to break down damaged cell parts
• Helps recycle the cell’s organic material
• Vacuoles
o Plant and fungi cells have one or several vacuoles
o Break things down, store things
o Food vacuoles→ formed by phagocytosis, hold food
o Contractile vacuoles→ freshwater protists use these to pump excess water out of the cell
o Central vacuole→ plant cells have a big central vacuole enclosed by a membrane called the tonoplast- derived from the ER and the golgi
• Tonoplast is a selective membrane- controls what goes in and out
• Holds reserves of organic compounds like proteins and inorganic compounds like K and Cl
• Stores things that would be dangerous/poisonous if kept floating in the cytosol
• Contains pigments that color the cell
• Contains poisonous compounds that are poisonous to predators
• Major contributor to cell growth
BOTH mitochondria and chloroplast
• Membrane enclosed but they’re not part of the endomembrane system

• Both organelles have at least two membranes separating the innermost space from the cytosol
o Their membrane proteins are made by free ribosomes in the cytsol and by their own ribosomes-- not the ER

• Both organelles have their own DNA and their own ribosomes
o Grow and reproduce within the cell
cellular respiration, makes ATP from sugars/fats/oxygen
o In both plant and animal cells

o Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells including plants animals fungi protists
o Motile and contractile cells have more mitochondria than others
o They move around and reproduce on their own
o Enclosed by two phospholipid bilayer membranes
o Outer membrane is smooth, inner membrane has lots of folds (called cristae)
o Cristae divides mitochondria into two compartments
• Intermembrane space→ region between inner and outer membranes
• Mitochondrial matrix→ enclosed by the inner membrane
• Has enzymes and mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes
• Enzymes catalyze cellular respiration
• Cristae in the matrix increases surface area which enhances cellular respiration productivity (example of structure fitting function)

Four layers...

Inter membrane space
Outer membrane
• Chloroplasts
• Chloroplasts→ only in plants and algae- use the sun to make sugars from water and CO2

o Chloroplasts belong to the family of plant organelles called plastids
• Amyloplasts→ colorless plastids that store starch→ in roots and tubers
• Chromoplasts→ colorful plastids (chloroplasts are in this category)
o Thylakoids→ flat membranous system inside a chloroplast
o Granum→ stack of thylakoids
o Stroma→ fluid outside the thylakoids
• Contains chloroplast DNA and ribosomes and enzymes
o Membranes separate chloroplast into three regions
• Intermembrane space, stroma, thylakoid space
o Reproduce, grow, and move on their own
• Peroxisomes
o Bounded by a single membrane
o Metabolic function
o Has enzymes that combine hydrogen from various substrates with oxygen (makes H2O2)
o Some peroxisomes use oxygen to break fatty acids into smaller molecules that can be transported to mitochondria
o Peroxisomes in liver detoxify alcohol and other toxins by making H2O2
o Peroxisome also has catalase in it so it can break down the H2O2 because that’s also poisonous
o Glyoxysomes→ kind of peroxisome found in fat storing tissue of plant seeds→ has enzymes that convert fatty acids into sugar to use as energy for the seed
o Not connected to the endomembrane system
o Grow larger by taking proteins from the cytosol, lipids from the ER, and lipids from itself and building itself up
o Can split in two to reproduce
• Cytoskeleton
network of fibers that give the cell shape, structure, and method of transportation for molecules

Microtubules microfilaments intermediate fibers

• Important in animal cells b/c they don’t have cell walls
• Provides anchorage for enzymes and organelles
• Changes shape all the time- disassembles and reassembles itself
• Hollow, made of tubulin
• Thickets
• Maintains cell shape (compression)
• Moves cilia and flagella
• Arranged in a ring with nine microtubules on the outside and two cross sections of microtubules in the inside (9+2 pattern)- shaped like a wagon wheel
• Basal body→ anchors the cilia/flagella to the cell- looks like a centriole
• Dynein→ motor protein that connects the microtubules in cilia/flagella- moves the cilia/flagella
• Serve as tracks for intercellular transportation
• Moves organelles
• Moves chromosomes in cell division
• Grow from the centrosome and centrioles
• Solid, made of actin
• Thinnest
• Maintains cell shape (tension)
• Changes cell shape
• Muscle contraction
• Cytoplasmic streaming- filaments contract and move cytoplasm around
• Speeds up the distribution of materials within the cell
• Cell motility (pseudopodia) aka cell “foot”
• Actin filaments move cytoplasm around which moves the foot around
• White blood cells and amoeba have pseudopodia
• Cell division (makes the cleavage furrow)
• Make up microvilli- microvilli increase the cell’s surface area- intestine cells
• Important component of muscle cells
• Myosin→ motor protein that connects microfilaments in muscle cells
• Muscle cells contract when the actin and myosin filaments slide past each other
o Intermediate filaments
• Made of proteins from the keratin family
• Middle in shape
• Maintain cell shape (tension)
• Anchors nucleus and organelles to the cytoskeleton
• Forms nuclear lamina
• Don’t disassemble and reassemble like filaments and tubules do- more permanent
• Permanent component of a cell’s skeleton
importance of cytoskeleton in cell motility
o Motor proteins→ interact with cytoskeleton to move the cell
• Move the cilia and flagella and muscle cells
o Vesicles “walk” along the cytoskeleton “monorails”→ used for transportation
o Cytoplasmic streaming→ Cytoskeleton contracts which moves the cytoplasm around→ another way to transport things in the cell
• Cell Wall
o Only in plant cells and some prokaryotes, fungi, and protists
o Maintains cell shape, rigid, prevents excessive uptake of water
o Makes the cell rigid which helps the plant resist gravity and fall over
o Thicker than cell membranes
o Made of Microfibrils made of cellulose
• Components of cell wall
o Primary cell wall→ young plant cells grow this first- its thin and flexible
o Middle lamella→ between primary walls of adjacent cells (plant cells are connected to each other)- rich in pectins (a sugar)- holds cells together
o Secondary cell wall→ between plasma membrane and primary wall
• Wood has lots of secondary cell walls
o Plasmodesmata (holes that connect plant cells together)
o Extracellular matrix
mostly made of collagen which is a glycoprotein (protein covalently bonded to a carb)
o Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body
o ECM connects animal cells together
o Proteoglycans→ form a network that holds the collagen fibers
o Collagen and Fibronectin→ glycoproteins that attach cells to the ECM
o Integrins→ anchor collagen and fibronectin ECM fibers to the cell- found in the cell’s plasma membrane- attaches cell to the ECM
• Help the cell communicate with other cells
• Intercellular junctions
points of direct physical contact in cells

• Tight Junctions
• Membranes of neighboring cells are tightly pressed against each other
• Forms seals around cells- prevents cell leakage

• Desmosomes
• Functions like rivets- lock cells together

• Gap Junctions
• Like plasmodesmata
• Provide cytoplasmic channels from one cell to another
• Helps with intercellular communication

o Plasmodesmata→ in plants
• Channels in the cell wall that connect plant cells to each other
• Cytosol passes through the plasmodesmata and connects neighboring cells
Where do bacteria carry out cellular respiration
in the mesosome (inward folding of their plasma membranes)

increases the surface area and therefore metabolic productivity