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87 Cards in this Set

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• Gene idea
parents pass on discrete heritable genes to offspring
• True breeding
homozygous→ when the parent self fertilizes and gives rise to offspring that are exactly alike

• Mendel only used true breeding plants
• Hybridization
• Hybridization→ crossing of two true breeding varieties
• P generation
• P generation→ parental generation
• F1 generation
• F1 generation→ offspring of parental generation
• F2 generation
• F2 generation→ offspring of F1 generation
• Mendel’s model
• Mendel identified the concept of dominant and recessive traits
o Explains why traits can disappear in one generation and reappear in the next generation

Mendel's model

o Alternative versions of genes account for variations in inherited characters
• Ex: flower color in pea plants exists in two versions→ one version for purple and one version for white

o For each character an organism inherits two alleles, one from each parent

o If the two alleles at a locus differ, then the dominant allele determines the organism’s appearance and the recessive allele has no noticeable effect

• Law of segregation→ the two alleles for a heritable character separate during gamete formation and end up in different gametes
• Homozygous
→ having a pair of identical alleles for a gene
o True breeding
• Heterozygous
having two different alleles for a gene
o not true breeding
• Phenotype
• Phenotype→ an organism’s traits
• Genotype
• Genotype→ an organism’s genetic makeup
• Testcross
• Testcross→ the breeding of a recessive homozygote with an organism of dominant phenotype but unknown genotype will determine the genotype of the organism with the dominant phenotype
• Monohybrids
• Monohybrids→ being heterozygous for one character
• Monohybrid cross
• Monohybrid cross→ cross between two monohybrids
• Dihybrid
• Dihybrid→ being heterozygous for two characters
• Law of independent assortment
• Law of independent assortment-→ each pair of alleles segregates independently of other pairs of alleles during gamete formation
o If you have RrWw the R’s will separate independently of the W’s (and vis versa)
• Spectrum of dominance
• Spectrum of dominance→ alleles can show different degrees of dominance and recessiveness in relation to each other
o Complete dominance
o Incomplete dominance
o Codominance
• Complete dominance
• Complete dominance→ when one allele is completely dominant over the other→ extreme end of the spectrum of dominance
• Codominance
• Codominance→ when the two alleles both affect the phenotype in separate distinguishable ways (ex: roan colored cattle) → neither allele is dominant→ the other extreme end of the spectrum of dominance
• Incomplete dominance
• Incomplete dominance→ when both alleles blend together so the offspring doesn’t look like the parent (ex: pink flowers RW)→ middle of the spectrum of dominance
Relation between dominance and phenotype
• Dominant alleles and recessive alleles are both expressed- it’s just that the dominant trait dominates the recessive trait and masks the recessive trait’s effect

• Dominant alleles are dominant b/c their phenotype is dominant to the recessive phenotype

• In diseases that occur b/c of a double recessive, it’s only a disease b/c the combined effects of both recessive traits are harmful, compared to the effects of just one recessive trait which isn’t harmful
• Pleiotropy
• Pleiotropy-→ when a gene has multiple phenotypic effects
• Epistasis
• Epistasis→ when a gene at one locus alters the phenotypic expression of a gene at a second locus

o When genes influence each other

o Ex: Mice have genes that code for color, but another gene codes for whether or not the mice will have pigmentation in their fur

• If a mouse is Aa bb and bb means it doesn’t have pigmentation that means the mouse is albino, even though it has genes that code for black coloring

• The pigmentation gene influences the color gene
o Quantitative characters
o Quantitative characters→ characteristics that vary along a continuum (example: height, skin color, etc. ) there are tons of possible phenotypes
o Polygenic inheritance
o Polygenic inheritance→ when two or more genes affect a single phenotypic character
o Pleiotropy
o Pleiotropy→ when a single gene affects several phenotypic characters
• Norm of reaction
• Norm of reaction→ a genotype is associated with a range of phenotypic possibilities due to environmental influences
• Multifactorial
• Multifactorial→ many factors, both genetic and environmental, influence phenotype
Mendel has two laws
• Mendel has two laws→ law of segregation, law of independent assortment
• Pedigree
• Pedigree→ chart depicting relationships between parents and children across generations
• Pedigrees predict the future
• Carriers
• Carriers-→ heterozygotes- b/c they can transmit their recessive allele to future generations

• Most genetic disorders are caused by recessive alleles

• Heterozygotes are normal in phenotype because the normal allele produces enough normal protein to overpower the abnormal allele- the recessive abnormal allele is still expressed

• Heterozygous people for sickle cell have normal and abnormal blood cells- they’re codominant
Mating of close relatives
• If two people are close relatives, the probability of them passing on recessive traits to their offspring increases greatly b/c they share similar ancestors
• Consanguineous matings (matings between close relatives)
• People with recent common ancestors are more likely to carry the same recessive alleles in comparison to unrelated people
Dominantly inherited disorders
• Dominantly inherited disorders are unlikely to be lethal- if they were lethal the person would die before they can pass their gene to their offspring

o If they are lethal- the person usually doesn’t experience symptoms until he/she is older

• Recessively inherited disorders are more likely to be lethal b/c they can be passed through generations through heterozygous healthy people

the minority of genetic diseases are dominant
Multifactorial Disorders
• Most diseases have a multifactorial basis→ influenced by genes and significant environmental influence
• Lifestyle can influence your risk for disease
• Chromosome theory of inheritance
o Genes have specific loci on chromosomes and it is the chromosomes that undergo segregation and independent assortment

• Behavior of homologous chromosomes during meiosis accounts for the segregation of the alleles at each gene locus to different gametes

• Behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and random fertilization accounts for the diversity in phenotype

• Specific genes belong on specific chromosomes
• Thomas Hunt Morgan
provided the first solid evidence associating a specific gene with a specific chromosome

• Morgan studied abnormal white eyed fruit flies in comparison to normal red eyed fruit flies

• Found that the wild type allele (red eyes) is dominant

• Found that the white eyed trait only appeared in males

• Realized that the gene that coded for eye color was located exclusively on the X chromosome

• Provided evidence for the chromosome theory of inheritance → a specific gene is carried on a specific chromosome
• Wild type→
• Wild type→ normal phenotype for a character- the phenotype most common in natural populations
• Linked genes
• Linked genes→ genes located on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited together

• Morgan realized that the genes for body color and wing size in fruit flies are usually inherited together in specific combinations b/c the genes are located on the same chromosome

• But linked genes are not always inherited together b/c of genetic recombination
• Genetic recombination
• Genetic recombination→ the production of offspring with combinations of traits differing from those found in either parent
• Parental types
• Parental types→ offspring that inherit a phenotype that matches one of the parental phenotypes
• Recombinant types/Recombinants
• Recombinant types/Recombinants→ offspring that inherit combinations of genes that are different from the parents

o For example a yellow round pea crosses with a green wrinkled pea and produces a yellow wrinkled pea→ the yellow wrinkled pea doesn’t look like the parent

o Frequency of recombination→ ex: if 50% of offspring are recombinants, there’s a 50% frequency of recombination

• The physical basis for recombination between unlinked genes is the random orientation of homologous chromosomes at metaphase I of meiosis and crossing over
• Crossing over
mixes genes up so that not all offspring will look like the parent

o Breaks the physical connection between genes on the same chromosome

o Accounts for recombination of linked genes

o Occurs during Prophase 1 of Meiosis

o One maternal and one paternal chromatid break at corresponding parts and rejoin with each other to form two completely new chromosomes

o Recombination frequency is related to the distance between linked genes
• Genetic map
• Genetic map→ ordered list of the genetic loci along a particular chromosome
• Sturtevant developed a method for constructing a genetic map
• Sturtevant hypothesized that recombination frequencies depend on the distance between genes on a chromosome

• Predicted that genes that are far apart are more likely to cross over and have a higher recombination frequency
o The greater the distance between two genes the more points there are between them where crossing over can occur
• Linkage map
• Linkage map→ genetic map based on recombination frequencies

• But the frequency of crossing over is not actually uniform over the length of a chromosome as Sturtevant assumed – so map units do not correspond with physical distances
Map unit
• Morgan developed the concept of a Map unit→ 1 map unit= 1% recombination frequency

• But the frequency of crossing over is not actually uniform over the length of a chromosome as Sturtevant assumed – so map units do not correspond with physical distances
• Cytogenetic maps
• Cytogenetic maps→ locate genes with respect to chromosomal features like stained bands that can be seen with a microscope
• SRY gene
• SRY gene→ required for the development of testes
o In the absence of SRY the gonads develop into ovaries
• Sex linked genes
• Sex linked genes→ genes located on sex chromosomes
o Most sex linked genes are on the X chromosome
• More males have sex linked diseases than females b/c males only need one recessive allele to express the disease while females need two recessive alleles
X inactivation in Female Mammals
• Even though females have two X chromosomes, one of them becomes inactivated during embryonic formation
o This way, females and males are affected by the X chromosome in the same way b/c both females and males have only one active X chromosome
• Barr Body
• Barr Body→ the inactive X chromosome in female cells condenses into a Barr Body
o Lies along the inside of the nuclear envelope
o Most of the genes of the X chromosome that forms the Barr body are not expressed
• Mary Lyon
• Mary Lyon→ demonstrated that selection of which X chromosome will form the Barr body occurs randomly and independently in each embryonic cell present at the time of X inactivation

o So females have two kinds of cells- ones with an active maternal X chromosome and ones with an active paternal X chromosome

o After an X chromosome is inactivated in a particular cell, all mitotic descendants of that cell have the same inactive X

o So if a female is heterozygous for a sex linked trait, half of her cells will express the disease
• Ex: multicolored cats
• Nondisjunction
• Nondisjunction→ when homologues do not move apart properly during meiosis I or when sister chromatids do not move apart properly during meiosis II
o One gamete receives two of the same type of chromosome and the other gamete receives no copy of the chromosome
• Aneuploidy
• Aneuploidy→ when an offspring has an abnormal number of a particular chromosome
• Trisomic
• Trisomic→ when an offspring has three copies of the same chromosome
• Monosomic
• Monosomic→ when an offspring is missing a chromosome
• Polyploidy
• Polyploidy→ having more than two complete chromosome sets

o Polyploidy is common in plants
o Polyploidy does not occur as often in animals- but more likely in fish and amphibians

• Polyploids are more normal looking than aneuploids- one extra or missing chromosome disrupts genetic balance more than does an entire set of chromosomes
o Triploidy
o Triploidy→ 3n- 3 chromosome sets
• Forms when an abnormal diploid egg produced by nondisjunction unites with a normal sperm
o Tetraploidy
o Tetraploidy→ 4n- 4 chromosome sets
• Forms when a zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes
Alternations of Chromosome Structure
• Mistakes can happen during crossing over




• Deletion
• Deletion→ when a chromosomal fragment lacking a centromere is lost
o So the affected chromosome is missing genes
o Deletions delete segments
• Duplication
• Duplication→ when a deleted fragment attaches as an extra segment to a sister chromatid
o The affected sister chromatid has double the amount of those genes
o Duplications repeat segments
• Inversion
• Inversion→ when a chromosomal fragment reattaches to the original chromosome but in the reverse orientation
o Inversions reverse segments
• Translocation
• Translocation→ when a chromosomal fragment joins a nonhomologous chromosome
o A Translocation moves a segment from one chromosome to another
• Trisomic
• Trisomic→ when an offspring has three copies of the same chromosome
• Monosomic
• Monosomic→ when an offspring is missing a chromosome
• Polyploidy
• Polyploidy→ having more than two complete chromosome sets

o Polyploidy is common in plants
o Polyploidy does not occur as often in animals- but more likely in fish and amphibians

• Polyploids are more normal looking than aneuploids- one extra or missing chromosome disrupts genetic balance more than does an entire set of chromosomes
o Triploidy
o Triploidy→ 3n- 3 chromosome sets
• Forms when an abnormal diploid egg produced by nondisjunction unites with a normal sperm
o Tetraploidy
o Tetraploidy→ 4n- 4 chromosome sets
• Forms when a zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes
Alternations of Chromosome Structure
• Mistakes can happen during crossing over




• Deletion
• Deletion→ when a chromosomal fragment lacking a centromere is lost
o So the affected chromosome is missing genes
o Deletions delete segments
• Duplication
• Duplication→ when a deleted fragment attaches as an extra segment to a sister chromatid
o The affected sister chromatid has double the amount of those genes
o Duplications repeat segments
• Inversion
• Inversion→ when a chromosomal fragment reattaches to the original chromosome but in the reverse orientation
o Inversions reverse segments
• Translocation
• Translocation→ when a chromosomal fragment joins a nonhomologous chromosome
o A Translocation moves a segment from one chromosome to another
• Nonreciprocal cross over
• Nonreciprocal cross over→ when non sister chromatids break and rejoin at incorrect places so one chromosome gives up more genes than it receives
o the result is one chromosome has a deletion and the other has a duplication
• Down syndrome
• Down syndrome→ an aneuploidy condition
o Down syndrome people have three copies of chromosome 21
o People have 47 chromosomes
o Older women are more likely to have a child with down syndrome
o Down syndrome is not genetic- you can’t give down syndrome to your child- it’s caused by a mistake that happens during meiosis
o Happens b/c of nondisjunction during meiosis I
o Klinefelter syndrome
• Men have XXY
• The extra X is inactivated, but the man is still abnormal
o Turner’s syndrome
• Females have only one X
• They are phenotypically female but they’re sterile
• They are otherwise normal
• Cri du chat
o Results from a deletion in chromosome 5
o Mental retardation, small head size, unusual facial features, cry that sounds like a cat
• CML- Chronic myelogenous leukemia
o Results from a translocation between a large portion of chromosome 22 and a small portion of chromosome 9
o Results in a shortened chromosome 22 called the Philadelphia chromosome
• Genomic imprinting
• Some traits depend on which parent passed along the alleles for those traits

• Genomic imprinting→ when phenotype varies depending on whether an allele is inherited from the male or female parent

• Most imprinted genes are autosome genes

• Occurs during the formation of gametes and results in the silencing of one allele of certain genes

• These genes are imprinted differently in sperm and ova- so a zygote expresses only one allele of an imprinted gene- either the maternal allele or the paternal allele

• Imprinted genes are always imprinted in the same way

o So a gene imprinted for maternal allele expression will always be imprinted for maternal allele expression, generation after generation

• Ex: Only the paternal allele for insulin like growth factor 2 is expressed
• Extranuclear genes
• Some genes are located on organelles
• Extranuclear genes→ genes located on organelles
• Mitochondria and chloroplasts have genes
o They reproduce on their own and transmit genes to daughter organelles
o Organelles do not display Mendelian inheritance b/c organelle genes are not distributed to offspring like chromosomes are
• Karl Correns→
• Karl Correns→ provided the idea that not all genes were in chromosomes
chi squared equation

Then you take that value and figure out what the P value is using a P value chart

P<0.05 means the data is influenced by an outside force
how to find distance between genes (map units)
1 map unit = 1% rate of recombination

Number of recombinants/total number of offspring= percentage of recombinants

percentage of recombinants=rate of recombination=distance between genes
what are the two exceptions to Mendelian laws
Genetic imprinting and extra nuclear genes
extra nuclear genes tend to be maternally inherited or paternally inherited?
maternally inherited b/c the egg has the most organelles in it

eggs have more organelles than sperm