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49 Cards in this Set

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Logrolling is best described as...
a trading of votes between members of Congress
The 14th amendment's due process clause has been used to...
overturn Barron v. Baltimore (imminent domain)
Things that influenced the framers who drafted the constitution
- John Locke
- the violence of Shay's rebellion
- Trade disputes between states
- lack of respect from foreign countries.
The supreme court may remand a case to a lower court to...
retry the case excluding evidence that was deemed unconstitutional.
In United States v. Lopez, the supreme court ruled that...
Congress exceeded its power to regulate interstate commerce
Greatest impact on a person's political beliefs
political experience and observations
how have both the republican and democratic national conventions changed since the 1960's?
they have become less suspenseful since the presidential and vice presidential candidates are predetermined.
interest group tactics that would be most successful in influencing public policy if the administration and Congress are both dominated by a party that opposes a group's policy agenda.
Filing lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of certain policies.
When people vote based on the question, "what have you done for me lately?" their actions are best described as...
retrospective voting
The main purpose of investigative journalism is to...
Uncover scandals or corruption in the administration.
Anti-war protesters refusing to sign up for the draft and citizens refusing to vote best reflect...
civil disobedience
since world war 2, why presidents have relied more heavily on negotiating executive agreements rather than treaties?
executive agreements are less cumbersome to finalize than treaties
According to the 12th amendment, if no candidate receives a majority in the electoral college then...
the vice president will be chosen by the Senate
Since the great depression, federalism has changed from...
dual federalism to cooperative federalism
The simple threat of the veto exemplifies the president's ability to what?
persuade congress without using his formal powers
The ability of one senator to prevent the president from appointing a judge to a federal district court is known as...
senatorial courtesy
The power of the purse is best reflected in what committee of the House of Representatives?
Mapp v Ohio
applied the exclusionary rule to illegally obtained evidence.
Class elitism in Congress is most evident when...
the close personal relationships that many lobbyist have with representatives.
reasons why minor parties rarely win federal elections
- The electoral system uses single-member districts.
- Minor parties have extreme ideological views
- The United States has a consensual political culture.
- minor party supporters are dispersed throughout the country.
Iron triangles
close relationships among certain interest groups, executive agencies, and congressional committees.
relying on the states to implement federal policies best exemplifies...
weakness of the judicial branch
the courts rely on other branches of government to implement their rulings.
Griswold v Connecticut
Supreme Court decided that privacy is a fundamental liberty that states cannot violate.
recently, what group has realigned from democratic to the republican party
African American
What is the fate of most bills introduced in Congress?
They are killed in committees
what impacts do interest groups have on election campaigns?
- mobilizing their members to support candidates that will best serve their interest.
-publishing voter guides to inform their members whom to vote for in upcoming elections
-organizing fundraisers on behalf of candidates
-Encouraging members to contribute money to a candidate's campaign
A congressional representative from a district from the Midwest would most likely seek a seat in what committee?
The Big Mo
momentum that a presidential candidate receives from winning state primaries and caucuses early in the nomination process.
What best accounts for the gender gap that exists between Democrats and Republicans?
Women tend to support social issues that are best reflected in the Democratic Party.
In contrast to the Article of Confederation, the constitution...
strengthened the economic powers of the national government.
What is the best method used to determine public opinion?
Polls that emphasize random sampling
what impact does narrowcasting have on United States policies?
It provides citizens with more choices to receive political information.
How was representation in Congress of southern states resolved?
Three-Fifths Compromise
difference between elite and pluralist theory
Pluralists believe interest groups, parties, and government institutions are the principle sources of power, whereas elitists argue power lies with corporations, banks, investment firms, and other private organizations.
To conduct a reasonable search and seizure, government officials must do what first?
establish probable cause
what happens to voter turnout immediately following a groups enfranchisement?
voter turnout percentage is low
What are exit polls criticized of?
influencing election results
what is statutory construction?
the judiciary's ability to interpret legislation.
In response to the Korean War and the Vietnam War, what did Congress do?
Passed the War Power Resolution.
What is a pocket veto?
The president's ability to kill a bill at the end of a legislative session by not signing it.
In Gibbons v Ogden, the Supreme Court used the necessary and proper clause to expand Congress's ability to what?
regulate interstate commerce
The Federalist papers
They were published to encourage the states to ratify the constitution through persuasive newspaper articles
What did the Supreme Court rule in Lynch v Donnelly?
Religious symbols were permitted to be displayed as long as other secular symbols were visible.
How does the electoral college influences presidential campaign strategies?
Candidates campaign more vigorously in battleground states.
Why are states advancing their presidential caucuses and primaries?
States want to have more influence in determining which presidential caucuses and primaries.
Why does Congress pass sunset legislation?
Congress wants to review how the bureaucracy has implemented a policy.
The power of subpoena allows Congress to
Order government officials to testify before a committee
example of party dealignment
split-ticket voting