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46 Cards in this Set

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What is Anatomy

Study of the structure of the body

What is physiology?

The study of function.

Is anatomy descriptive or experimental?

Anatomy is descriptive

Is physiology descriptive or experimental?

Physiology is experimental

Form follows __________?

Form follows Function

_______ Follows Function

Form follows Function

Describe the levels of Structural Organization that make up the human body

Chemical, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

What is the basic unit of life

A cell is the basic unit of life

What is a tissue?

A tissue is a group of similar cells that preform a specific function for the body

What is an organ?

An organ is two or more tissues working together to preform a function for the body

What is an organ system?

An organ system is two or more organs with related fuctions

What is an organism?

An organism is one living individual

What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is a relatively constant internal environment maintained by the body

What parts of th body help maintain homeostais?

All organ systems help maintain homeostasis.

What will happen if homeostasis is not maintained?

If homeostasis is not maintained by the body, you will die

What are the components of a feedback system?

1. Reseptor/sensor

2. Control Center

3. Effector

There are 3 parts and they start with an R, C, E

What do the receptors/sensors do in the feedback system?

The receptors/sensors monitor and detect deviation from the normal

What is the roll of the control center/integrating Center?

The controll center receives information from many sensors and causes the effects to respond

What is the job the the effector in the feedback system?

The effector i.e. muscles and glands cause a change

What types of responses are there?

Positive feedback and negative feedback

What is negative feedback?

Actions of the effectors Counteract changes

Most feedback loops are_______?

Most feedback loops are negative

What are the parts of the cephalic region?

Frontal, orbital, nasal, oral, mental, cervical

The anatomical name for the forehead is _____?


The anatomical name for the eye is ______?


The anatomical name for the nose is ____?


The anatomical name for the mouth is ____?


The anatomical name for the chin is____?


The anatomical name for the neck is ___?


What is anatomical position?

Body erect, feet flat on floor, palms forward, eyes forward

Right and Left always refer to _____ right&left side

The subjects Right and Left

What is a plane of reference?

An imaginary flat surface that devides the body into parts

What is a Section

A flat surface resulting from cut

Sagittal cut makes_____

Right &Left halves

A midsagittal cut makes _____ R&L halves


A parasaggital cut would make ______ halves

Unequal halves

A Frontal/Coronal cut would be ________

Parrallel to the long axis. Front and back in humans, ventral and dorsal in animals.

A transverse/cross-sectional cut would be ______

Perpendicular to long axis. Superior/inferior in humans, anterior/posterior in animals.

Superior & inferior are _____

S:Upper end

I: Lower end

Anterior and posterior are____

A: toward front

P: toward back

Medial and Lateral are___

M: toward the midline

L: Away from the midline

Proximal and distal are_____

P: Closer to the attachment to the Trunk

D: Further from the attachment to the trunk.

Visceral and Parietal are___

V: Related to internal organs

P: toward walls

Cranial and Caudal are____

Cranial: toward head

Caudal: towards tail

Internal/deep and External/Superficial are____

I/D:away from surface

E/S: towards the surface

Ipsilateral and Contralateral are____

I: same side of midline

C: Opposite sides. Moved across midline.