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60 Cards in this Set

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Typically, the most numerous white blood cells in the blood are?


A lab report says there is lymphopenia present, which means there is?

a lack of those cells

the plasma protein involved in blood clotting is?


White blood cells that remove cancer cells from the body are?

NK lymphocytes

The expected life of a red blood cell is?

4 months

A hematocrit provides information on?

the percentage of red blood cells

Granulocytic cells include?


Jaundice may be a result of?

hepititis and hemolysis

The leukocyte that becomes a macrophage is the?


Hemophilia is due to?

a lack of clotting factor

If a lab report says the erythrocytes have polychromasia, then they are?

various colors

If a person has allergies, then it is likely they have high numbers of?


a common reason for a microcytic, hypochromic anemia is?

a lack of Iron

The osmotic pressure of blood typically depends on the amount of?

albumin in the plasma

If a patient has degenerative left shift, then we know there are excess bands and a?


an organ that removes red blood cells from circulation is the?


Hemostasis in the body has several steps that may be summerized as?

vascular spasm, platelet plug, clot formation

Erythropoietin is released by _______ to cause an increase in__________


an excessivly large buffy coat in a spun down capillary tube would be due to?


aspirin is an anticoagulent because it?

prevents platelet plug formation

The cell that makes antibodies is the?

B lymphocyte

Megakaryocytes in the bone marrow make?


A partial prothrombin test, PPT, is used to check the?

Intrinsic pathways

A CBC includes a Differential Count which gives?

relative numbers of clotting factors

if a person is anemic, we like to see an increase in ___________ as a response to that problem?


An average 150 lb or 70 kg person has _______ of blood?

5 liters

A rare WBC with blue-staining granules containing histamine and heparin is?


Hemostasis depends on the Common Pathways end result, which is the?

formation of fibrin

Serum differs from plasma because it has?

no clotting factors

All of these proteins are made by the liver, EXCEPT?

fibrinogen, immunoglobins, clotting factors, and albumin


Protein and Amine hormones?

often activate cAMP, a second messenger

The pituitary gland is located?

seated in the sphenoid bone

a hormone that responds to "Humoral Regulation" would be?


Cortisol increases during times of stress and causes?

increased blood glucose and lack of immune response

If a person is dealing with hypothyroidism, they likely?

gain weight

the parathyroid hormone, PTH, is released when?

there are too few Ca+ ions in the blood

an example of a hormone regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary axis is?


If a person is hypoglycemic, then _________ is released to return the levels to normal?


The posterior pituitary releases ?


The typical diabetes mellitus Type 2 patient?

has cells that do not respond to insulin

The purpose of ADH is to?

increase blood pressure

when the hypothalamus releases TRH, the anterior pituitary releases?


The adrenal medulla releases?


The connection or communication between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary is by?


which of the following hormones is NOT a steroid?

cortisol, insulin, testosterone, and aldosterone


excess growth hormone results in?


A hormone that requires iodine is?

thyroid hormone

Aldosterone causes?

the kidneys to retain Na+ ions and water

the anterior pituitary releases hormone that causes sperm formation is?


hormones that increase serum glucose include?

epinephrine, cortisol, growth hormone

Diabetes Insipidus is due to?

a lack of ADH

The adrenal glands best described as located just?

superior to the kidneys

Prolactin is released by the?

anterior pituitary

estrogen is made and released by the


with the release of epinephrine and adrenalin we expect?

increased heart rate, dilated bronchoilar muscles, increased blood flow to the coronary blood vessels

If the hypothalamus releases GnRH, & the anterior pituitary releases LH, then the?

gonads release testerone

A goiter is a problem associated with the?

thyroid gland

Diabetes mellitus Type 1 is caused by?

an autoimmune problem

the hormones that controls our metabolism, body temperature and heart rate is?

thyroid hormones

a hormone that turns off its own production by feeding back on the anterior pituitary is?
