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63 Cards in this Set

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What can be found in cartilage but not bone tissue:


The most common type of exocrine gland is this type:


The matrix of connective tissue is composed of:

fibers and ground substance

Small hair-like structures on the surface of some epithelial cells are termed:


Is an example of a drug that blocks the opening of Na+ channels, thus blocking the initiation of neuronal action potentials:


____ is a common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS.


Movement of Cl- into a neuronal cell would make a neuron ____ likely to fire an action potential.


The small extensions off of the neuronal cell bodies that receive stimuli are:


Influx of Na+ causes ______________ of the membrane, which is the first phase of the action potential.


The sum of all chemical reactions in the body is termed:


The elbow is ________ to the wrist.


The heart is ______ to the lungs.


A CNS disease where the myelin sheath of motor neurons is degenerating or being destroyed, which interferes with neuronal impulses. This is a progressive disease that causes widespread motor deficits.


The dark granular substance inside neuronal cell bodies are called _____ _________. It is composed of dense collections of ribosomes where protein synthesis occurs.

nissl substance

Photoreceptors release more neurotransmitters:

In darkness

The major light absorbing pigment in retinal photoreceptors is:


Sympathetic stimulation of the iris causes:

pupillary dilation

"Night blindness" is an early sign of:

Vitamin A deficiency

What are the two major cavities of the body:

Dorsal and ventral

what part of the lower extremity is considered the leg also known as the crural:

From the knee to the ankle

What is a type of skin cancer that sometimes develops from a mole and is the most serious kind:

Malignanat melanoma

What is the shaft of a long bone called:


How many bones are in the spinal column:


What is the tough fibrous sheath that covers the nerve (the outermost layer):


If a person hasn't had the chicken pox they are less likely to get:

-Herpes zoster


Where does the semilunar valve of the heart open:

Left ventricle & artery

What is the process that moves air into and out of the lungs:

Pulmonary ventilation

What is the term of normal breathing:


What is it called when the kidneys no longer produce urine


What is inflammation of the bladder called:


What is it called when opening of the urethra meatus is located on the underside of the penile shaft:


Neuroglia are support cells in the:


Are the largest of the white blood cells, function as macrophages, and are important in fighting chronic infection:


The pineal gland is found on the third ventricle, ___________ of diencephalon) of the brain:


Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide via the bloodstream:

Respiratory gas transport

The pulmonary semilunar valve separates:

Right ventricle and left pulmonary artery

The pons include ______ that are involved in the control of breathing.




-Proximal urethra

Transitional epithelium

Stratified squamous epithelium is found in:




Cells are found in response to allergies and parasitic worms:


Moving air in and out of the lungs:

Pulmonary ventilation



-Fallopian tubes

-Male reproductive tract

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

-Capillary endothelium


Simple squamous epithelium

The ____________ is:

-Under the thalamus

-Important autonomic nervous system center

-Regulates metabolism

-Controls water balance

-Helps regulate body temperature

-An important part of the limbic system (emotions)

-The pituitary gland is attached


The ___________:

-Includes the choroid plexus

-Houses the pineal body

-Forms the roof of the third ventricle


A network of blood vessels in each ventricle of the brain. It is derived from the pia mater and produces the cerebrospinal fluid:

Choroid plexus

Simple cuboidal epithelium is found in:

Most glands

How many cranial nerves does a human have:


The most abundant white blood cell:


Largest of the leukocytes, removes dead or damaged tissues, destroy cancer cells, and regulate immunity against foreign substances:


Is the immune system that already functions as soon as we are born, and doesn't need to develop over our lifetime like the adaptive immune system does:

Innate immune system

Are white blood cells that play some very important roles in our innate immune system. They circulate around our body in the bloodstream, and when they sense signals that an infection is present, they are the first cells to migrate to the site of the infection to begin killing the invading microbes:


Are a type of white blood cell that is made of small granules, which contain proteins, and help the body fight bacterial infections:






A hormone that is important in the regulation of sodium ion concentrations in the extracellular fluid:


Respiratory acidosis can occur when:

A person's breathing is shallow due to obstruction

Edema may result from:

Lymphatic blockage

A falling blood pH and a rising partial pressure of carbon dioxide due to pneumonia or emphysema indicates:

Respiratory acidosis

Two alleles expressing exactly the same information for a trait are designated as:


Recessive genes are usually expressed in humans only when:

Both alleles are exactly the same, or homozygous

The female infant is born with several hundred oocytes, each one genetically unique. This is due to:

Independent associate and random crossover

Sex chromosomes of a normal male are:


The diploid genome contains chromosomes from:

Both the mother and the father