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75 Cards in this Set

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Olfactory Hairs
cilia that project from dendrite that are sites of olfactory transduction
Supporting cells of olfactory
Columnar epithelial cells of mucous membrane lining nose & provides support, nourishment, and detoxify chemicals
Basal cells
Stem cells located under supporting cells that undergo cell division to produce new olfactory receptors
Bowman's glands
Olfactory glands that produce mucus that is carried to surface of epithelium by ducts
Reduced ability to smell
Taste Bud Components
Supporting cells
Gustatory receptor cells
Gustatory hair
Taste pore
Basal cells
Papillae & 3 types
Elevations on the tongue that contain taste buds

-Vallate papillae - Inverted V shape row

-Fungiform papillae - Mushroomlike elevations scattered over entire surface tongue

-Foliate papillae - on lateral sides of tongue and most degenerate during childhood
Filiform Papillae
Pointed structures that have tactile receptors but no taste buds for movement of food
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
Lifts upper eyelid
Palpebral fissure & 2 parts
Space between eyelids that exposes eyeball

Lateral & medial commissure
Lacrimal Carnucle
Small reddish elevation in the medial commisure that contains sebaceous and sudoriferous glands
Tarsal plate
Thick fold of connective tissue that gives form and support to the eyelids
Meibomian glands
aka tarsal glands secretes fluid to keep eyelids from adhering to each other
tumor or cyst due to infection of tarsal glands
Conjunctiva & parts
Thin protective mucous membrane

Palperal conjunctiva linds inner eyelids

Bulbar conjunctiva passes from eyelid onto surface of eye ball
Bloodshot eyes
Dialation and congestion of blood vessels of the bulbar conjunctiva
Sebaceous ciliary glands and infection?
Sebaceous glands at base of hair follicle of eyelashes & an infection there is called a sty
Lacriminal Apparatus composition
Lacrimal glands drains into excretory lacrimal ducts in the palperal conjunctiva

Gets drained away into 2 holds called lacrimal puncta into lacrimal canal, lacrimal sac and then into nasolacrimal duct
Infection of lacrimal sacs
Wall of eyeball 3 parts
Fibrous Tunic
Vascular Tunic
Fibrous Tunic
Composed of Cornea, Sclera & scleral venous sinus where aqueous humor drains into
Vascular Tunic
aka Uvea & composed of chroid, ciliary body & Iris
Muscles controlling pupil
Circular muscles of iris contract in bright light

Radial muscles of iris contract in low light to open pupil
2 things bundled together with optic nerve
Central retina artery & vein
Three distinct layers of retinal neurons
Photoreceptor layer, bipolar cell layer, & ganglion cell layer
Two other types of cells in bipolar cell of retina that help modify signals
Horizontal cells
Amacrine Cells
Macula Lutea
Exact center of posterior portion of retina
Central Fovea
Small depression in center of macula lutea containing only cones causing high visual acuity
Proteins that make up lens
Lens on close object, far object?
Close object is more curved

Far object flattened
Condition where lens loses elasticity and need reading glasses
Emmetropic eye
Normal eye
Nearsightedness when eyeball is too long or when lens is too thick so
Farsightedness caused by short eyeball or thin lens so image conveys behind retina
Condition in which cornea of lens has irregular curvature
Binocular Vision
Ability for both eyes to focus on only one set of objects
Medial movement of two eyeballs so they are directed towards object
Photopigment in rods
Two parts of all photopigments
Opsin & retinal from vitamin A from carotene
Process of photopigments
In darkness Retinal is cis & binds to opsin to form rhodopsin

Photon isomerizes retinal to trans forming chemical intermediates that cause a receptor potential

Trans retinal separartes causing bleaching

Retinal isomerase convertes trans back to cis & regeneration occurs
Ligand that holds sodium channels open during low light to produce a partial depolarization
Night blindess
Helix & Lobule
Rim & soft portion of ear
Auditory Ossicles
Three of the smallest bones in the body

Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Oval Window
Connection point for the stapes
Round window
right below oval window and is secondary tympanic membrane
Two tiniest muscles in the body that protects hearing by desensitizing oval window
Tensor tympani muscle
Stapedius muscle
Abnormally sensitive hearing
Eustachian Tube
a.k.a Auditory tube that connects middle ear with nasopharynx
Two main divisions of Internal ear & their divisions
Bony labyrinth consisting of semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea all containing perilymph

Membranous labyrinth containing endolymph
Inside Vestibule
Membranous labyrinth has utricle & saccule
Swollen end of each semi circular canal
Semicircular ducts
Membranous labyrinth inside semicircular canals
Central bony core of cochlea
Scala vestibuli & Scala tympani
Part of cochlea chamber filled with perilymph & are separated except at helicotrema
Point where scala vestibuli & scala tympani are connected
Vestibular Membrane
Separates cochlear duct from the scala vestibuli
Basilar membrane
Separates cochlear duct from scala tympani
Spiral organ a.k.a organ of Corti
Spiral organ resting on basilar membrane composed of 16000 hair cells which are receptors for hearing
Hair bundle
30-100 stereocilia on apex of hair cell
Spiral ganglion
Where sensory neurons are found in ear
Tectorial membrane
Flexible membrane vocering hair cells of spiral organ
Measures sound intensity & one decible is 10 fold increase

above 140 is painful
Relationship between vibrations of the tympanic membrane & oval window
Oval window vibrates much faster than tympanic membrane because it is smaller
Transduction channel
Mechanically gated ion channel at tip of each stereocilium allowing K+ ions in to triggers opening of calcium channels in base of hair cell which triggers exocytosis of synaptic vesicles
Otoacoustic emmisions
Inaudible sounds produced by cochlea
Vestibular apparatus
Receptor organs for equilibrium

Saccule, Utricle, Semicircular ducts
Thickened region in both utricle and saccule that are perpendicular to one another and are involved in static equilibrium & detects linear acceleration-deceleration
Cells found on Macula
Hair cells & supporting cells

Supporting cells secrete thick gelatinous glycoprotein layer called otolithic membrane
Otolithic membrane
Thick glycoprotein layer on hair cells of maculae
Dense calcium carbonate layer extending over entire surface of otolithic membrane
Parts of dynamic equilibrium
Utricle, Saccule & semicircular ducts
Small elevation in ampulla containing hair cells & supporting cells
Mass of gelatinous material covering crista