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47 Cards in this Set

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based on number processes that extend from the cell body/soma of the neuron
-unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar
categorization of neurons
neurons have only a single process leading away from the soma and include sensory neurons going to the SC
unipolar neuron
-have two processes arising from the soma
-one axon and one dendrite
-ex: olfactory cells, retinal cells, and inner ear cells
bipolar neurons
-have many processes extending from the soma
-1 axon and multipole dendrites
-most common type of neuron, including most neurons of the brain and SC
multipolar neurons
includes the brain and SC
-Sensory/afferent divison
-motor/efferent division
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
1) somatic sensory division and visceral sensory division

2) Somatic motor division and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
1) Sensory/afferent division

2) motor/efferent division
-Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS)
-Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
-Medulla Oblongata
-corpora quadrigemina
-superior colliculus
-inferior colliculus
-cerebral peduncles
-Medulla Oblongata
-Pituitary Gland
-cerebral cortex
-corpus collaosum
-frontal lobe
-parietal lobe
-temporal lobe
-occipital lobe
-mammillary body
-pineal gland
flow of CSF
secreted by choroid plexus in lateral ventricle --> flows through interventric. foramina to 3rd vent. --> 3 vent. choroid plexus adds more CSF --> flows down cerebral aquaduct to 4th vent. --> choroid plex. of 4th vent. adds more CSF --> flows out to 2 lateral apertures and one median apenture --> fill subarach. space and bathe external surface of brain and SC --> at arach. villi CSF reabsorbed into venous blood of duran venous sinuses
-innervated olfactory mucosa
olfactory I
-innervates the retina
Optic II
-innervates muscles of the eye
oculomotor III
-innervates superior oblique muscle of each eye
trochlear IV
-sensory= face, nasal mucosa, sinuses, mouth
-motor=muscles of mastication (chewing)
Trigeminal V
-innervates lateral rectus muscles of each eye
Abducens VI
-sensory= taste
-motor= muscles of facial expression and glands
Facial VII
-innervates the inner ear
vestibulocochlear VIII
-sensory: taste, tongue, carotid sinuses
-motor: salivary glands, muscles for swallowing
Glossopharyngeal IX
-sensory: taste, thoracic, and abdominal viscera
-motor: tongue, larynx, lungs, heart, GI tract, kidneys
Vagus X
-innervates: swallowing; muscles in neck
accessory XI
-innervates tongue muscles
hypoglossal XII
-innervates the phrenic nerve
cervical plexus
-innervates the musculocatenous nerve, axillary nerve, radial nerve, median nerve, and ulnar nerve
Brachial Plexus
-innervates the femoral nerve
Lumbar Plexus
-innervates the sciatic nerve (common fibular nerve + tibial nerve)
Sacral plexus
-bony labyrinth
-membranous labyrinth
-semicircular ducts
inner ear
-tympanic membrane
-tympanic cavity
-eustacian tube
-tensor tympani muscle
-sapedius muscle
Middle ear
-auditory canal
outer ear
insertion and action of tensor tympani muscle
insertion: malleus
action: pulls tympanic membrane inward to dampen its motion
action and insertion of stapedius muscle
insertion: stapes
action: reduces motion of stapes
innvervation and action of lateral rectus eye muscle
innervation: VI (abducens)
action: moves eye laterally
innervation and action of medial rectus
innervation: III oculomotor
action: moves eye medially
innervation and action of superior rectus
innervation: III (occulomotor)
action: moves eye superiorly
innervation and action of inferior rectus
innervation: III (oculomotor)
action: moves eye inferiorly
innervation and action of superior oblique
innervation: IV (trochlear)
action: depress and rotate eye
innervation and action of inferior oblique
innervation: III (oculomotor)
action: elevate and rotate eye
inner ear structures involved in static equilibrium
vestibule (sacule and utricle)
inner ear structure involved with angular acceleration
semicircular ducts
inner ear structure for hearing
inner eat structure for linear acceleration
vestibule (saccule and utricle)
perception of the orientation of the head when body is stationary
static equilibrium