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36 Cards in this Set

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Bones of the upper and lower extremities and the pectoral and pelvic girdles that connect the limbs to the trunk
Appendicular Skeleton

On each side, a clavicle and scapula position the shoulder joint, upper limb, and provide a base for arm movement and muscles.

Pectoral Gridle

* S-Shaped

* Parts: sternal and acromial end


(Collar Bone)

*Structures: body, superior body,medial border,lateral border, superior angle, inferior angle, lateral angle, glenoid cavity, subscapular fossa, coracoid process, acromion process


(shoulder blade)

includes bones of the arms, forearms, wrist, and hands

Upper Limbs

*Structure: greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, intertubercular groove, anatomical neck, surgical neck, shaft,deltoid tuberosity,radial groove, medial and lateral epicondlyes, condlye, trochlea, coroniod fossa, olecranon fossa, capitulum, radial fossa


Structures: olecranon, trochlear notch, coronoid process, redial notch, head, styloid process, articular cartilage.


*Structures: head, neck, radial tuberosity, ulnar notch


movement when radius rolls across the rounded surface of the ulnar head.


reverse movement of pronation, radius returns to its anatomical position.


*form two rows

* Four proximal carpal and four distal carpal bones.

*The distal row articulates with the five metacarpal bones

Carpal bones of the wrist or carpus

*14 Phalanges (finger bones)

*Four of the fingers contain three pyalanges; the pollex ( thumb) has only two.


*more massive than those of the pectoral girdle(high stress involved in weight bearing and locomotion)

Pelvic Girdle

structures:lunate surface, arcuate line, iliac crest, anterior superior and anterior inferior iliac spines, posterior superior and posterior inferior iliac spines, greater sciatic notch, ischial spine, lesser sciatic notch, ischial tuberosity, ramus, inferior ramus, superior ramus, pubic crest, obturator foramen, iliac fossa, auricular surface, iliac tuberosity

Pelvic Girdle

limits movement between the pubic bones of the left and right coxae

Pubic Symphysis

Coxae, sacrum, and Coccyx

The pelvis consist of..

*false (greater) pelvis

*true( lesser) pelvis

Pelvic subdivisions

Blade like portions of the ilium superior to the arcuate line

False (greater) Pelvis

Structures inferior to the arcuate line: inferior portions of the ilium, pubic bones, ischia, sacrum and coccyx

True ( lesser) Pelvis

Bone edge of the true pelvis

Pelvic Brim

articulates with the humerus at the shoulder (glenohumeral or scapulohumeral) joint

Scapula (sholder blade)

Enclosed space of the true pelvis
Pelvic inlet

Opening bounded by the inferior edges of the pelvis

Pelvic Outlet

region bounded by the coccyx, ischial tuberosities, inferior border of the pubic symphysis


Both the coracoid and acromion processes are attached to ligaments and tendons


The Scapular Spine crosses the scapular body


The greater and lesser tubercles are important sites of muscle attachment.


Ariculates with the radius and ulna, the bones of the forearm, at the elbow (olecranal or humeroulnar) joint


Parallels the ulna


Proximal radiolanar ariculation permits rotation


consists of two coxae; each coxa forms through the fusion of an ilium, an ischium and a pubis.

Pelvic Girdle

the largest coxal bone


Where is the ilium

Pelvic Girdle

What bones fuse together to make the Pelvic girdle

ilium, ischium, and a pubis bone

is fused to the ischium (posteriourly) and the pubis (anteriorly)

the ilium

inside the acetabulum

the ilium