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25 Cards in this Set

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Has a real or perceived imminent threat.


Is the anticipation of future threats.

Etiology-Anxiety Disorders

*decreased GABBA levels

*increased dopamine

*decreased seratonin

Genetic factors:women or other family members

Psychological factors:stress or childhood trauma

Course and Prognosis-Anxiety disorders

All disorders are considered chronic.

Have comorbid mental health conditions such as depression

Name the 11 different anxiety disorders

Separation anxiety

Selective mutism

Specific phobia

Social anxiety disorder

Panic disorder


Generalized anxiety disorder

Substance/Med induced anxiety

Anxiety from other med condit.

Other specified anxiety disorder

Unspecified anxiety disorder

Specific Phobia Definition

*object or situation almost always evokes immediate fear

* Response is out of proportion

*lasts at least 6months

*significant stress or impairment of OT performance

*Not otherwise explained by a mental health comdition

5 Specifier Phobia Stimulus

Animal type

Natural environment type

Blood injection-Injury type

Situational type

Other type

Signs &Symptoms of Specific Phobia


*increased heart rate

* trembling

Phobia Etiology

*generally unknown

*can be caused by a traumatic event

Agoraphobia definition

Anxiety about being in situations where escape might be difficult

Sufferers often won't leave the home

Agoraphobia Diagnoses

Need at least 2 of the 5 situational fears

Needs to last more than6 months

5 Situational Fears of agoraphobia

*using public transportation

*being in open spaces

*being in enclosed spaces

*standing in line or being in a crowd

*being outside the home alone

Agoraphobia Caises

Panic Disorder and other phobias can predispose a client to agoraphobia

Another medical condition could contribute

Generalized Anxiety disorder

Excessive anxiety and worry for more than 6 months

Difficult to control and causes stress to daily occupations

High comorbidity rate of depression

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnoses

Needs at least 3 or more of the 6 symptoms

Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder


*being fatigued

*difficulty concentrating or mind going blank


*muscle tension

*sleep disturbances

Phobia Treatment

Cognitive behavior therapy

Systematic desensitization

Social Anxiety Disorder Definition

*Marked by fear or anxiety about 1 or more social situations in which the person is exposed to scrutiny of others.

* fear that he/she will act in a way that will be negatively evaluated

*situation almost always evokes fear or anxiety

*lasts 6 months

*avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety

*out ofnproportion

Social Anxiety Symptoms


*Increased Heart Rate


*Extreme Anticipatory Anxiety

Panic Disorder

*Reoccurrent unexpected panic attacks

* not due to other substance or medical condition

*with or without agoraphobia

Needed to Diagnose Panic Disorder

1)At least 1 attack followed by 1 month or more of:

*persistent concern of having additional attacks

*worry about the implication or consequences of the attack(heart attack, going crazy, ect)

* a significant change in behavior

2)A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort where 4(or more) symptoms develop abruptly and peak within ten minutes

2 types of Panic Attacks

Expected and unexpected

Panic Disorder Symptoms




*sensations of shortness of breath or smothering

* feeling of choking

*cheat pain or discomfort

*Nausea or abdominal distress

*chills or hot flashes

*feeling dizzy

*derealization or depersonalizations

*fear of losing control/going crazy

*fear of dying

*parathesias(numbness or tingling sensations)

*panic attacks

Unexpected Panic Attack

The individual does not associate onset with any type of trigger. Spontaneous or out of the blue

Expected Panic Attack

Happens because of an obvious cue or trigger