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17 Cards in this Set

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Question: History of panic attacks and/or agoraphobia?
Panic Disorder w/o Agoraphobia -all encompassing

Panic Disorder w/Agoraphobia - more common than w/o

Agoraphobia w/o History of Panic Disorder
Q: Excessive irrational fear of & desire to avoid an object or situation OR situations in which person may be exposed to scrutiny by others?

Specific Phobia- afraid of something tnot clearly discernable; specific object or situation

Social phobia (aka Social Anxiety Disorder)-3rd most common diagnosis in US; Subtypes- generalized or specific
Q: Symptoms of re-experiencing or hyperarousal associated w/a traumatic, life-threatening event
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
Panic Disorder - Diagnostic criteria
At least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month of one of the following

Persistent concern about having more attacks
Worry about the implication of the attack
Significant change in bx related to the attacks

w/o agoraphobia
Specific Phobia - what are the subtypes?
natural environment
blood-injection-injury type
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - what is the DSM criteria?
Criteria A: The person has been exposed to a traumatic event and the response to the event was intense fear, helplessness, or horror.

Criteria B: The event is reexperienced

Criteria C: Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness

Criteria D: Persistent symptoms of increased arousal
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - what is the DSM criteria?
Chronic excessive worry about a number of events or activities, with no specific threat present, accompanies by at least three of the following symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance.
What are Panic Sequelae?
- you become hypervigilant to symptoms of attack - thus, noticing them more
- You avoid things that could trigger these symptoms e.g exercise, situations where the attacks occured
- You experience anticipatory anxiety - it could happen again, when? where? how?
What is the Diagnostic criteria for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Either obsessions or compulsions
A. preoccupation w/persistent intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images
B. Repetitive bxs or mental acts that the person is driven to perform to reduce distress or prevent a dreaded event or situation.

2. Person knows obsessions/ compulsions are excessive/unreasonable.
3. The obsession/ compulsion can cause increased distress and is time consuming
Question: Obsessions or Compulsions?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Specifier: w/poor insight
What are the 3 categories of PTSD symptoms?
Re-experiencing - 1 or more needed

Avoidance/Numbing - 3 or more needed

Hyper-arousal - 2 or more needed
What are some hyper-arousal symptoms for PTSD?
1. Difficulty falling/staying asleep
2. Irritability/angry outbursts
3. Difficulty w/concentration
4. Hypervigalince
5. Exaggerated startled response
What are some Avoidance/Numbing symptoms for PTSD?
1. Efforts to avoid thoughts/feelings/convos assoc w/trauma event
2. Efforts to avoid ppl places & sits that remind of trauma
3. Markedly diminished participation in activities
4. Restricted range of affect
5. Avoid others
6. Inability to recall aspects of sit
7. Sense of foreshortened future
What are some Re-experiencing Symptoms of PTSD?
1. Recurrent & intrusive recollections of event
2. Recurrent distressing dreams of event
3. Act of feeling like reliving event (could be intoxicated, waking up, flashbacks)
4. Intense physio reactivity like returning to traumatic events
5. Hyperarousal Symptoms
PTSD - What are the specifiers?
Acute- briefer than 3 months

Delayed Onset- at least 6 months after stressor

Chronic- longer than 3 months
Acute Stress Disorder - What does the DSM criteria require?
1. Experienced/witnessed/contfronted w/event involving actual/threatened death/serious injury, or threat to self or others
2. Response involved fear, helplessness, or horror
3 Individual experiences 3 or more of these dissociative symptoms as a result:
- subjective sense of numbing, detachment, absence of emotional responsiveness
-in a daze/ less aware of surroundings
- derealization
- depersonalization
- dissociative amnesia
3. Traumatic event re-experienced in at least 1 or more: recurrent thought delusions, flashbacks, hyper-arousal
4. Lasts 2days - 4 weeks
Q: Excessive worry for at least 6 months?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder – one of the most prevalent disorders in primary care settings; have problems handling ambiguous situations
1. Difficult to control worry – can lose sleep, etc
2. Excessive anxiety & worry for 6+ months
3. One of the most prevalent disorders in primary care settings