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39 Cards in this Set

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of an emotional response –unknown origin
o anxiety
more of a cognitive response
day to day living-can motivate learning
o mild anxiety
What happens in the moderate anxiety level?
- optimal learning
- focuses on immediate concern
- decreased attention span
- decreased ability to concentrate
- Gastric discomfort
-increased muscle tension
- optimal learning
- focuses on immediate concern
- decreased attention span
- decreased ability to concentrate
- Gastric discomfort
-increased muscle tension
moderate anxiety
o excessive anxiety or dread
o present more days than not for a period of 6 months or more
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD
o focuses on variety of life events or activities
o difficult to control and cause significant distress or impairment in functioning
o not caused by medications, drugs or illness
o three or more symptoms included: restlessness, easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance
o excessive anxiety or dread
o present more days than not for a period of 6 months or more
o focuses on variety of life events or activities
o difficult to control and cause significant distress or impairment in functioning
o not caused by medications, drugs or illness
o three or more symptoms included: restlessness, easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance
o episodes of intense anxiety - begins abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes
Panic disorder
What are the symptoms that you could have for panic disorder? You need to at have four to be considered panic.
o at least four symptoms included: palpitations or rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling, sob, sensation of choking, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, fear of losing control, fear of dying, numbness or tingling, chills or hot flushes, and sense of altered reality, depersonalization, disrealization …flight or flight response….
o strong wish to escape or run away
o have little or no residual anxiety between attacks
o provoked; appear “out of the blue” specific setting
Panic disorder
o persistent fear of a specific object or situations (ex: afraid to ride in elevator)
What are the two different kinds of phobias?
social phobias
specific phobias
some people are afraid to be around in public with lots of people
 social phobia
ex: being afraid of spiders, dogs, etc…)
• excessive or unreasonable, significant social, occupational, or academic disruption
Specific phobia
o suffer from a combination of…obsessions and compulsions
What is the viscous cycle that accompanies OCD?
 their anxiety goes up
 the obsessions make anxiety go up and the compulsions make anxiety to go down
Do people with OCD know they have the disease?
 inability of ego to intervene when conflict occurs between the id and the superego (produces anxiety)
Psychodynamic theory
How long do people need to have symptoms of PTSD for it to be considered PTSD?
1 month or longer
What are the key features of PTSD?
exposure to traumatic event
event persistently re-experienced
avoidance of trauma associated stimuli
increased arousal
duration longer than one month
significant stress/impairment
exposure to ________ event
event __________ re-experienced
avoidance of trauma associated stimuli
increased arousal
duration longer than one ______
significant stress/impairment
exposure to traumatic event
event persistently re-experienced
avoidance of trauma associated stimuli
increased arousal
duration longer than one month
significant stress/impairment

disoriented thinking
cognitive theory
 anxiety is attributed to the stressor
 leads to problem solving
internal locus of control
 anxiety is attributed to an external source
 leads to phobia
external locus of control
o individual psychotherapy
o cognitive therapy
o behavioral therapy
implosion therapy
What are the cognitive distortions that are seen in the cognitive theory?
o all or nothing thinking (black and white)
o overgeneralization
o discounting the positives
o jumping to conclusions
o magnification or minimization
o “should” statements
o personalization
o Catastrophizing
What are some ways that you can overcome cognitive distortions?
o identify and monitor automatic thoughts
o recognize connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors
o evaluate the reasonableness of automatic thoughts
o substitute more reasonable interpretations of dysfunctional automatic thoughts
o challenge negative automatic thoughts
o behavioral experiments
What part of the brain is responsible for anxiety?
lower part or subcortex
What biochemical and neurochemical is responsible for anxiety?
-blood lactate
____________ mediates arousal.
What are the different types of treatment modalities to tx for anxiety disorders?
Individual psychotherapy

Cognitive therapy

Behavioral therapy

Systematic desensitization

Implosive therapy

Group therapy

What are the psychopharmacology regimens for someone who has panic disorder?
What type of meds would you want to give to someone who has GAD?
What type of meds do you want to give to someone who has a phobia?
What type of meds would you give to a pt with OCD?
What types of drugs would give to a person with PTSD?
How do you prevent anxiety?
Balance demands and resources

Openness to lifestyle change

Watch for cognitive errors
