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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the usual onset of anxiety disorders?
early: teens or early twenties
What is the female:male ratio of anxiety disorders?
T/F Anxiety disorders typically have a waxing/waning course over the lifetime.
How is anxiety distinguished between normal and pathologic?
"Normal anxiety is adaptive. It is an inborn response to threat or to the absence of people or objects that signify safety.
What does primary versus secondary anxiety refer to?
"Either due to:
What are the 7 primary anxiety disorders?
"Panic Disorder
What is the criteria for a panic attack?
"A discrete period of intense fear in which 4 of the following
What is the criteria for panic disorder?
"1. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks
Onset in ...
...% have history of substance dependence"
** What are the different etiologies of panic disorder?
What is the treatment of panic disorder? (3)
"1. Education, reassurance, elimination of caffeine, alcohol, drugs, OTC stimulants
** What medications can be used to treat panic disorder? (7)
** What is the treatment response of panic disorder?
What is the criteria for GAD?
"1. Excessive worry
female:male ratio?"
What is the treatment of GAD?
"1. meds
** What meds can be used to treat GAD?
What are obsessions?
"recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses or images that are intrusive, inappropriate and cause marked anxiety
What are compulsions?
"1. Repetitive behaviors or mental acts driven to perform in response to an obsession, according to rigidly applied rules
T/F Patients with OCD at some point has recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive.
For a diagnosis of OCD, the obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress, take ... or interfere with the person’s normal routine or function
> 1 hour/day
"2-3% of general population
** What is the etiology of OCD?
** What is the % treatment response of OCD?
** What are the treatment options for OCD?
"1. Serotonergic antidepressants
What is the trauma criteria for PTSD?
"-The event involved actual or threatened death or serious injury to self or others.
In addition to a trauma event, what are the three additional criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD?
"1. Reexperiencing (>1): recurrent recollections, nightmares, flashbacks, intense physiologic distress or physiological reactivity at exposure to cues.
What is the time criteria (duration of sx) for PTSD?
"duration of sx is >1 month
... of sexual assault victims"
** What populations have an increased risk of PTSD? (4)
"1. women, younger people
** What are the 5 major co-morbidities of PTSD?
** What are the etiologies of PTSD?
"Conditioned fear
What immediately after the trauma predicts PTSD?
autonomic arousal
What are the treatment options for PTSD?
"Cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure
** What medications are used for PTSD?
What is a social phobia?
"Marked fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to the possible scrutiny of others and fears he will act in a way that will be humiliating
causes significant ..."
** What are the two major comorbidities with social phobias?
** What are the etiologies of social phobias?
"1. Initial remembered traumatic event in 58%
What are the treatment options for social phobia? (4)
"Social skills training
** What medications can be used for social phobia? (5)
What is a specific phobia?
"Marked or persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation
"up to 20%
What is the etiology of specific phobias?
Learning, contextual conditioning
What is the treatment of specific phobias?
systematic desensitization