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52 Cards in this Set

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Low potency, Aliphatic Phenothiazine, Used to treat Schizophrenia, acute mania, Tourette's and as an antiemetic. Dopamine Receptor (D2) Antagonist. Also antagonize Histamine H1 receptors and alpha adrenergic receptors in the peripheral NS.
SE: Agranulocytosis, Sexual Dysfunction, Sedation, Anticholinergic crisis, Do not combine with CNS depressants.
Low Potency, Piperidine Antipsychotic. Dopamine Receptor (D2) Antagonist. Also antagonize Histamine H1 receptors and alpha adrenergic receptors in the peripheral NS.
Increases QT interval, can cause sudden death with overdose.
High Potency, Peperazine (2 drugs here). Dopamine Receptor (D2) Antagonist. Also antagonize Histamine H1 receptors and alpha adrenergic receptors in the peripheral NS.
Fluphenazine, Trifluperazine
Tardive Dyskinesia! Extrapyramidal syndromes.
Butyrophenone, high oral potency, antipsychotic. Slow release form available. Dopamine Receptor (D2) Antagonist. Also antagonize Histamine H1 receptors and alpha adrenergic receptors in the peripheral NS.
Extrapyramidal syndromes. Tardive Dyskinesia.
Atypical Antipsychotic, Causes much concern for the possibility of agranulocytosis. Does not elevate serum PROLACTIN levels. Antagonist at D2, D4 and 5HT2a Receptors (Serotonin Receptor Antagonist).
Last resort. Weight gain, postural hypotension, sedation, impotence.
Atypical Antipsychotic. Does not cause agranulocytosis. Antagonist at D2, D4 and 5HT2a Receptors (Serotonin Receptor Antagonist).
Hyperprolactinemia. Sedation. Impotence.
Atypical Antipsychotic. NO AGRANULOCYTOSIS OR HYPERPROLACTINEMIA! Less likely to cause EPS or TD. Lower incidence of sexual dysfunction. Antagonist at D2, D4 and 5HT2a Receptors (Serotonin Receptor Antagonist).
Postural Hypotension, lowering of seizure threshold, SIGNIFICANT SEDATION, CONSTIPATION AND WEIGHT GAIN and increased lipids and an association with development of DM.
Action of Benzodiazepine
Allosterically increases the frequency of GABA stimulated chloride channel opening, causing hyperpolarization.
Indication for Benzodiazepine
Anxiety (Situational, GAD, Panic disorger, Social, OCD), Insomnia, Status Apilepticus, Pre-anesthetic for short procedures, Muscle Relaxation in CP, Physical Dependence or Withdrawal from EtOH or barbituates. Acute Mania or Bipolar Dz.
Xanax, a benzodiazepine. Indicated for Anxiety.
SE: sedation, ataxia, confusion, anterograde amnesia, tolerance develops
Sedative/hypnotics (2) that are indicated for physical dependence or withdrawal.
Diazepam (Valium) or Chlordiazepoxide (Librium).
Diazepam rapidly redistributes to periphery. Can also be used for status epilepticus. undergoes N-dalkylation to Desmethyldiazepam. SE: sedation, ataxia, confusion, anterograde amnesia, tolerance develops
Benzodiazepines that are indicated for Insomnia to INDUCE sleep.
Lorazepam and Triazolam
Lorazepam can also be used for status epilepticus. (Ativan)
Benzodiazepines that are used to MAINTAIN sleep for insomniacs.
Temazepam (Restoril) and Flurazepam (Dalmane)
Flurazepam rapidly redistributes to the periphery.
Benzodiazepine used for short medical and surgical procedures as a pre-anasthetic.
Midazolam (Versed)
Short DoA, hypnotic, reduces anxiety, amnestic effects. Used parenterally.
Benzodiazepine used for muscle relaxation.
Diazepam (Valium)
also used for status epilepticus and physical dependence or withdrawal.
Benzodiazepine used for Physical Dependence or Withdrawal (looking for 2 drugs here)
Diazepam (Valium) or Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
For EtOH or Barbituate addiction. Also BZ dependence.
BZ decarboxylated in gastric juice to active metabolite N-desmethyldiazepam (it's active metabolite is nordiazepoxide)
Adverse Effects of BZ
Sedation, Drowsiness, Ataxia and Confusion (CNS Depression), Anterograde Amnesia, Enhances Respiratory Depression in COPD Patients.
Tolerance and Dependence of BZ
Use length is 3-4 wks tops. tolerance develops, including cross tolerance with alcohol. Abuse potential is low. Withdrawal includes very severe anxiety, possible seizures and insomnia.
Drug interactions with BZ.
ALCOHOL! Combination is often deadly.
Very selective, non-BZ, Serotonin (5HT1a) receptor partial agonist. Used to treat chronic GAD. Very specific for anxiety. No sedation, hypnosis or physical dependence. Slow Onset.
Buspirone (Buspar)
May cause nervousness, restlessness, dysphoria, tachycardia or GI distress.
Non-BZ, with a rapid onset and short DOA used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Increases Cl- conductance stimulated by GABA by binding only to GABAa receptor isoforms that contain the alpha 1 subunit. Minimal tolerance and dependence. Less amnesia and daytime sedation. (3 drugs here)
Zolpiden (Ambien), Zaleplon (Sonata), Eszoplicone (Lunesta)
Also acts selectively at BZ1 receptors.
BZ-receptor agonist used to TREAT BZ OVERDOSE or to speed recovery from BZ in anesthetic and diagnostic procedures.
Very short DOA, Can precipitate withdrawal symptoms.
Adverse effects of SSRI's.
5HT syndrome especially with MAOi's, HA, SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION, Excitation, Anxiety, Apathy, Weight change, Apathy
SSRI, least specific, very lon half life due to active metabolite. Inhibits liver microsomal enzymes.
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Other 2 SSRI's that aren't Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Sertraline (Zoloft) and Paroxetine (Paxil).
Atypical antidepressant that is efficacious for mild depression. Affects liver metabolic pathways of many drugs.
Hypercium (St. John's Wort)
Atypical antidepressant who's metabolite blocks DA receptors. Induces hyperprolactinemia and has EPS/TD side effects.
Atypical Antidepressant that antagonizes the 5HT2 serotonin receptor and causes MODERATE sedation.
Nefazadone (Serzone)
Atypical Antidepressant that antagonizes the 5HT2 serotonin receptor and causes SEVERE sedation.
Trazadone (Desyrel)
Atypical Antidepressants (2 here) that block Serotonin and NE reuptake receptors.
Venlafaxine (Effexor) and Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
Prescribe if there is no response from SSRI's. Can produce SEIZURES when Venlafaxine treatment is discontinued.
Atypical AD who's mechanism is uncertain. Low SE profile. Less sexual dysfunction. Can cause stimulation and sedation. Lowers seizure threshold and is more likely than TCA to cause seizures.
Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
Also marketed as sustained release aid in smoking cessation (Zyban)
Atypical AD that blocks pre-junctional alpha 2 receptors, increasing NE and 5HT neurotransmission. Also blocks serotonin 5HT2 and 5HT3 receptors. Sedation and weight gain are some of the FEW ADVERSE EFFECTS.
Miertazapine (Remeron)
Tertiary TCA but relatively 5HT specific. Approved only for OCD!
Clomipramine (Anafranil)
Lethal in overdose. High incidence of seizures.
Mechanism of TCA
Blocks the reuptake of catecholamines by specific transporters into prejunctional nerve endings. Tertiary amines tend to block NE and Serotonin transporters, while secondary amines are more specific for NE transporter.
Adverse effects of TCA's
Accounted for by their antagonist activity at alpha-adrenoreceptors, muscarinic cholinoceptors (Confusion, Delerium, Memory Dysfunction) and histamine H1 receptors (Sedation and Drowsiness). Mania, Lower Seizure Threshold, Tremor (managed by propanolol). Postural hypotension, Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, weight gain (H1 antagonism), SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION.
Amoxapine specifically causes EPS and TD. Rebound effects make withdrawal needing to be tapered. Suicide is a major risk for patients under 24 y/o. Muscarinic Cholinoceptor and alpha adrenoceptor antagonist activity can put the patient into a coma, and eventually cause death. Prolongs QT interval.
Drug interactions of TCA
CNS depressants (EtOH), MAOi precipitate serotonin syndrome.
TCA's (drug examples)
Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Amoxapine (blocks DA receptors, too), Clomipramine.
MAOi Mechanism
Irreversible suicide inhibitors of MAO-A and B. Used to treat patients that respond poorly to TCA and SSRI treatment and patients with atypical depression.
MAOi Adverse effects and drug interactions
Hypotension, HA, Dry Mouth, Sexual Dysfunction. Worry about slow acetylators. AVOID TYRAMINE, because it causes release of NE.
Avoid SSRI, TCA and opioids because they may precipitate serotonin syndrome.
The only MOAi we are responsible for.
Phenelzine (Nardil)
MAOi's are a 3rd line treatment of depression.
Mood stabilizer use to treat acute mania or bipolar (manic depressive disease). 40-70% effective. Protects against suicide.
SE: N/V, Acne, polyuria, polydipsia, tremor, coma, Thyroid enlargement (benign), Risk of fetal malformations of the CV system suring the 1st trimester. Depletes Na+. NSAID's CI except ASA or Acetomenophin
Need to know that these two anti-convulsant drugs are use to treat mania or bipolar disease, either alone or as adjuncts to lithium therapy.
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) and Valproic Acid (Depakote)
Pharmacologic properties of Lithium
Low therapeutic index, and thus plasma levels must be monitored continuously. Directly competes with Na+ in kidney. Therapeutic efficacy and adverse effects are directly related to its level in the blood.
Anti-epileptic used for partial and tonic-clonic seizures. At high doses metabolism becomes zero order. Has a very low Therapeutic Index. Can cause fetal malformations and severe rashes.
Phenytoin and Fosphenytoin
Increases metabolism of oral contraceptives. Common SE: ataxia, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism and mental confusion. Carbamazepine and phenobarbital increase metabolism of phentoin. Cimetidin decreases metabolism of phenytoin.
Anti-Epileptic used for partial and tonic-clonic seizures. Can cause hyponatremia due to water retention. Want to supplement folic acid for women during pregnancy. Same MOA as Phenytoin.
MOA of Phenytoin and Carbamazepine
blocks Na+ channels in their inactive state prolonging cell refractoriness
Anti-Epileptic for absence and myoclonic seizures. Has a fairly rough and unique SE profile. MOA is unclear.
Valproic Acid
SE: severe N/V, weight gain, hair loss, ataxia and a FINE TREMOR. Inhibits the metabolism of carbamazepine and phenytoin.
Drug of choice for ABSENCE seizures. Reduces the low threshold T-type Ca2+ current that provides pacemaker activity in the thalamus.
Primary drug for the treatment of febrile seizures in infants and status epilepticus.
Facilitates GABA mediated inhibition of neuronal activity.
Drug of choice for immediate treatment of Status Epilepticus
Diazepam and Lorazepam (IV)
Facilitate GABA mediated inhibition of neuronal activity. SE: sedation and paradoxical hyperactivity in children.
Adjunct or monotherapy for partial seizures. Voltage and use-dependent Na+ channel blockade.
SE: HA, diplopia, nausea, skin rash.