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22 Cards in this Set

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What is the target of antifungal agents? (What are the 2 exceptions?)

Cell membrane or cell wall
*Exceptions = flucytosine (targets DNA/RNA syn) & griseofulvin (targets microtubules)

What serious side effect do all antifungals carry?

Teratogens!! - exception = amphortericin B

What are the only 2 antifungals that can cross the BBB?
Amphortericin B

Class – Polyene
MOA – Binds ergosterol to form pores in membrane and allow K+ and Mg2+ to leak out. Amphoteric molecule (can be + or – depending on pH) best at neutral pH
USE – Broad: All fungal ifxns (except dermatophytes, leishmeniasis (protozoa) - *Good empiric*
SE – interactions w/ mammalian cell membranes that cause infusion rxns and renal toxicity – renal toxicity ↓ by Na+ loading or using lipid formation (↑affintiy for ergosterol to ↓ attraction to mammalian cholesterol). Safe for pregnancy


Class – polyene
MOA – same as amphor. B but only given orally (too toxic for IV)
USE – Intestinal or oral Candidasis


Class – antimetabolite/ pyrimidine analog
MOA – metabolized to 5-flurouracil which inhibits Thymidylate synthase to inhibit DNA/RNA synthesis (static)
USE – Cryptococcal chronic meningitis in combo w/ Amphor. B (switch to fluncazole later in therapy)
SE – Cancer chemo-like side effects (due to 5-fluro metabolite)

What is the shared MOA of Azoles?
Inhibit fungal CYP p450 to inhibit demethylation of lanosterol to block synthesis of ergosterol (and thus cell membrane)
What is the shared side effect of azoles?
Inhibit human Cyp enzymes and thus cause many drug-drug interactions
Class – azole
USE – topical use only (very toxic)
SE – If orally administered: hormone imbalances, inhib P450 to cause Rx-interactions, decreased GI absorption if acidic stomach

Class – azole
USE – All fungal except mucormycosis (zygomyco) and Candidia
SE – Pharmacokinetics make it difficult to predict its bioavailability, contraindicated in ventricular dysfxn


Class – Azole – able to cross BBB
USE – Blasto, histo, candidias (except Cadidia krusei), Crypto meningitis (after trx w/ ampho B + flucytosine)
SE – Less Rx-Rx-interactions, prolonged QT intervals


Class – Azole
USE – Invasive aspergillosis and candidiasis
SE – Transient visual disturbances, prolonged QT interval

Class – Azole
USE – same as irtra + mucormycosis (zygomyco)
SE – Prolonged QT interval
What side effect is seen with topical azoles?
Still see Rx-Rx-Interactions!
What are the 3 Echinocandins? How are they administered?
Caspo-fungin, Anidula-fungin, Mica-fungin
*IV administration*
What is the MOA of Echinocandins?
Inhibit synthesis of β-1,3-D-glucan to disrupt cell wall
What is the clinical use of Echinocandins?

. Deep invasive Candidia and Aspergillus,
. Ampho B/Fluco/Vorico resistant strains,
. Combo therapy w/ Ampho B against Murcomyco (Zygomyco),
. Empiric fungal ifxns

What kind of drug interactions do Echinocandins display?
Not metabolized by CYP enzymes thus little interactions, but metabolized by anti-rejection meds (cyclosporine, sirolimus, tacrolimus) and thus interact w/ them
What is the MOA of Allylamines?
Target squalene 2-3 epoxides to inhibit erogsterol synthesis (cause pores to form in membranes)
What is the only allylamine drug and what is its main use?
Terbinafine – dermatophytes – nail/toenail infxns (onychomycosis) and ringworm
What is the MOA of Grisefulvin and is main use?
MOA = Inhibit microtubule polymerization
USE = dermatophytes – ringworm
What is the 1st line drug for Mucuromycoses (Zygomycoses)?

Amphortericin B