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108 Cards in this Set

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Slows the conduction of cardiac impulses in both normal and depolarized fibers; depolarized fibers are more sensitive.
List the two Class Ia agents we talked about in class.
Quinidine and Procanamide
Prolongs the action potential duration & lengthens the QT interval
Increases the effective refractory period
Decreases automaticity, particularly in ectopic pacemakers
Has vagolytic action at the AV node by antagonizing muscarinic action
If given IV, this drug can cause peripheral vasodilataion and myocardial depression, therefore is not usually administered IV
Metabolized by hepatic hydroxylation and urinary excretion of drug and metabolites
Used to treat PSVT, Atrial flutter, & atrial fibrilation
It may be necessary to pre treat with verapamil or a B-blocker before administering this drug
Quinidine due to its vagolytic action
Which causes a widening of the QRS and prolongation of the QT interval that can precipitate torsades?
Hypotension with IV administration can be caused by this drug due to peripheral alpha-adrenergic blockade & myocardial depression.
Recurrent lightheadedness & fainting episodes associated with onset torsades is called
Quinidine syncope
A triad of syncope is known as cinhonism. What are the three symptoms of this triad
tinnitus, headache, dizziness
Oral administration of this drug can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
An anesthesia consideration with someone on quinidine is that it can do what to neuromuscular blocking drugs.
It can accentuate neuromuscular blockers.
This drug reduces Vmax & conduction velocity, prolongues repolarization, & increases effective refractory period
Procainamide = similar effects to those of quinidine
Decreases automaticity in ectopic pacemakers
This drug has a weaker vagolytic action at the AV node compared to quinidine
Can be given PO or IV (IV infusion to maintain therapeutic Cp)
40-60% of administered is eliminated unchanged in the urine
This drug is, in part, acetylated in the liver to N-acetyl procainamide which has antidysrhythmic activity and is also eliminated by the kidneys. Therefore dose reduction is needed in patients with renal disease
This drug is used to treat VF/VT, re-entry SVT not controlled with adenosine and vagal maneuvers, & unknown cause of stable wide-complex tachycardia
This drug may cause hypotension and negative inotropic effect, especially with rapid IV infusion.
This may prolong QT interval and predispode to polymorphic VT.
Slow acetylators may experience a lupus-like syndrome with chronic therapy of this medication
Can cause fever and agranulocytosis that is potentially fatal
This drug can potentiate effects of depolarizing and nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.
This class antidysrhythmic drugs bind to & blocks Na channels in cardiac tissues. Have intermediate potency
Class Ia
This class of antidysrhythmics reduce maximum velocity of action potential upstroke.
Class Ia
This class of antidysrhythmics increase action potential duration.
Class Ia
This class of antidysrhythmic drugs binds to & blocks Na channels in cardiac tissues and have low potency
Class Ib
This class of antidysrhythmics have no effect on, or decrease in action potential duration
Class Ib
This Class Ib drug preferentially supresses conduction in depolarized dysrhythmogenic cardiac cells. It has little effect in normal cardiac cells.
This drug may terminate re-entry pathways and decreased automaticity.
This drug is not given po because it undergoes an extensive first-pass metabolism
Given IV this drug has rapid onset (45-90 sec) and short duration (hepatic metabolism) of action that permits ready titration of IV delivery
Lidocaine - this is an advantage over procainamide
Liver disease or reduced liver blood flow decreases hepatic clearance and increases t1/2 of this drug.
This drug is used for treating pulseless VF/VT (after shock and vasopressor)
This drug is used to treat monomorphic or polymorphic VT
At therapeutic Cp (</= 5mcg/mL)has no effects on ECG. But with Cp > 5mcg/mL can cause peripheral vasodilation and cardiac depression which leasd to hypotension.
CNS toxicity can occur at Cp > 5mcg/mL - seizures possible, especially if hypoxemia, hyperkalemia, or acidosis is present.
This drug can cause respiratory or cardiac depression can occur at Cp > 10mcg/mL
Mexiletine is the orally active form of which drug?
This drug is used for chronic pain for example in diabetic neuropathy. Also infrequently used for the treatment of ventricular dysrhythmias.
Mexiletine and phenytoin are in which class of antidysrhythmic drugs?
Class Ib
This drugs use is limited as an antidysrhythmic and is primarily an anticonvulsant.
This drug has electrophysiologic actions in the heart similar to lidocaine
This drugs one heart indication is the treatment of polymorphic VT with long baseline QT interval (torsades)
This class of antidysrhythmic drugs bind to and block Na channels in cardiac tissue with high potency
Class Ic
This class of antidysrhythmic has no significant effect on action potential duration
Class Ic
The CAST trial showed that patients with ventricular dysrhythmias treated with this drug had increasded mortality
Flecainide is in which class of antidysrhythmics?
Class Ic
What are the Class Ib antidysrhythmic drugs we covered in class?
Lidocaine, mexiletine, and phenytoin
This class Ic antidysrhythmic can be used to treat PSVT or atrial fibrilation/flutter in patients with otherwise normal cardiac function
What are the class Ic antidysrhythmics we covered in class?
flecainide, propafenone, & moricizine
This class Ic antidysrhythmic is structurally similar to propranolol and has weak beta activity
This drug is used to treat PSVT or atrial fib/flutter, but not ventricular dysrhythmias
This class Ic antidysrhythmic has multiple active metabolites with long half lives
Beta-adrenergic antagonists are a member of which class of antidysrhythmic agents?
Class II
These agents depress automaticity (phase 4 depolarization) and impulse conduction
Beta-adrenergic antagonists
(class II)
This class of antidysrhythmic agents act in the AV node to slow conduction, increase effective refractory period, and terminate re-entry
Class II
These drugs are used to convert to NSR or control of ventricular rate in patients with SVTs (re-entry SVT, atrial fib/flutter)
Class II; beta-adrenergic antagonists
List 3 Class II antidysrhythmic beta blockers
Esmolol, metoprolol, propranalol, atenolol, labetalol
This class II antidysrhythmic is useful for the treatment of intraoperative SVT.
Class II antidysrhythmic agents are...
beta-adrenergic antagonists; beta blockers
Class III antidysrhythmic agents are.....
Drugs that prolong repolarization
This drug has primarily Class III action, but also class I, II, and IV
What is amiodarone's class III action?
Blocks rectifier potassium current & prolonges action potential duration and effective refractory period; slows conduction in the his-perkinje system and in accessory pathways
What is amiodarone's class I action?
Blocks sodium channels
Inhibition of sympathetic activation of beta receptors would be which class of amiodarone's action?
Class II
What class action of amiodarone has weak Ca channel blockade -- effect tends to slow AV node conduction & heart rate?
Class IV
This class III antidysrhythmic drug supresses ectopic pacemaker activity and prolonges QT interval with a rare occurrence of torsades.
This class III agent causes hypotension, bradycardia, pulmonary fibrosis, liver injury, thyroid disturbances, and can worsened dysrhythmias
This class III antidysrhythmic delays repolarization by inhibiting K efflux and stimulates inward Na leak
This class III is used for the treatment of SVT, in particular atrial fib/flutter of short duration (<48 hours).
ibutilide = converts to NSR
Sotalol is a beta blocker with class III antidysrhythmic activity. What does that mean?
It prolongs phase III repolarization and depresses automaticity (phase IV repolarization)
This drug is given orally because the IV form is not approved for use in the U.S.
This class III agent is used to treat monomorphic VT, rate control in a.fib/flutter, and WPW.
Sotalol may cause nausea, diarrhea, bradycardia, myocardial depression, and torsades. Yes or no
No; it causes bradycardia, torsades, and myocardial depression.
Class IV agents are...
Calcium channel blockers
Verapamil and diltiazem are in which class of antidysrhythmics?
Class IV
Specifically verapamil and diltiazem block L-type Ca channel blockers. T or F?
These two class IV antidysrhythmic agents slow phase 0 depolarization in the SA node and AV node
verapamil and diltiazem
Verapamil and diltiazem increase anterograde conduction of secondary pathways and should be avoided in what syndrome?
Verapamil and diltiazem are used to treat narrow-complex re-entry SVT and control of ventricualr rate in afib and flutter, but will not what to the rhythm.
Convert it to NSR (but I have seen it used for this purpose)
Calcium channel blockers verapamil and diltiazem are contraindicated in WPW, but what else?
Wide complex tachycardia of unknown origin
Class IV agents can cause what two adverse reactions?
AV block and myocardial depression
Class V antidysrhythmic agents we covered in class are...
Adenosine, digoxin, and Magnesium sulfate
As a drug this Class V agent binds to cell membrane receptors and increases K permiability and decreases Ca influx that leads to hyperpolarization and suppression of Ca-dependant action potentials in the AV node
This class V agent is used to slow conduction and increase refractory period in the AV node and can interrupt re-entry mechanisms
Dose of this drug is: 6mg IV push. May follow with two 12mg IV doses 1 - 2 minutes apart if necessary
This drug is metabolized by erythrocytes & vascular endothelial cells and has a t1/2 of <10 seconds.
Adenosine is a _____ ________that is endogenous in all cells?
purine nucleoside
This Class V antidysrhythmic can be use to treat most forms of stable narrow-complex SVT and wide-complex regular tachycardia defined to be re-entry SVT with abnormal conduction
This drug causes facial flushing, asystole, dyspnea, chest pain, and bronchospasm.
Digoxin is in what class of antidysrhythmic agents?
Class V
This class V agent can be used to control ventricular rate in a.fib/flutter and is an alternative treatment for SVT.
This antidysrhythmic enhances vagal discharge to the heart; slows conduction through the AV node
Digoxin administration with hypokalemia can cause....
this class V antidysrhythmic agent can be used to treat cardiac arrest due to hypomagnesemia or torsades and life threatening dysrhythmias due to digitalis toxicity
magnesium sulfate
Rate is very rapid >250 bpm. Usually caused by re-entrant loop around an area of atrial tissue
Atrial Flutter
Caused by multiple circus movements in the atria with a loss of atrial kick
Atrial fibrilation
Caused by Kent bundle that causes ventricular pre-excitation. Connects the atria to the ventricles
Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Caused by James fibers that connect the atria to the distal AV node
Long-Ganong-Levine syndrome
rhythm caused by ectopic pacemaker cells in the bundle of his
Junctional tachycardia
Narrow-complex tachycardias have a QRS duration of
Wide-complex tachycardias have a QRS duration of