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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose and role of the:

a) SI

b) Large intestine

SI - digestion and absorption

- role: peristalsis

LI - absorption H20 and excretion of wastes

- role: host flora

What is constipation?

Decrease freq and fluidity of BM results in stool hard and dry

Influenced by: diet, exercise, meds

What are the 3 indications of laxatives?

1. Promote BM

2. Used for pre-op or post-op

3. Predianostic

What are the 4 types of laxatives?

1. Bulk-movement (psyllius)

- fibre should be taken with a lot of water --- fibre not absorb forms a bulk that moves quickly via the bowels

2. Osmotic (magnesium hydroxide)

- function by osmotically drawing water into the bowels

- risk of dehydration

3. Stool softner (docusate)

- surfactant decreases stool surface tension therefore allowing more water to reach the stool

4. Stimulant (bisacodyl)

- irritat bowels by promoting:

a) peristalsis

b) water secretion into bowels

- quick effect + often used for pre-op

What are contras for laxatives?

1. Fecal Impaction

2. Obstruction

What is diarrhea?

Increase frequency and fluidity of BM. Related to inadequate water absorption due to:

1. Infection

2. Immune system problems

3. Inflammatory bowel disease (ie. Chrons, UC)

4. IBS

What 3 things can diarrhea result in?

1. Dehydration

2. Electrolyte imbalance

3. Shock

What 3 things can diarrhea result in?

1. Dehydration

2. Electrolyte imbalance

3. Shock

What is the goal for antiDs?

Treat primary problem and if necessary to decr frequency of BM by inhibiting peristalsis

What are 2 types of antiDs?


2. Non-opioids

What why are opioids (codeine, diphrnoxylate --includes atropine) used as an antiD?

Slows peristalsis therefore allowing increase water absorption

What are 3 types of non-opioids used as antiDs and why?

1. Loperamide -- mimics meperidine (a type of opioid) excluding the narcotic properties

2. Bismus subsalicylate -- binds toxins

3. Psyllium -- absorbs water

What are contras for antiDs?

1. Dehydration

2. Electrolyte imbalance

3. Kidney/liver disease

4. Glaucoma (possibly cuz of atropine which is an anticholinergic)

What are contras for antiDs?

1. Dehydration

2. Electrolyte imbalance

3. Kidney/liver disease

4. Glaucoma (possibly cuz of atropine which is an anticholinergic)

How does nausea and vomiting come about?

Through the collaboration of:

1. CTZ (chemoreceptor trigger zone)

- located in the medulla in which it initiates vomiting depending on blood born drugs, hormones and communication with structures in the vomiting centre such as the Gi tract, inner ear and cortex

- 5HT and dopamine receptors

2. NTS (nucleas solitary tract)

- responsible for the ANS related to vomiting

3. Cerebellum -- messages sent through histamine and muscarinic receptors to vomiting centres

What are 3 SE of nausea and vomitting?

1. Dehydration

2. Electrolyte imbalance

3. Metabolic Alkalosis

What is the goal for antisemitics?

To get rid of the primary cause and go in with pharmacotherapy

What are 5 types of antiemitics?

1. Scopolamine - muscarinic antag

- SE: drowsiness

2. Gravol ( diminihydrinate)

- SE: drowsiness

- composed of 2 drugs:

a) diphenhydramine (benadryl)

- h1 receptor antag, SE: drowsiness

b) 8 chlorotheophylline (diuretic --which are supposed to keep u awake)

3. Drugs that offset the SE of N/V of antineoplastics:

(i) phenothiazines (prochlorperazine) aka antipsychotics

- block muscarinic receptors

(ii) 5HT receptor antagonists ( ie. dolasetron/ondasetron)

(iii) cannabinoids (dronabinol)