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63 Cards in this Set

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Which pathway of blood coaguloation begins with release of tissue factor and activation of factor VIIa and Ca+?
extrinsic cascade
What are the three ways drugs affect hemostasis and thrombosis?
blood coagulation (fibrin formation),platelet function,fibrin removal (fibrinolysis)
What are the indirect thrombin inhibitors?
low molecular weight heparin,unfractionated heparin ,fondaparinux
Thrombocytopenia is more likely to be caused by low molecular weight or unfractionated heparin?
Unfractionated heparin
What is the mechanism of action for hirudin?
binds substrate recognition and catalytic site of thrombin factor Iia to inhibit the coagulation cascade
Lepirudin and argatroban are contrindicated in what comorbid conditions?
lepirudin- renal insufficiency,argatroban - hepatic insufficiency
What percentage of warfarin is bound to ablumin in the body?
How do you treat heparin overdose?
IV protamine which forms a stable inert complex
What discontinued heparinoid drug was a mixture of heparan, dermatan, and chondroitin?
How can the actions of warfarin be reversed?
Vitamin K,Fresh frozen plasma
tPA and Urokinase have what effect on fibrinolysis?
Activate the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin
What receptors on inactive platelets are unable to bind fibrinogen?
ADP has what effect on platelet aggregation?
it is one of the most important signalling molecules leading to platelet aggregation
Activation of platelets begins with binding of what?
Von Willebrand factor
How are hereditary clotting defects treated?
Fresh frozen plasma,Recombinant factors (more expensive)
Unfractionated heparin (Heparin sodium)Mechanism
Enhances activity of anti thrombin to form inactive complexes with thrombin IIa, IXa, and Xa
Enoxaparin Low molecular weight heparin: Mechanism
Faster than UF,Lacks a binding motif for inhibition of thrombin IIa but rapidly inactivates factor Xa
Enoxaparin Low molecular weight heparin: Clincal use
ACUTE Initial treatment of venous thrombosis and PE (w/oral anticoagulant),Thrombosis on prosthetic heart valves,Thrombosis and embolization in patients with atrial fibrillation,MI with unstable angina
Enoxaparin Low molecular weight heparin: Adverse effects
Toxicity: Bleeding ,Allergy (animal origin),Osteoporosis,Thrombosis (decreased antithrombin III),,Heparin Induced thrombocytopenia (HIT):,Increased thrombosis due to antibodies to heparin and platelet factor 4,Usually with UF,2-14 days after beginning therapy,Decreased platelet counts
Enoxaparin Low molecular weight heparin: Pharmacokinetics
Same as unfractionated heparin but Subcutaneous is more predictable than for UFH,Cleared by liver and kidney
Enoxaparin Low molecular weight heparin: Contraindications
Hypersensitivity to UFH/LMWH, pork products, methylparaban,History of HIT,Active Bleed,Hemophelia,Thrombocytopenia
Unfractionated heparin (Heparin sodium):Mechanism?
Enhances activity of anti thrombin to form inactive complexes with thrombin IIa, IXa, and Xa
Unfractionated heparin (Heparin sodium):Clincal use ?
ACUTE Initial treatment of venous thrombosis and PE (w/oral anticoagulant),Thrombosis on prosthetic heart valves,Thrombosis and embolization in patients with atrial fibrillation,MI with unstable angina
Unfractionated heparin (Heparin sodium):Adverse effects?
Toxicity: Bleeding ,Allergy (animal origin),Osteoporosis,Thrombosis (decreased antithrombin III),,Heparin Induced thrombocytopenia (HIT):,Increased thrombosis due to antibodies to heparin and platelet factor 4,Usually with UF,2-14 days after beginning therapy,Decreased platelet counts
Unfractionated heparin (Heparin sodium):Pharmacokinetics ?
IV (most rapid/predictable),Subcutaneous (maintenance doses),Avoid IM injection,Dosing based on weight,Cleared by liver and kidney
Unfractionated heparin (Heparin sodium):Contraindications ?
Hypersensitivity to UFH/LMWH, pork products, methylparaban,History of HIT,Active Bleed,Hemophelia,Thrombocytopenia
Fondaparinux Clincal use ?
ACUTE Initial treatment of venous thrombosis and PE (w/oral anticoagulant),Thrombosis on prosthetic heart valves,Thrombosis and embolization in patients with atrial fibrillation,MI with unstable angina
Lepirudin, Bivalirudin (Hiruden): Mechanism?
Irreversibly binds both substrate recognition and catalytic site of thrombin (factor IIa) to inhibit coagulation cycle
Lepirudin, Bivalirudin (Hiruden): Clincal use ?
Treatment of HIT
Lepirudin, Bivalirudin (Hiruden): Adverse effects?
Hemorrhage: most serious/most common
Lepirudin, Bivalirudin (Hiruden): Contraindications ?
Lepirudin:Renal insuficiency
Irreversibly binds and blocks the catalytic site of thrombin
ArgatrobanClincal use ?
Treatment of HIT
ArgatrobanAdverse effects?
Hemorrhage: most serious/most common
ArgatrobanContraindications ?
Hepatic Insufficency
Warfarin (coumadin)Mechanism?
Inhibits Vitamin K reductase which indirectly,Blocks gamma carboxylation of glutamate residues in prothrombin factors VII, IX, and x,No effect on clotting factors made prior to dosing
Warfarin (coumadin)Clincal use ?
PROLONGED TREATMENT OF:,Venous thrombosis and PE (w/oral anticoagulant),Thrombosis on prosthetic heart valves,Thrombosis and embolization in patients with atrial fibrillation,MI with unstable angina
Warfarin (coumadin)Adverse effects?
Hemorrhage of bowel or brain stem,Increased risk from:,Certain Drugs,Aspirin,Altered vit K intake,,reversed by VitK/fresh frozen Plasma
Warfarin (coumadin)Pharmacokinetics ?
100 % bioavailable,99% bound to albumin,Initial effect delayed 12-16 hrs,Full anti-clotting effect delayed 8-16 days,t1/2 is 36 hrs,Requires continual monitoring
Warfarin (coumadin)Contraindications ?
Pregnancy (teratogenic),Active bleed,Hemophelia,severe liver disease,Inability to monitor treatment
Streptokinase Mechanism?
Binds to and activated plasminogen to cause conversion to plasmin,Low fibrin specificity
Streptokinase Clincal use ?
Time is Critical,PE with hemodynamic instability,Severe DVT,Ischemic stroke (tPAs),Acute MI
Streptokinase Adverse effects?
Hemorrhage,Antibody production
Streptokinase A19Contraindications ?
Surgery within last 10 days,Serious GI bleed in last 3 months,History of HTN,Active Bleeding or Hemorrhagic disorder,Previous Cerebrovascular accident,Aortic dissection,Acute pericarditis
tPA's (Alteplase, Reteplase, Teneteplase Mechanism?
Enzymatically convert plasminogen to plasmin,Specific for fibrin-bound plasminogen
tPA's (Alteplase, Reteplase, Teneteplase Clincal use ?
Time is Critical,PE with hemodynamic instability,Severe DVT,Ischemic stroke (tPAs),Acute MI
tPA's (Alteplase, Reteplase, Teneteplase Adverse effects?
tPA's (Alteplase, Reteplase, Teneteplase Contraindications ?
Surgery within last 10 days,Serious GI bleed in last 3 months,History of HTN,Active Bleeding or Hemorrhagic disorder,Previous Cerebrovascular accident,Aortic dissection,Acute pericarditis
Irreversibly inhibits COX 1,Permanent inhibition of a platelet
AspirinClincal use ?
Prevention of MI,Transient cerebral ischemia
AspirinAdverse effects?
Bleeding,Salicylism (large doses)
Clopidogrel (Plavix) Mechanism?
Irreversibly binds and inhibits P2Y12 receptor (Gi-coupled receptor for ADP release)
Clopidogrel (Plavix) Clincal use ?
Used alone or with Aspirin,Reduce rate of stroke and MI in recent MI, also in Peripheral Artery Disease or acute coronary syndrome
Clopidogrel (Plavix) Adverse effects?
Fewer side effects than ticlopidine (less thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
Prasugrel (Effient)Mechanism?
Irreversibly binds and inhibits P2Y12 receptor (Gi-coupled receptor for ADP release)
Prasugrel (Effient)Clincal use ?
Used alone or with Aspirin,Reduce risk of heart attack after angioplasty
Prasugrel (Effient)Adverse effects?
Higher incidence of stroke in those with previous stroke
Ticlopidine (Ticlid) Adverse effects?
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Abcixamab (ReoPro), Eptifibadine (IntegrMechanism?
Prevent interaction of glycoprotein IIB/IIA to fibrinogen or Von Willebrand factor,Prevents platelet aggregation
Abcixamab (ReoPro), Eptifibadine (IntegrClincal use ?
Acute coronary syndrome
Abcixamab (ReoPro), Eptifibadine (IntegrAdverse effects?
Dipyridamole Mechanism?
Inhibits phosphodiesterase, preventing cAMP breakdown, decreasing platelet activation and aggregation
Dipyridamole Clincal use ?
Used with Warfarin to prevent formation of emboli originating from prosthetic heart valves