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14 Cards in this Set

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Name four drugs affecting bacterial cell wall





Describe penicillins and cephalosporins: structure, MoA & characteristics

Structure: made up of beta lactam ring need for biological activity. Is target of bacterial resistance so the bacteria will make beta lactamases enzymes

This has a side chain of beta lactamase ring which is target for degration of amydases by gastric juices

These antibiotics going to work preventing peptiglycon of cell wall by cross linking


(1) bacterial cell wall made up of strands of peptiglycan

(2) penicillin binding protein which is going to bind side chains of peptides by cross linking

(3) protein is going to disassociate so then get formation of cross link

(4) penicillin is going to go to active area of wherever the protein was so that interacts and inhibits the enzymes involved w cross linking

(4) beta lactamase ring of penicillin going to remain irreversibly open during reaction of protein

So penicillin will remain covalently linked to PBP so that blocks active site


Penicillins first line of treatment as effective against broad spectrum of gram positive/gram negative bacteria

But both Cephlasporins/Penicillins not topical drugs as doesn't go through ocular barriers

Natural penicillins: penicillin G and penicillin V and 1st gen Cephlasporins cause hypersensitivities: type 1-4 - utacaria (hives), contact dermatitis, Steven Johnson syndrome & angioedema

Also get nausea and diahorreha bc affects gut bacteria

Nb: Cephlasporins effective against gram negative bacteria but cause vit K deficiencies as prevents synthesis of bacteria responsible for making vit K thus won't have mature clotting factors so will get bleeding

C/I in haemophillics

Synthetic penicillins: flucoxicillin (beta lactamase resistant), amoxicillin, ampicillin & penicillin all effective against P.auerginosa

Describe bacitracin: MoA & characteristics

Bacitracin works bc prevents movement of precursor to peptidoglycan from cytoplasm, cell membrane to cell wall so inhibits cell wall synthesis


Low resistance to antibiotic and effective against gram positive but NOT gram neg excluding N.Gonhorreae

Topical use only bc causes renal necrosis if used systemically

Can be used topically on skin

Describe Vancomycin: MoA & characteristics


Works bc prevents synthesis of peptiglycan as binds to mucopeptide precursor so prevents synthesis of cell wall


Low resistance and effective against gram positive bacteria esp those resistant to antibiotics ie used as last line of treatment - use for MRSA & C.difficle

Name 2 drugs affecting cell membrane permeability


Polymixin b

Describe Gramicidin and Polymixin B

Both work bc act like detergent - affects phospholipid component of cell wall so make cell leaky and attacks foreign substances


Effective against gram negative bacteria including P.aeurginosa

Topical use only bc if used systemically causes neuro/nephrotoxic effects

But can be used prophylactically when cornea / conjunctiva compromised

Only comes in combo w steroid: Maxitrol

Polymixin B

Effective against gram positive and gram negative excluding gram positive: bacilli

Topical use only as causes haemolysis so affects blood CI in anyone w porphyria

Can be used prohylactically when cornea / conjunctiva compromised

Only comes in combo w steroid: Sofradex

Name five drugs affecting protein synthesis





Fusidic acid

Describe Aminoglycosides

Binds irreversibly to 30s subunit of ribosome so moves along length of messenger rna so et amino acid chain so that protein can be made

When Aminoglycoside binds to 50s subunit will change shape of mRNA so this can't be transcribed by tRNA

Thus prevents adequate building of protein

Effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria - excluding P auerginosa

Mainly used for gonococcal keraconjunctivitis (characteristic white discharge) as its resistant to penicillin thus use Gentamicin





Side effects

Nephrotoxic and otoxotic effects

Avoid if anyone using potentially ototoxic drugs - Cisplatin

Not safe for use in pregnancy

Describe tetracyclines

Prevents tRNA binding on 30s subunit of ribosome

Effective against gram positive / gram negative bacteria including P auerginosa / Proteus

Describe chloramphenicol

Prevents elogation of protein by binding to 50s subunit of ribosome

Bacterial resistance:

Bc bacteria made out of plasmids this can have mutations which is encoded for enzyme chloramphenicol transferases or can happen through chromosomal mutations which will affect outer membrane

Describe macrolides

Prevents elongation factor of protein by binding reversibly to 50s subunit

Bacterial resistance: through methylation of 23s subunit, active efflux and enzyme cleavage

Effective against gram P and some gram N bacteria but depends on which macrolide is used

Describe fusidic acid

Prevents translocation of EF-G

Bacterial resistance can happen through alterations of EF-G

Drug: Fucathlmic 1% viscous drops (BAK/EDTA)

Name drugs involved in nucleic acid synthesis


Describe Quinolones/Fluoroquinolones

Works by binding alpha subunit of DNA gyrases so prevents supercoiling of DNA

Bacterial resistance through altered alpha subunits and altered porins so get decreased uptake of it

Effective against gram P and some gram N bacteria

Local/systemic SE not likely as: well tolerated, rare hypersensitivities & comfortable






Nb Ciprofloxacin causes white corneal deposits but they are reversible once stop using drug