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18 Cards in this Set

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Class 1 A, slower acting, also blocks K channels (incr refractory period) also has anticholinergic action: increase AV conduction
Class 1 B, selective, rapid, quickly dissociates, parenteral, no K blockage
also a short amide anesthetic
Class 1 C, same as 1B only sloer acting
overall effects of Class 1 drugs
1.decrease excitability
2. slow rate of conduction
Class 3
1. Prolongs action potential (no repol)
2. cells remain in refractory period
Class 3
1. Prolongs action potential (no repol)
2. cells remain in refractory period
mixed action of all classes
alters lipid membrane
Class 3
1. Prolongs action potential (no repol)
2. cells remain in refractory period
mixed action of class 2 and 3
class 2 (BB)
1. decrease hr
2. decrease conduction...incr refractory period
3. decrease force of contractions
class 2 (BB)
1. decrease hr
2. decrease conduction...incr refractory period
3. decrease force of contractions
class 4 (CCB)
1. decrease hr
2. decrease conduction...incr refractory period
3. decrease force of contractions
altered automaticity
class 1 and 2
increase HR
class 2 and 4
***delayed after depolarizations***
Class 1 (selectively reduces retrograde conduction) and 3 (keeps it in refractory)
Class I action
blocks fast Na voltage dependent channels
Class 3 action
blocks K channels to increase refractory period
torsades de pointes causes:
impaired K channel function
1. genetic mutations
2. hypokalemia
3. class 1A quinidine
4. class 3 ibutilide and amiodarone
***early afterdepolarizations***
supraventricular arrhythmia tx:
***give sedative***
1. anticoagulant before starting antiarrhytmic
2. low AV conduction w/ BB or CCB, adenosine, digioxin
3. cardiovert w/ defib or class 1 or 3

maintain on class 1 or 3 or AV conduction blockers or ablation or pacemaker?
Vtach Fib
defib or lidocaine (1B)
long term: class 1 or 3