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48 Cards in this Set

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Fact of Blackness
(Fanon) Inescapable position from being black (ex: stereotypes)
Karl Marx
believed communism and socialism were better than capitalism and that they would end class stratification; Class occurs when a ruling group of people control the mean of production [b/c they control means of production, they can control the rules of society.
*Believed that the only way out of having a class system is through a violent revolution from the lower class.
Slavery/Wage Labor
black people seen as objects in colonialism and slavery;
working class
Consumer Society
A term sometimes applied to modern Western societies, which suggests that they are increasingly organized around consumption (of goods and leisure), rather than the production of materials and services.
Biological Determinism
the hypothesis that biological factors such as an organism's individual genes (as opposed to social or environmental factors) completely determine how a system behaves or changes over time.
Slash and Burn Agriculture
consists of cutting and burning of forests or woodlands to create fields for agriculture or pasture for livestock, or for a variety of other purposes.
Core/Periphery Relations
The countries of the world can be divided into two major world regions - the 'core' and the 'periphery.' The core includes major world powers and the countries that contain much of the wealth of the planet. The periphery are those countries that are not reaping the benefits of global wealth and globalization; core is super power (US) and peripheries are lower countries or colonies (Guatamala), everything trickles down from core to periphery (money, education, power, etc.);Power structure
Exploitative Theory of Social Stratification
a theory based on the assumption that social stratification and hierarchy exist because one group of individuals seeks to take advantage of another group for economic purposes
Sidney Mintz
wrote Sweetness and Power; looked at the history of sugar consumption in Great Britain to analyze the spike in demand (rare good to common consumption)
W.E.B. Du Bois
family lived in black society and white society, speaks out against scientific racism, bond between all those who were in bondage or in slavery binds people together, blackness is all around him, but he can never escape it; common bond between slavery and oppression; supports education (slow change)
a greater consumption leads to greater production; the increased production was done through colonies and other countries, often using cheap labor; Also parallels to the relationship b/t the colonizing countries and the colonized.
An economic and social system based on the development of large-scale industries and marked by the production of large quantities of inexpensive manufactured goods and the concentration of employment in urban factories.
an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for a private profit; decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments are made by private actors in the free market; demand is important;
Mode of Production
Karl Marx; a specific combination of:
 productive forces: these include humanlabour power and the means of production (eg. tools, equipment, buildings and technologies, materials, and improved land).
 social and technical relations of production: these include the property, power and control relations governing society's productive assets, often codified in law, cooperative work relations and forms of association, relations between people and the objects of their work, and the relations between social classes.
Means of Production
refers to physical, non-human inputs used in production—the factories, machines, and tools used to produce wealth -- along with both infrastructural capital and natural capital.
Group of people with same ideas; a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory;
People with the same culture living together; form of categorizing people; countries; tied to nationalism; a sense of unity; print media is very important;
involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation.
a member of the middle class (elite class)
the "applied science or the biosocial movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population," usually referring to human populations
a good for which there is demand, but which is supplied without qualitative differentiation across a market.
an androcentric social system in which the role of the male as the primary authority figure is central to social organization, and where fathers hold authority over women, children, and property
Benedict Anderson
imagined communities; idea that we should all “have” a nationality; likes print media
Jamaica Kincaid
tourism, colonialism, ethnographic details; invert our gaze;
Imagined Community
o Benedict Anderson
o Everyone should have a nationality
o created in their minds
o gives people a sense of belonging
o something social and culturally constructed using symbols and rituals
o forces that bring people together to make people believe they have a nationality
o communities formed around state entity because of print media
o can create artificial divisions because of different nationalities
Kayapos Resistance (in relation to globalization)
o fourth-world people
o resistance to the destruction of the amazon
o Brazil is building dams to become more globalized and in turn kayapo are resisting
o becoming more like everyone else
o becoming more industrialized
o Flows of people, capital, goods and ideas beyond geographical borders making them [geographical borders] less significant
o Shifts the global economy
o a social process in which restraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding
o drug trafficking, human trafficking
Gender Roles
a theoretical construct in the social sciences and humanities that refers to a set of social and behavioral norms that, within a specific culture, are widely considered to be socially appropriate for individuals of a specific sex.
Systemic Racism
any kind of racism occurring specifically within institutions such as public government bodies, private business corporations, and universities (public and private).
Sherry B. Ortner (nature and culture debate)
argues that women are identified with nature, which is universally devalued (similar to the beliefs that blacks are somehow closer to nature, to the non-human world); family (domestic) life identified with nature, structurally subordinate;
Ideology of Racism
race is a myth but racism is not; form of othering;
George Lipsitz (commoditization of disaster, competitive consumer citizenship)
capitalizing on disaster in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina; well-off people seek to maintain status by hurting people below them (tax the poor)
Othering (social significance)
making others feel bad to make yourself feel good;
privatization of schools, healthcare, etc…; capitalism on steroids (no government involvement);
• Features
o State out of the economy
o Market is the point of reference for good governance
o Comes down to the individual (all sovereign)

• Outcomes
o Stimulates eco. growth
o Deepens inequality and allure of global consumerism
o Address social problems through their own initiative (self-help)
Free Market Economy
a market in which there is no economic intervention and regulation by the state, except to enforce private contracts and the ownership of property; invisible hand
Culture of Poverty
a social theory explaining the cycle of poverty; the poor remain in poverty because of their adaptations to the burdens of poverty.
Class System
different types (fixed, not fixed, proletariat, Bourgeoisie,) Karl Marx
Stratified by:
o Income
o Personal possessions
o cultural/family background
James Baldwin
black gay writer and political activist; argues against himself being exceptional; role of church in plight of black people internationally
Gender Performativity
How genders perform- dress, activities, etc. How people of certain genders are expected to be.
Bretton Woods Institutions
dollar is reference point for currency exchange;
Gender fixity
equating gender with sex (ex: male or female)
Ruth Behar (Inscribing Subjectivity)
how to avoid objectifying the subjects of ethnogtaphy; mudslide girl; vulnerable observer;
leave because they are no longer safe to live in home country, fleeing violence, persecution, environmental disasters
Economic Migrants
someone who has emigrated from one region to another region for the purposes of seeking employment or improved financial position.
Ideology of Class
human nature wants to categorize things, and from class system arose
Franz Fanon
Black Skin White Masks: analysis of effect of colonial subjugation on humanity; Fact of Blackness; social revolution; did not like nationalism;
socially constructed roles of and relations between men and women; different from sex; males are strong and females are weak; transgender is a third gender