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70 Cards in this Set

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growing crops
Animal Husbandry
raising domestic animals
the elaboration of an act or a thing beyond the utilitarian demands
Anything made by people or used by people
Balanced Reciprocity
direct or immediate exchange of goods with little or no long term social consequences
direct negotiated exchange of goods and services without money
cargo system
religious economic institution of chiapas maya where men spend great amounts of money and time for the honor and prestife of holding ceremonial offices
group meals as a ritual
how people thing
3rd interest of traditional economics, use of goods and services
Cultural adaptation
both the process and the result of changes in a culture made to better interact with and exploit the environmental setting
cultural themes
basic organizing principles evident in various cultural practices
culture neutral
words used to describe behavior in another culture without carrying too many of the meanings over from the first language
discoures analysis/conversation analysis
studies the ways in which people actually speak, looking for the rules or patterns in our normal informal talk
one of the basic aspects of economic behavior, the movement of goods and services through some sort of exchange or reciprocity
division of labor
how work and other activities are allocated to specific sorts of people within a society, according to gender, age etc
a hand gesture that has a specific concise meaning
ideas, categories, and explanations of the people themselves
certain brief responses, both internal physiological and external behavioral, influenced by cultural norms, to antecedent events
environmental determinism
an extreme position of cultural ecology that holds that cultural traits are the result of the natural environment
the use of cultural neutral scientific terms and categories to describe a culture
the movement of goods and services between people
a general term for both agriculture and horticulture
all the knowledge and behavior that surrounds the foods of a culture
the food production strategies of people who live by gathering and hunting foods rather than by farming and herding
low tech farming without plows or tractors often characterized by shifting, nonpermanent field patterns
generalized reciprocity
exchange between relatives or others with close social ties, usually involving some time lag between one transaction and its reciprocal
the sort of exchange of goods between people that usually involves a delay between the first and the return gift, the people are embedded in a web of social relationships, and the gifts are often said to be free, but there are strong obligations to repay gifts
the principle that a persons primary identity is as the member of a social network as opposed to individualism
technologically simple farming usually carried out with digging sticks or hoes rather than plows
hunting & gathering
the food production strategies of foragers who get their food by hunting, fishing and gathering wild plants
emphasis on a person as autonomous, independent, not beholden to his or her social groups
a complex bundle of skills and abilities, not necessarily correlated with each other, and very different from the one dimensional iq measure
intensive agriculture
farming that utilizes plows, tractors, chemical fertilizers, and insecticides, carried out on large permanent fields, often with irrigation
the study of how the body is used in communication
kula exchange
the great interisland routesalong which people of the islands off the eastern tip of new guinea, including the Trobriand Islanders circulated valuable shell and coral ornamentals
acquiring knowledge of skills
leveling effect
cultural institutions that function to reduce the distinctions between rich and poor people through fear or economic redistribution
linguistic determinism
the idea that the structure of a language has a total coercive power to shape perception
linguistic relativism
the idea that differences in languages are significantly related to differences in the way people see the world and deal with the world sometimes called
sapir-world hypothesis
Mental illness
a vague term for psychological behavior that a particular culture considers deviant
one or more phonemes that have meaning
the study of how phonemes or sounds combine to form units that have meanings
national character
very generalized description of the psychological makeup of an entire nation
negative reciprocity
the distribution of goods without any full reciprocity, usually theft or trickery
nonverbal communication
those channels or communication that involve body movement, hand gestures, use of space and time, and the like, and complement or substitute for language in the narrow sense
the subsistence mode where a group is primarily engaged in keep herd animal, they either do some farming on the side or live in close contact with farmers
those various attributes and attitudes that make up a persons individuality
the sound or set of sounds
ritual feasts where valuables are given away and destroyed in competition for prestige between high status leaders of societies in the Pacific northwest
an old term with derogatory and racist connotations used for other societies, usually tribal and band societies, in its basic sense of "simple" it could be used for kinds of technologies, but it has been so contaminated by its negative use that it is rarely employed
one of the three main aspects of economics, the creation or manufacture of goods
how space and time are used in organizing human interaction, a term especially connected with Edward T Hall
distribution of products and services by long delayed exchange of gifts
oassing out goods to people, often in exchange for some sort of prestige or pooling and spending; taxation
rite of passage
a ceremony whose function is to dramatize the passage of a person from one status to another
a stylized act or performance with religious or magical purpose
the meaning of words
semantic field
sets of related words
shifting horticulture
farming where temporary fields are partially cleaned in forest or jungle, planted for a very few crop cycles, then abandoned (slash and burn)
a signal with a direct, essential relationship to its referent
situated learning
informal transmission of cultural knowledge with emphasis on in situ, contextualized learning rather than classroom lectuers
slash and burn
shifting horticulture
swidden farming
nonintensive horticulture (shifting horticulture)
a signal with an indirect, arbitrary relationship to its reference
the grammar of a language
where goods or services are collected and then used or redistributed by a central authority
the tools and techniques or manufacture and production (including both ideas and material objects)
the form in pastoralism in which animals are shifted from one grazing place to another in a yearly cycle
universal grammar
the underlying innate, genetically transmitted basic structure of language that allows humans to learn any specific language easily and early