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51 Cards in this Set

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Archaeology Anthropology

How did people live in the past,

Excavation & Analysis

Biological/Physical Anthropology

What makes humans different from primates? How and why do human groups differ. Origin and evolution of homo sapiens

Cultural/Social Anthropology

Differences & Similarities in contemporary and historic cultures what is universal, what is particular?

Linguistic Anthropology

What style of speech should one use in specific social context. How does language reflect our worldview

Applied Anthropology

Application of anthropological knowledge & methods to real world problems


The study of beliefs and practices of social actors within society...in which societies and social groups are treated as open ended systems

Holistic Perspectives

No single aspect of human community can be understood without exploring it's relation to other aspects of the community's total way of life

Comparative Perspective

Differences and Similarities in contemporary and historical cultures.

Relativistic Perspective (most important)

Look for internal logic of cultural system. Evaluate each culture on its own terms

Culture (I think Tylor)

The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement

Culture (I think Geertz)

Check list approach of defined attributes


How we think people should behave. Contextual depending on where and who you're with

World View

Perception/interpretation of reality- how we think we should relate to the world

Construction of Reality

Perception / interpretation of reality how we classify / categorize


Something that means, stands for or calls to mind something else

Polysemic symbols

Multiple meanings (both across cultures and not)

Arbitrary symbols

Nothing intrinsic, we ascribe it on the symbol


Beliefs about the goals or way of life that is desirable


How does language affect the way we see and understand the world

Patterns of Behavior

What people actually do, interaction in specific social context

EB Tylor Culture

The complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities and habits by being a member of society


The account of a culture or subculture based on long-term research/fieldwork

Participant Observation

To grasp the natives point if view Bromislaw Malinowski.

Emic Perspective

Getting into the internal perspective

Edic perspective

Being outside opposite of Emic

Fieldwork challenges

Building rapport, overcoming biases, coming to grips with the mundane

Great Chain of Being

Earth unchanged, hierarchy/scale of perfection

Religious Signifier

Pagan, Christian

Pre Evolutionary

Basically the entire world was pagan and barbaric and the rest of the world was the pinnacle of civilization

EB Tylor

First anthropologist at Oxford


Brutish Savage, the life of man, solitary poor nasty and short


Noble Savage

Theory of change

Changes occur through natural selection

Henry Lewis Morgan

Focus on technology and materials


Franz Boas

Different environments different needs develop different technology

Culture isn't about materials and technology

It's about complex system of meaning

Race is Discredited

Biologically/genetically meaning less classification. But we make it meaningful

Malinowski perspective


Radcliffe Brown perspective

Structural functionalism-practices and ideas serve to maintain social order

Geertz perspective

Idealism & interpretivism

Mead v. Freeman

Whether or not Rebellion occurs in other places (Freeman yes, Mead no)


What shapes our descriptions of culture? Individuality? Our own cultures worldview?

Structural Functionalism

How social relationships are establish into institutions


How does environmental conditions affect our ideas and social attitudes


How do people within a culture interpret symbols


Increased contact and movement, object and ideas and integration in the political sphere cultures around the world are becoming more similar


Business principles informing a specific kind of rationality that is spread to to other aspects of life

Friedman World is flat

Economic and social opportunities are increasingly available to all people regardless of geographical location

Samuel Huntington

Huge nation states, conflict between non western cultures and the west


Blending of cultures, but that assumes that there are pure cultures (there isn't )


Process where ideas & objects spread 'localized' into particular social structures