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72 Cards in this Set

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Way of life a group of people has believes values and behaviors


Study of human species and sociocultural immediate ancestors


Subfield of anthropology study of human society and culture


. Field work based account of a certain community culture


Examines analyzes interprets results of ethnography


Subfield of anthropology. Reconstructs describes interprets human behavior and cultural patterns through material remains


Subfield of anthropology. Examines human and nonhuman primate biological diversity


Examines fossil record of human evolution


Sub field of anthropology

Analysis of language in its social and cultural context

Unilinear evolution

Lewis Henry Morgan, why there's a difference in human groups.

Savagery, barbarianism, civilization.

Multicultural evolution

Julian steward

Given similar conditions cultures can develop independently among similar lines.

Independent invention

Humans innovate creatively finding solutions to problems


Customs that lost function but are carried onto a later evolutionary stage basically by force or habit

Diffusion (traits spread)

Borrowing one's culture trait as a result of contact


Process by which child learns their culture

Shared the not all practiced


Ethnographic method

Documentation of living cultures relying on various data collecting techniques

Emic approach

Native: investigates how local people think

Etic appraoch

Science: shifts focus from the local observations categories interpretations of anthropologist

Salvage ethnigraphy

Study and record existing cultural diversity that's threatened by westernization

Ethnographic present

Arbitrary time when process of cultural change is ignored in order to describe given culture as if stable system

Problem oriented ethnography

Modern ethnographers tend to investigate specific cultural elements and collect data relevant to that problem

Longitudinal research

Long time study of community covenant region, society, culture, or other unit.

Modern ethnographies acknowledge upside influence


Study of communication through body movements stances gestures and facial expression

Saphir-Whorf hypothesis

Grammatical categories of certain languages leads their speakers to think/perceived in different ways


Use rule of language to produce new expression

Primate "finger bracelet"


Communication about things not present or currently happening

Chomsky Universal grammar

All languages have common structural basis. Humans have similar linguistic abilities and thought processes. Where customs

Queer Customs

Culture is a total way of life of the people.

Not just being familiar with history literature etc. can't be explained biologically

Dispute in Donggo

Dou Donggo- ppl who live in highland Indonesia

Rice farmer

Concept of justice?

Woman accused Man of abuse

Confessed to village elders

Had actually been seen w. Engaged woman

Five man

A society's system of economic production

-foraging, agriculture, industrialism, horticulture, Pastoralism


Subsistive pattern based on harvesting naturally occurring plants and animals by hunting gathering fishing

Still practiced primarily in environment unfavorable to food production


Shifting cultivation

Small scale cultivation utilizing simple tools and no irrigation

Slam & burn horticulture

Technical process land is cleared and burn to enrich soil for planting

(Intensive) agriculture

Large scale cultivation of area categorized by use of plow and draft animals and by more effective techniques of water and soil control

Landscape modification

Irrigation, terracing

Mode of production

Way of organizing production

Capitalist Tributary kinship

Capitalist mode of production

Money buys labor with a social gap between management and labor

Tributary mode of production

Producer have access to means of production

Kinship mode of production

Labor provided as social obligation

Non industrial societies

Access to both land and labor vines through social links with manufacturing often linked to age and gender

Non industrial societies

Access to both land and labor through social links with manufacturing often linked to age and gender

Industrial nations

Individuals of same age and gender may specialize in different things

American economist assume...

Individuals strive to maximize profit (profit motive )

Economizing & maximizing

Anthropologists demonstrate that people...

Aren't always motivated to maximize profit

Ppl may try to maximize profit, wealth,prestige,pleasure, comfort, or social harmony

Anthology today ch5

Scarcity and belsileo

Concept of scarcity Is a variable

-1960s rice farmers believed they had all they needed

-2006 with larger population and growth of cash economy

They began harvesting rice & carrots, cattle rustling digging for tourmalines

The Tractor Invasion

Cerrado Savanna Brazil

-home to 9 xavante communities

-reservations don't provide for traditional activities :guava fruit becoming rare

-Clearing forests, ranching,& construction of grain storage facilities & infrastructure

-rice & now soybean & sugarcane production replacing traditional livelihoods

3 Types of Exchange

(One usually dominates)

Market principle



Market principle

In capitalist economy:governs distribution of means of production

-law of supply and demand

-based on standard value


Goods like food are concentrated & then given out under control of central political authority


Value of gifts isn't calculated nor is time of repayment specified


Balanced reciprocity

Giving and receiving specific to value of goods & find of their delivery

-between people who are more distantly related

Negative reciprocity

Party attempted to get something for as little as possible using decide met

-between people who are strangers or enemies


Ability to exercise ones will over others


Ability to exercise ones will over others

Sociopolitical organization


Influence with potential threat or force



Approved use of power accepted by members of community

Sociopolitical regulation

Decision making

Dispute management/conflict resolution

Formal leaders/ policies

Elman Service

Four levels of political organizations






Small kin based groups found typically among foragers

-go over notes for more detail


Non intensive food producers horticultural and pastoralists

-go over notes for more details


Kinbased agricultural society with formal political structure and differential access to resources, wealth prestige, & power

-go over notes for more details


Intensive agricultural-based society with formal government and social stratification


Intensive agricultural-based society with formal government and social stratification

-go over notes for more details


The position or rank that one occupies in group or society that carries certain role expectation

-lack of formalized law & regulations


Substance pattern where people make a living by trading herds of large animals


Substance pattern where people make a living by trading herds of large animals

Two patterns of movement

Nomadism: entire group movies with animals throughout year

Transumance: @ Least part of group moves seasonally with herds while some people stay at home in village

Village head

Achieved status>earned position

-Must be generous cultivates more land than others

-Represents village in its relations with outsiders

The Big Man (Papupa New Guinea

-has supporters in several villages

-achieved status through wealth, generosity, eloquence, physical fitness, and supernatural powers

The Big Man (Papupa New Guinea

-has supporters in several villages

-achieved status through wealth, generosity, eloquence, physical fitness, and supernatural powers


Non-kin-based groups often based on common age or gender that link local groups in tribal societies

Pantribal Sodalites

Extend across whole tribes spanning several villages

- have developed in areas of intertribal warfare