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42 Cards in this Set

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5 fields of anthropology
-biological(physical) anthro
-applied(practicing) antro
Father of anthropology
Franz Boas
Descriptive linguistics
focus of linguistics on how contemporary languages differ, esp. in their construction
applied anthro
when basic research made by an anthropologist is used to achieve practical goals
the total way of life of any society; the set of learned behaviors of ideas
the attitude that other societies' customs and ideas can be judged in the context of one's own culture
cultural evolution
multiple theories from different theorists- Tylor, Darwin, and Morgan; some believe there were steps of progressions humans passed through
cultural relativism
the attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be viewed within the context of that society's problems and opportunities
2 types of cultural constraints
explanation of laws and statistical associations
cultural ecology
the analysis of the relationship between a culture and its environment
example of cultural ecology; live within New Guinea; they mainly eat root crops, but raise pigs to consume garbage and prepare soil, overpopulation of pigs leads to ritual pigs feasts which leads to less conflict
political economy
the study of how external forces, particularly powerful state societies, explain the way a society changes and adapts
Clifford Geertz
popularized the idea that a culture is like a literary text that can be analyzed for meaning, as the ethnographer interprets it
2 kinds of explanations
a method that shows that a theory seems to be wrong
Methods cultural anthropologists use:
-within-culture comparisons
-regional controlled comparisons
-cross-cultural research
-historical research
a description and analysis of a single society an anthropologist does after doing fieldwork
participant observation
living among the people being studied-observed, questioning, and (when possible) taking part in the important events of the group
knowledgeable people who work with anthropologists while in the participant observation process
regional controlled comparison
when an anthropologist compares ethnographic info obtained from societies found in a particular region
within- culture comparison
when a theory is tested within one society and they compare individuals, families, households, communities, and districts
Forms of non-verbal human communication
-facial expression
-body stance
-systems of signs and symbols
3 types of non-human communication
-body movement
Difference open and closed systems:
Open-used amongst humans, complex sound rules, sounds can be combined to make infinite meanings
Closed systems- different sounds are not combined to produce new, meaningful utterances
when slightly varying sounds are often used interchangeably in words without creating a difference in meaning
the study of sequences of sounds that have meaning
a sound or set of sounds that makes a difference in meaning in that language
the rules that predict how phrases and sentences are generally formed
the smallest unit of language that has a meaning
Linguistic divergence occurs when:
groups of ppl speaking the same language lose communication with one another b/c they become separated, either physically or socially and they begin to accumulate small changes in phonology, morphology, and syntax
code switching
using more than one language in the course of conversing
Some characteristics of food-getting
Food production
the form of subsistence technology in which food-getting is dependent on the cultivation & domestication of plants & animals
3 types of food production systems
-intensive agriculture
What type of food production does wet rice cultivation display?
Located in Khanh Hau; commercialization is the theory of development of food production
the increasing dependence on buying and selling with money usually as the medium of exchange
a tribe of 16,000 nomads who lived in tents; they herded different animals and live in a pastoral system migrating within the territory they live in
the process by which cultural elements are borrowed from another society and incorporated into the culture of the recipient group
belief that cultural evolution is determined strictly by conditions inside the culture
rejects modernism; questions the whole enterprise of ethnography
role of women
rarely included until 1960's; studies of women in culture, believe anthropology is another tool used by dominant powers to dehumanize others