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10 Cards in this Set

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What happened in 1981 to the Iraq nuclear facility?
Israel bombed it, and it was destroyed
Abu Nidal
Part of the PLO. New terrorist group whose goal was to kill all Jewish leaders in the world. HQ in S Lebanon. Attacked Israeli Embassy. Had been using Syrian Embassy as a safe house so GB and U.S. decided to break off ties with them.
Achille Lauro
Italian passenger ship that was attacked in 2004 by the PLO. One American Jewish passenger was killed.
Afghan-Russian War
Mujahedeen who opposed the modernization in Afghanistan were rebelling. Afghan government asked Russia for help. Pres Carter (US) told CIA to help the Mujahedeen fight against communism. In 1989 Russia left because of high casualties and high cost. US declared victory and soon lost interest. Lasted 10 years.
Anwar Sadat
Egyptian leader after Nasser died. Cut all ties with the USSR. Wanted to get rid of Israel. Camp David accords.
Arab Legion
Jordan army. Captured west bank and half of Jerusalem in Arab Israel war.
Arab Spring
Started in 2010. It was an uprising between the poor and the people in control. Has forced many countries to change their policies in response to riots and protests. Causes: authoritarian rule, extreme poverty, government corruption, human rights violations, inflation, kleptocracy, sectarianism.
Arabs (the origin)
Originally from Assyrian inscription. Semitic speaking people. Language: Arabic. Can be traced back to Abraham - Ishmael.
Once conquered Syria. Middle Eastern empire.
Ayatollah Khomeini
Tried to take control in Iran after the Shah got cancer. Seized the oil fields and said they would go back to the strict teaching of the Quran. Asked USSR for help with the oil fields, which led to US fear of communist overtake.