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110 Cards in this Set

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Absolute dating

~Involves an actual number that dates the specimen -dendrochronology -radiocarbon dating -radiopotassiunm dating -amino acid dating -fission track dating -paleomagnetic dating -luminescence -molecular clock

Acheulian complex

~homo erectus~handaxes and other stone tools more advanced than oldowan

Adapids v. Omomyids

~both are Euprimates (the 1st true primate)~Adapids: diurnal, large snout, sexually dimorphic, lemurlike~Omomyids: nocturnal, larger eyes, narrow snout, tasierlike



~the largest primate found in the Fayum in Egypt

~represents the ancestral condition for all primitive catarrhines~the earliest catarrhine


~aiding another at the risk/expense of yourself~warning vocalization

Amino acid dating

~absolute dating~decay of protein molecules~ >200 kya~ needs organic matter


~haplorhini suborder~platyrrhines & catarrhines (cercopithecodea & hominoidea) ~new world monkeys, old world monkeys, apes, humans

Arboreal adaptation

~generalized skeletal structure:

-many bones -opposable thumbs -spinal adaptation

~enhanced sense of touch: -dermal ridges -nails v. claws

~enhanced vision -forward facing eyes -skeletal structure protection -color vision~reduced sense of smell -small noses/snouts

Archaic Homo sapiens

~emerged 350kya~evolved from homoerectus~longer, lower skull~larger browridge~larger occipital bun~larger teeth~no chin~same tools but more diverse materials~reduction of dental complex means they were eating softer foods~used teeth as tools~regional variation

Ardipithecus kadabba & Ardipithecus ramidus


~kadabba: -5.8mya (earlier species) -perihoning~ramidus: -300-350cc -face protrudes -long forearms -wide pelvis -divergent big toe -bipedal -spent time in trees


~4-1mya~increased brain size and loss of ape like traits compared to pre-au’s~still relativly small brains (400-530cc)~nonhoning~varied mostly in size and robusticity~ most had small brains, small canines, large premolars, and large molars~had varied locomotion ~more specialized diet, bigger chewing complex, and smaller brains than homos

Australopithecus anamensis

~4mya~oldest Au species~physically similar to ardipithicus~u shaped jaw (not parabolic)

Australopithecus afarensis

~2nd Au~3.6-3mya~bipedal~430cc~redction in tooth size~Lucy~laetoli footprints~selam~burtele fossil

Australopithecus (Kenyanthropus) platyops

~very similar to au afarensis

Australopithecus africanus

~3-2mya~450cc~may have consumed meat~taung baby

Australopithecus garhi

~gracile~2.5mya~450cc~humanlike limb ratio~ancestor of homo~first hominids to use tools

Australopithecus aethiopicus

~early robust~410cc~large teeth, large face, massive muscle attachments on cranium ~e. africa

Australopithecus boisei

~came from au. aethiopicus (late robust)~2.3-1.2mya~e. africa~510cc~large teeth, large face, massive muscle attachments on cranium

Australopithecus robustus

~came from Au. Africanus~2-1.2mya~large teeth, large face, massive muscle attachments on cranium~530cc~S.africa

Australopithecus sediba

~lived same time as au robustus~S.africa~modern hand~came from au africanus

Basal anthropoids

~the first anthropoids ~“Ida” ~eocene~asia & africa

Body fossils

~ mineralized organic matter

~two types: -permineralization & cast(positive)/endocast(negative)

Biostratigraphic dating

~relative dating

~compares different fossil forms based on appearance


~foramen magnum at bottom of skull~pelvis is short & broad ~long legs, short arms~s-shaped spine~arched foot~big toe is in line with other toes and is nonopposible~knees angled inwards~evolutionary trade offs: exposure to predators, back injury, inefficient circulatory system, feet are imperative ~first appeared 5mya


~first group of new world monkeys (platyrrhines)~oligocene

~s. america

Burtele fossil

~divergent big toe

~shows that at least 2 hominid species coexisted

Cebidae v. Atelidae


-cebidae: no prehensile tails (cant grab with it)

-atelidae: only primates that have prehensile tails

Ceboidea v. Cercopithecoidea

~ceboidea -new world monkeys

~cercopithecoidea -old world monkeys

Cercopithecoidea v. Hominidae

~the two super families of catarrhini

~cercopithecoidea: -old world monkeys -all have ischial callosities(butt pads)

~hominidae: -apes & humans -two subfamilies: hylobatidae (lesser apes) & hominidae (great apes & humans)


~paleoindians~only found in N. america~large, fluted, bifacial projectile points used as spear points for big game hunting

Cultural dating

~relative dating~changes in material culture to establish a chronology


~absolute dating~tree ring dating ~ <11kya

Dental formula (New World, Old World)

~new world monkey: world:


~space between lower canine and 3rd premolar where the upper large canine fits~usually in owm and apes

Dietary plasticity

~can eat anything & everything

~multiple tooth types: incisor, canine,premolar, molar

~reduction in # of teeth

Fayum, Egypt

~very rich record of early primate evolution

~is now a desert but use to be a swampy forest

Fission track dating

~absolute dating

~quantifying track marks

~dates volcanic ash/glass


Fluorine dating

~relative dating

~measures levels of fluorine in bones to determine relative age

~the more fluorine, the longer its been in the ground



~specialized, fluted projectile point


~remains of an organism chemically changed into a rock

~3.4 billion is the oldest fossil found

~1% of fossils have been discovered

~two types: body & trace fossils

~an anoxic environment (no oxygen) is needed to make fossils

~places that produce lots of fossils: Fayum in Egypt, Olduvai Gorge in E. Africa (hominid fossils)~relative vs. numerical (absolute) dating

Hominid v. Hominin

~hominid: all modern and extinct great apes ~hominin: modern and extinct humans and immediate ancestors-----bipedality & nonhoning chewing -little sexual dimorphism

Hominidae v. Homininae

~homininae (chimps, bonobos, & humans) is apart of hominidae (great apes & humans)

Homo habilis

~E & S africa


~1st homo species


~smaller chewing complex

~more rounded skull

~very different from robust AU’s

~similar postcrania to later AU’s (short)

~reliance on tools

~habitat changes & adaptive variability

Homo erectus

~1st species out of africa~large brow ridges compared to modern humans~occipital bun (shows brain expansion) ~low domed, sloping forehead~thick skull ~smaller teeth~sagital keel~900cc~about 6ft~acheulian tool tradition ~no more arborial life~big jump in height from h. habilis~big game eating~control of fire ~loss of hair allowed them to sweat which allowed for long distance and endurance hunting

Homo ergaster

~some think it should be a separate species than h. erectus

~has a smaller brain and smaller cranial traits

Homo floresiensis


~ ‘the hobbit’


~3ft tall

~ believed to be a miniature version of h. erectus

Homo heidelbergensis

~600-200kya~N.africa, asia, europe~very similar to h. ergaster~1100-1400cc

Homo neanderthalensis

~middle east, europe~130-24kya~adapted to cold -mide nasal apertures; wide, stocky body; short limbs ~projecting face~occipital bun~1600cc (bigger brains than modern humans)~burials with flowers~speech~big game hunting

Homo rudolfensis

~some people believe it is a separate species from H. habilis and some think it is just variability within the same species ~has a larger body and brain size

Homo sapiens

~likely to have evolved from h. heidelbergensis~archaic & modern

~modern: round,tall skull; vertical forehead; small face/teeth; chin; gracile post crania

~modern h.s. and neanderthals had 4,000 years of overlap

Hunting hypothesis

~bipedalism freed the hands for carrying weapons/tools~made by darwin~brain expansion 1st step to being hominid~ ^this was wrong


~the killing of a juvenile often done by a foreign male that has driven the single male out in a polygynous group

Ischial callosities


~all cercopithecodea (OW monkeys) have them

Kennewick man

~represents paleoindians

Laetoli footprints

~ancient hominin footprints found in tanzania~showed a nondivergant big tow~proved that au afarinsis was bipedal

Law of Superposition

~the relative age of one event with respect to another

~lower level in ground= older

Lemuriformea v. Tarsiformes v. Anthropoidea

~lemuriformea: strepsirhini; lemurs, lorises, galagos;

~tarsiformes: haplorhini; tarsiers (bulbous eyes, nocturnal)

~anthropoidea: haplorhini; monkeys,apes,and humans


mousterian~complex flaking of rocks~hunted then butchered animals with it~used by h. neanderthalensis


~ female Au. afarensis~ 40% of skeleton was found~ 3.6-3mya~ “the missing link between chimp & human”~E. Africa

Luminescence dating

~absolute~measures the suns exposure to sediment ~ <800kya~the brighter it is, the older it is

Middle Paleolithic

~middle stone age

~mousterian tool technique emerged

Molecular clock

~looking for the amount of mutations and genetic differences in an organism

~makes it possible to see the amount of time since two species diverged

Monkeys v. Apes

~monkeys: -tail -upper limbs < lower limbs

~apes -upper limbs≥ lower limbs -larger -more upright -only found in old world


~tool technique that emerged in middle paleolithic ~used by neanderthals ~reduction in used of large tools such as the hand axe~complex flaking technique became more common


~tall and gracile skeleton found in E. africa~1.6mya

Non-honing chewing

~no slicing, like apes

~mainly grinding

~smaller canines

Oldowan complex

~the stone tool culture associated with homo habilis and possibly au garhi

~primitive stone tools

Origins of New World primates

1. owm started in N. america and migrated to S.america

2. owm started in africa and migrated to S. america

3. owm crossed antartica to get to S. america

4. nwm evolved independently

Orrorin tugenensis

~pre-australopithecine~6mya~earliest definite bipdealism~nonhoning~curved finger bones (ancient trait)

Out-of-Africa (Single Origin) v. Multiregional continuity

~out of africa: modern H.S. evolved in africa, then spread to asia and europe and replaced archaic H.S.

~multiregional: shift to modern H.S. was regional & did not involve replacement; requires constant gene flow


~1st group of american ‘immigrants’ ~15kya based on studies of mtDNA mutations~clovis complex (very sharp hunting tool)

Paleomagnetic dating

~absolute~uses changes in the Earths magnetic field to date rock~kya-mya~better for relatively recent

Parabolic v. U-shaped jaw

~parabolic: wider jaw, humans have this~monkeys have u-shaped


~another word for robust Au’s

Parental investment

~increased time & energy into single offspring~longer developmental period~increased brain size and social complexity ~fewer offspring ~spaces between births

Patchy Forest Hypothesis

~bipedalism arose due to environmental adaptation


~the evolutionary relationships of a group of organisms

Piltdown Hoax

~found in early 20th century, england~appeared modern with large cranial capacity but teeth like apes~different dates for the skull and jawbone ~found out it was an orangutang’s jaw with a modern human skull~took 40 years to realize

Platyrrhini v. Catarrhini

~platyrrhines -new world monkeys -shperical nostrils separated by a septum

~catarrhines -old world monkeys, apes, humans -linear nostrils -no septum (nostrils meet)

The first primate

~cenozoic ~Plesiadapiforms -lacks some key primate characteristics —> probably not primate~Euprimates -the 1st true primate -eocene, 55mya -two types: adapids & omomyids


~1 female, multiple males


~1 male, multiple females


~multipule males & females~ex: bonobos


~the 1st hominins~east africa~sahelanthropus tchadensis~orrorin tugenensis~ardipithecus kadabha~ardipithecus ramidus

Prehensile tail

~tails that can grab


Primate (defining characteristics)

~large brains in comparison to body~enhanced touch~dietary plasticity, arboreal adaptation, parental investment ~grasping~fingernails ~stereoscopic vision (forward facing eyes)~enhanced eyesight and sense of touch~reduced smell (small snouts) and hearing~societies are highly organized ~have long term relationships~developed social signals ~extremely adaptive~very social, communal cleaning, physically express their feelings

Primate language

~koko -gorilla -sign language

~kanzi -bonobo -lexigram (symbols representing a word)

Primate residence patterns

~polygyny~polyandry~polygamy~monogamy~all male~solitary

Primate social signals

~cooperation: -established territory -attacks -share food -grooming

~altruism: -warning vocalization ~emotion

~aggression: -show canines -beat chest -lip flip


~monkey-ape divergence ~a genus of early miocene apes from Africa~ancestral to catarrhines ~body is monkey like: equal limbs but teeth are ape like


~when the jaw sticks out farther than the skull

Provisioning hypothesis

~sexual selection for males assisting females in procuring food

Radiocarbon dating

~absolute dating~measures the halflife of carbon isotopes ~50-70kya~needs to be something that was once alive (organic) (plants, bones, ect)

Radiopotassium dating

~absolute dating~measures the potassium in volcanic rock associated with fossils~ >200kya~have to have volcanic rock

Reconstruction of paleoenvironment

~use of skeletal morphology to infer ancient environment ~ie: long legs, long arms: trees!

Relative dating

~not giving a certain date, saying its relatively younger or older -law of superposition -stratigraphic correlation -flourine dating -biostratigraphic dating -cultural dating


~wet nose

Sagittal crest

~ridge of bone running lengthwise top of the head

Sahelanthropus tchadensis

~the earliest pre-australopithecine~more ape-like than human like~7-6mya~relatively small head, massive brow ridge~350cc~possibly bipedal~e. africa~nonhoning chewing


~Asia~miocene~12-8mya~ansestor to orangutans

Stratigraphic correlation

~relative dating~saying that something is younger or older than something else

Strepsirhini v. Haplorhini

~strepsirhini: -oldest living primates (look rat like) -rhinarium (wet nose) -heightened sense of smell -tooth comb -combo nails/claws -farther away from humans -mostly nocturnal -smaller brain -more specialized diet -lemurs, lorises, and galagos (bushbabies)

~haplorhini: -larger brains -dry noses -sexually dimorphic -fewer teeth -color vision -super families: tarsier &anthropordia(platyrrhines & catarrhines—cebidae&atelidae)


~the study of what happens to an organisms remains

Theories of primate evolution

~theories of why primates have grasping, claws, reduced smell, big brains, etc

~arboreal hypothesis: primate traits as adaption to life in the trees (ground—> trees)

~visual predation hypothesis: challenges arboreal hypothesis; preying on insects

~angiosperm radiation hypothesis: fruit-bearing angiosperm plants would have been very praised by this species~probably a combo of the 3

Tooth comb

~when lower incisors and canines are long and very close together and are tilted forward creating a scraperdi~lemurs and lorises have this

Traditional v. Cladistic Primate organization

~traditional: prosimians & anthropoids (based on anatomical complexity)

~cladistic:strepsirhines & haplorhines (based an ancestral decent)


~apes and humans have a lower molar with 5 separate cusps separated by grooves


~first evidence for controlled fire usage (burnt soil, fire pits)~780-400kya~homoerectus remains


~a miocene pongid~asia~the largest primate that ever lived

Why did hominids emerge?

~hunting hypothesis~patchy forest hypothesis ~provisioning hypothesis