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3 Cards in this Set

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Neanderthals; date, Morphological (crainal/post), behavior/tech/speech/

found 1856;Germany. 130,000-24,000yrs; adapation cold envrioment with large body mass and short limbs, minimizes surface area to volume; aids in heat conservation.

Crainal morph: 1,500 cc; mid facial projection; space behind 3rd molar; large incisors; no chin; large brow ridges;

Posst Crainal: pelvis/ribs/hands large and thick; upper/lower arm short b/c of large muscle

Behavior/tool/speech: tool tech called mousterian such as stabbing spear; hunted;buried dead; FOXP2 gene found in DNA responible for language ability. Hyoid bone identical to humans. Has structure in throat for speech.


Discovered in Siberia, 2008. 30,000-50,000 years ago. nDNA sequencing of fossils found differ from modern/archaic human. Theory that Denisovan there 50,00 years ago and 40,000 years ago intermated with neanderthals.

Homo erectus (pithecanthropus erectus)

morphology; tools/subsistence; speech; cranial flexion

first hominin to leave africa, found in Asia/Europe. 1.8 million years ago morphology/culture: 800cc to 1000 ccLarge brow ridgeProjecting face No chinHigher skullSku;; broader at bottom

morphology/culture: 800cc to 1000 ccLarge brow ridgeProjecting face No chinHigher skullSku;; broader at bottom

tools/ subsistence of homo erectus: Acheulian tool: more efficient, more skill needed,multipurpose(hunting/digging for water) Caves as shelters; hunting-gathering-scavenging subsistence method b/c large/small animal fossils found, hunting tools and fragmented animal bone.

Speech/language: Developed Broca’s area in frontal lobe. Involved in speech production. Has cranial base flexion Cranial flexion: more flexion in cranial bases indicates a low larynx/ long pharynx for speech. larynx(voice box has vocal cords) and pharynx(throat above) structures for speech. A larynx further down throat. Longer pharynx and tongue move during speech, produced by vocal cords, creating sounds. IF larynx high in throat and have short larynx, tongues do not move during speech incapable of producing vowels