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54 Cards in this Set

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social stratification

splitting up of society based on "differences"

things social stratification is based on



*social class



-can play a role in social structure

*network of relatives who possess certain mutual rights and obligations

-cultural constructions or elaborations of marriage creating in-laws


-birth creates consanguineal (blood relatives)

affinal kinship

marrying in to the family rather than being related by blood

classification of kin


*cross cousins

*parallel cousins


conventionally used term to indicate the point of reference in kinship relationship

cross cousins

mothers brothers children and fathers sisters children

parallel cousins

mothers sisters children and fathers brothers children


*large lineage group splits into new, smaller ones

-claim descent from common ancestor w/o knowing the genealogical connection to the ancestor

-clan identification reinforced by totems


each family has a specific animal/natural organism/material object that symbolizes their family/person

-totem pole illustrates clan interactions through time..like a clan history

descent group

*consanguineal kin united by lineal descent from common ancestor

-unilineal descent group

-nonunilineal (ambi)descent group

unilineal descent group

exclusively through one line

nonunilineal (ambi) descent group

can be traced through either parent..not exclusive to one line

sib vs clan

SIB: no common land but still consider themselves united

CLAN: common land


-Consanguineal kin who trace genealogical linksto common ancestor

-Marriage of a group member represents analliance of two lineages.

-Lineage exogamy maintains opencommunication, fosters information exchangeamong lineages.

function of a descent group

-obligations to maintain traditions

*emphasizes group solidarity

*extremely conservative

-phratry(division in a clan) and moiety(division in a larger society)

patrilineal descent group

-male side determines blood

matrilineal descent group

-men are just for show

-mainly horticultural bc women bringing in most of the food

-blood flows on female side

-brother to the woman parents her kids more than her husband does

-doesnt mean women have political power

political organization

way the power is distributed and embedded in society

types of political organization



types of uncentralized power



band (uncentralized power)

- Politically independent, though related,households.


-<100 people

- No formal political systems.


tribe (uncentralized power)

-Small, autonomous local communities

*form alliances

-Crop cultivation or herding.

-Leadership = informal.

-Warfare common

chiefdom (centralized power)

-Ranked hierarchy

-Office of chief = usually for life, oftenhereditary.-Chief’s authority unites

-Highly unstable

nation state (Centralized power)

-Most formal political organization

-Force frequently used intra – and inter-staterelations

-Instability and transience


*Ability of individuals or groups to make others dothings even against their own wants or wishes.

-how society creates and maintains social orderand reduces social disorder.

big man

*no official power or authority given but in certain situations others look to him for leadership


*uses influence

*individually achieved

-Tribal leadership

~Melanesia and New Guinea






~Eloquent / charismatic

~Shamanistic (not required)


*wields power


*lifetime tenure

social control

-cross cultural law

*any means used to maintain behavioral norms and regulate conflict

legal pluralism

Combination of local customary law and formal coloniallaw

conflict resolution

-Third parties involved

-Mediation – less formal systems, less coerciveinstitutionalized power, aimed more atreconciliation....3rd party “helps” with advice,

-“Disentangling” (group therapy)

-Adjudication – more formal, 3rd party with powerto impose judgment on disputing parties.

-Not always a clear line – Zapotec case = combo


something that is agreed upon by society


unacceptable deviation from the cultural norm


cooperation of large groups of people not only to survive but to maximize comfort and productivity


marriage in which an individual only has one spouse

-serial monogamy: marry then divorce then marry then divorce, etc


-often seen in horticultural or pastoral societies

*multiple spouses

polygyny: multiple wives

polyandry: multiple husbands (ex: brothers share a wife)

extended family

a collection of nuclear families, related by ties of blood that live together in one household

nuclear family

a family unit consisting of husband wife and dependent children


group of two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption

bride-price (wealth)

*payment of money orgoods from the groom’s to the bride’s kin

-may be used to finance wedding celebration

-Usually refunded if couple separates


*Payment of a woman’s inheritance at thetime of marriage to her or her husband.

-seen in a stratified society

bride service

*Groom expected to work for a period for thebride’s family.

-generally seen in foragers

types of marriage exchanges

-bride price


-bride service


-may be due to Sterility or impotence


--Ideals of romantic love or the idealization ofyouth.

-Intimate bond vs. individual gratification

~individualistic societies often have more divorce because they are only focused on themselves and not their spouse

teenagers with poor relations to their father are....

....especially likely toabuse tobacco, alcohol, drugs – more so than teenagerswho have had no contact with their fathers.


-class resistance

-power differential too great

-music as a form of resistance

-miscegenation(mixing..esp of people who are racially different)


marriage within a group of individuals


marriage outside of a group of individuals

types of post marital residences:







with the husband’s father’s relatives


–locality associated with the wife’srelatives


-choose either matrilocal or patrilocalresidence.


-in a location apart from either thehusband’s or the wife’s relatives


-Residence of a married couplewith the husband’s mother’s brother