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114 Cards in this Set

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Ways to define ASIA
geographically- arbitrary
by racial groupings- problematic
by culture- shared traits and customs
Culture Area
Area in which there is a homegenous culture
Japan and US relations
(3 reasons for Americans to be interested in Japan)
1. Size, geographical location, population size

2. Growing economic and geo-political power

3. The east/west culture gap
Reasons japan has been recently studied:
-"Chysantheum and the Sword"- Ruth Benedict
-Closer US/Japan relations
-Nihonjin-ron: theories/discussions about the Japanese
Theory of Japaneseness for japanese people
US vs. Japan
Social Structure: Groups
US: Individual strong. Intermediate group comparatively weak
Japan: Group strong. Individual weak.
"Inside" vs. "Outside" a group
"Us" and "them"
Stem family
-Tablets (Buddhist)
Shotai-The household
Kazoku-Nuclear family
Community life and change
Cultural ethos and personality in Japan
Situational ethics-sometimes other moral principles can be cast aside in certain situations if love is best served
Gift-giving- ritualistic, lots of rules
Japanese Child Learning
Training to be Japanese
-amae: dependence
-Schooling- very hard
-affectional family relationships
Love and marriage
Marriage important, but matters less how loving your marriage is
Children very important.
Sex not very important

purpose is to raise children and care about household.
Household responsibilities
-woman cares makes babies, is primarily a mother, takes care of the household, respects husband
-New role of Japanese women
High School Baseball
-baseball came to japan 100 yrs ago
-Koshien Tournament
-Value of working as a team; the team/group is more important than the individual
-being a proper social human being
-O-en-don: male cheerleaders
-Shinto blessings of team and bats
-hierarchy- it may be 2 yrs before you play
-Intensity/desperation at failure
-secondary group vs. primary group identification
A Young Rock and Roller
-Sunday, young people dressed in a variety of styles spend the day in Harajuku socializing
-junken (rock, paper scissors)
-extensive use of english words
kyōiku mama
-generalized and stereotyped as going to extremes to get their children a good education (regardless of the child's happiness)
-not unusual for mother to take role of child when speaking to a teacher
-How am I doing in class?
Japanese Schooling
SUPER important
-exam hell
-insane entrance exams
-private schools
-cram schools (more school after school)
-school has hand in raising children
-teach Buddhist thinking
US vs. Japan
Educational Philosophies
-US Large vs. JAP small window of opportunity
-US Less vs. JAP more importance on name schools
-US Exams not so vs. JAP very important
BUT in BOTH education is key in social mobility
Youth in japan
-kind of oppressed
-there are limits to how far youth rebellion can go in Japan
Matchmaking in Japan
-Formal vs. informal systems
(causal arrangement of a meeting vs. formal meeting between families)
-o-miai (blind date)
-renai matches (arranged marriages)
-Nakodo: matchmaker
-outsider's involvement in dating life is not as weird as in US
Japanese women
Must somehow strike a balance between work and career and/or personal life and family
A small businessman (Japanese)
-many small bussinesses; like a large family
-lifetime employment
-fast track vs. small company
-the japanese dream of working for a major corporation is only available to about 40%
-large companies can only exist the way the do because of small businesses
Salaryman Tetsuro
-working for a large computer firm
-many benefits, but also many obligations
-marugakai: total (embrace) system
-60+ hr work week
-No one is ever absent
-Sees himself as kind of a non conformist (mustache)
-Moral: Not everyone is an economic animal or the ideal company man in Japan; still LIMITS to individuality
Japanese Proverb
nail that sticks out gets pounded down
Japanese company system
-life-employment guaranteed
-recruiting season for new hires
-escalator system
-promotion by seniority, en masse (vs. on merit)
-your university is important, as are alumni connections
Japanese afterhours activities
-Bar hosteses and drinking
-drunkenness is an excuse for some behaviors
- a way to let off steam
Noriko (OL)
-commitment to company very important
-troubles if leaving a job
-she talks different to male and female interviewers
-boyfriend wants her to give her life up after marriage
Matchmaking in Japan
-o-miai (casual matchmaking) vs. renai matches (formal arranged marriages)
-Nakodo: matchmaker
-outsider's involvement in dating life is not as weird as in US
Salaryman Tetsuro
-working for a large computer firm
-many benefits, but also many obligations
-marugakai: total (embrace) system
-60+ hr work week
-No one is ever absent
-Sees himself as kind of a non conformist (mustache)
-Moral: Not everyone is an economic animal or the ideal company man in Japan; still LIMITS to individuality
Japanese company system
-life-employment guaranteed
-recruiting season for new hires
-escalator system
-promotion by seniority, en masse (vs. on merit)
-your university is important, as are alumni connections
Japanese afterhours activities
-Bar hosteses and drinking
-drunkenness is an excuse for some behaviors
- a way to let off steam
US vs. Japan
Social Statistics
US has more (#1):
-crime victims
-handgun deaths
-drug offenders
-herb seized
-cocaine seized
-arrests for drunk driving per day
-deaths due to drunk driving per yr
-% of households with handguns
-rates of incarceration
-% who believe killing in self-defense (84 vs. 38)

-% of solved murders- JAPAN #1
-2 people under 20 commit suicide in japan everyday vs. 7 in the US
Japanese lifestyle overall (compared to American)
- Life is like an escalator, much more linear than
-Not a lot of mixing of ages
Religion for the purposes of anthropological study
- not about finding a true religion, or defining what religion ought to be
-Not just ways of relating to the supernatural, also includes
-philosophy of life
Distribution of religion across the world
-America, Europe, Russia, Oceania- Christianity
-Africa- Christianity, Islam, Indigenous
-Middle East- Islam, Judaism
-S.E. Asia- Theravada Buddhism
-S. Asia- Hindu, Islam
-E. Asia Mahayana Buddhism
Japanese Religion
Shinto Buddhism
Anthropologists see 4 Kinds of Religious expression
1. Theoretical
2. Functional
3. Types of groups formed by religion
4. Syncretisms
4 Kinds of religious expression: Theoretical
-The myth or doctrine which expresses the origins and values of a culture.
-Tells origins, giving us a theory of who we are
-Also sets up a structure of beliefs and values
-These values often become secularized
-Often, the sacred and the secular are mixed
4 Kinds of religious expression: Functional
*what do you DO?
go to church?
4 Kinds of religious expression:
Types of groups formed by religion
-church-goers vs. church no-goers
-christians vs. jews
-protestants vs. catholics
-Kinds of churches (fundamentalist, unitarian, etc.)
-Kinds of religions (conservative vs. liberal)
Before the Birth of Buddha
-Social and Political conditions of India in (600-500 B.C.) were similar those of palestine
-Cultural, Linguistic, Economic crossroads
-Many travelers
-No silk road yet, but lots of trade
-Time of religious dispute and upheaval
Birth of Buddha
The buddha was born in 563 BC in Northern India, on the border near nepal
Names of Buddha
Like Jesus, Buddha was called lots of names:
-Siddartha Gautama/Gotama
-Tatha-gatha /Nyorai
Given Name (first):
Family Name (last):
-Name for buddha
-Means sage of the Saka clan
Tatha-gatha or Nyorai (japanese)
-Term buddha used to refer to himself
-Means he who has thus come/arrived
-Means "the enlightened one"
Historical Evidence of Buddha's life
-Like Jesus, he probable existed, but outside historical evidence is scanty
-Less is known of him than most other contemporaries
Buddha's Birth
-Maya was his mother
-Many myths developed around the 2
-Miraculous birth: He came out of Maha Maya's side after she was empregnated by a small white elephant that entered her womb.
-Parthogenic birth: reproduction in which the ovum develops into a new individual without fertilization (BUT not necessary virgin birth like Mary)
-Buddha had brothers and sisters
-Wise old Hindu Brahmin priest saw the baby and said "he'll be the world's savior!"
-When baby was born, the first thing he did was to proclaim himself as the anointed one
Buddha's Childhood
-Like Jesus with Judaism, Buddha was born into Hinduism. Both grew up in their respective religions, never renouncing them as wrong, as they were products of these religions
-Because of the Brahmin priest's prediction, Buddha's father (a clan leader) had high hopes for him
-He though Buddha would grow up to be a world emperor, and feared that he might be a target for assassination, so he sheltered and protected Buddha
-So Buddha lived a wonderful, overprotected, worry-free childhood
-Myths about Buddha as a child:
elephant and dove myth
special powers
The beginning of Buddhas Awakening
-He was unhappy with the world, despite his comfy circumstances
-One day he sees 3 tragedies;
1. Sees an old man and realizes that we all get old
2. Sees a sick man and realized we all get sick
3. Sees a dead person and realizes we all will die
But then, he sees a happy, contented monk, so he starts thinking...
Buddha goes off in search of truth
- He had wife and a little family, but became increasingly disenchanted with the world and family life
-He decides to leave home and find himself
-Leaves home at 29 (around same age as jesus when he started his work)
-For 6 years, he lived the ascetic life: characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures with the aim of achieving spiritual goals
*it is said he only ate one grain of rice per day
-He tried many different things in search of enlightenment, but to no avail
A new phase of Buddha's life (moderation)
-Finally, he decided that moderation is the secret (like chinese tao/middle way, balance like in ying/tang)
-He liked to meditate near the Ganges River with his daughters
Buddha's Enlightenment
-Enlightenment finally comes to him while meditating when he sees the morning star in the Eastern Sky and perceives the 4 Noble Truths
-Then, the evil one comes to distract Buddha; he temps him with power, money and women (like in the last temptation of chirst)
-He wards off temptations and becomes enlightened, NOW he is the Buddha
-He makes a very famous speech at the deer park, the place is honored today with a STUUPA
The Four Noble Truths
1. Life is suffering
2. Suffering is caused by selfish human craving
3. Craving can be overcome by giving up worldly desires
4. We can get rid of our worldly desires by following the 8-Fold Path
Buddha's Adulthood
-Like jews with Jesus, not all Hindu's were happy about Buddha's message
-Dava-datta: betrayed Buddha (like Judas)
- Several famous stories told about Buddha (like with Jesus curing the blind and turning water into wine)
-Buddha converting evil men
-Buddha casting off his own life to feed a hungry tigress and her cubs in another reincarnation
Buddha's Death
-He's depicted reclining peacefully at his hour of death.
-Was not crucified like Jesus, but his death was important
-When he died, his soul reached nirvana (nothingness)
-Seven days after his death, his body was cremated in Hindu custom.
Development of Buddhism and the doctrine:
Buddha's Relics
-After his death, Buddha's relics were distributed equally among the eight major clan groups, and each built a Stuupa over their portion of these relics
-these shrines used to stand alone, but they got more complex as Buddhism became more worldly (now, gardens and monkhouses)
-(just like christianity) Cults and symbolism developed around Buddha's relics
-Buddhist sacred memorials/temples
-Supposed to represent the Buddha's top knot (bald head)
-Inside the Stuupa's lie Buddha's relics
-Both Stuupas and cathedrals are supposed to reflect in some ways the order of the universe of God's world
Development of Buddhism and the doctrine:
People and Objects associated to the Buddha
-Became holy by association
-For lay, Buddhists, the Stuupas became the focus of devotion
-"saints" arose
The spread of Buddhism Eastward and S. Eastward
-Stuupa developed into the pagoda
-We see the development of the Samgha: the order of monks (infrastructure of the buddhist church)
Metaphysical world diagram
-4 points of the compass (4 truths)
-8 petaled lotus (8-fold-path)
The Dharma
-The teachings of the Buddha
-Teachings regard suffering and how to end it
The split of Buddhism
-Buddhism was operating independently of Brahmin priests and their rituals so they were angry
-This eventually lead to a split
Southeast Asia, India, Ceylon
Way of elders/Little vehicle
Lesser means to salvation
East Asia
Great vehicle
Great way of salvation
Salvation using Bodhisattvas
So, what do the 4 Noble Truths teach us?
-That life is an Illusion because our culture, language, thinking habits, etc. let us create false dichotomies of "I" vs. "Not-I", this leads to thinking about beings as separate existences and entities all competing
-We suffer because we cling to these illusions, our possessions and the distinctness of ourselves and others in the universe
-In reality the universe is NOT separated, although our language created categories that make it appear as so
So what is Enlightenment?
SIMPLY understanding that ALL is EVERYTHING

-Bodhi: awakening
-Satori: understanding
-Nirvana: extinction
So where is god?
God and everything is everywhere
-the force of universal action and reaction that keeps the universe flowing
-you have to work out your karma through the actions in your life
-your present existence is shaped by deeds in previous existences
-Every being inherits karma from the past and produces karma for the future
-new life does not mean clean slate
-karma is like a data bank of accumulated influences; we have free will to break out of a threatening pattern--its up to us
-More so than the action, the INTENTION behind an act matters more
-all this implies reincarnation
-Karma and reincarnation are major features in Hinduism
Maha-yana Buddhism: Japanese Doctrines
-Some paths to enlightenment/salvation
-Buddhism enjoyed immense popularity in early Japan
-Amida Buddha replaced Gautama Buddha as the object to be devoted to
Other Buddha's
-Many Buddhists believe that there have been 13 major Buddhas throughout history
-Hard to differentiate these
Amida Buddha
-Buddha of boundless light and of the Western paradise
-His path was to recite over and over the Mantra:
Nanu Amida Butsu/ I put my faith in the Amida Buddha
-In much of Japan, Amida Buddha replaced Gautama Buddha as the object to be devoted to
-Means enlightenment/essence
-Particular to Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia
-These are compassionate souls who could have gone over the edge to reach nirvana, but who voluntarily stay behind to help others in their journey
-Provided a transition from Indian local deities to Buddhist doctrine and practice
-Bodhisattvas are:
1. No longer subject to physical limitations of human life (they exist in a celestial realm)
2. Can be both male and female
3. Are limitless
4. Have cults developed around them and their own names just as saints in Christianity
5. Have syncretic elements

There are Bhodisattvas of compassion, wisdom, intelligence, happiness, mercy, etc.
Buddhism in Japanese
Buddha's: Nyorai/Butsu
Bodhisattvas: Bosatsu
Esoteric Buddhism
-Not all Buddhism is the same
-Certain sects of have wild beliefs of terrible hells and ferocious deities (Myoo-oo)
-Dainichi Nyorai (Maha-vairocana) often the supreme deity of these sects
Popularity of Zen Buddhism in the West
-One very small sect of the religion, but very popular and well-known in the west, probable bc
-Martial arts films
-Popularized by special priests (suzuki)
-Americans expect it (so eastern!)
-Due to the 3 properties of zen (which Americans can relate to)
Zen Buddhism emphasizes:
1. Doing simple everyday things in a spiritual way
2. Sort of without doctrine
3. Stresses personal experience
Two main strains of Zen Buddhism:
Both of these are meant to get you to reach Satori, understanding of your oneness of the universe and the arbitrariness of our categories

Meditation (Sooto) School
-practices zazen (postures/breathing/ meditation)

Shock (Rinzai) School
-emphasizes enlightenment by sudden AHA! experience
-striking with a keisaku (awakening stick), and shouting Kooan puzzles
-what is the sound of one hand clapping?
-The light has gone out, where has it gone?
Buddhism has _______,
Shinto has ________
Buddhism has TEMPLES,
Shinto has SHRINES
Shinto shrines (Meiji-Jingu)
-emphasize purity and nature
-the emperor is a Shinto deity, so he has his own shrine
Tori Gate
-Arches I I
-Shinto signs
-Divide sacred space from non-sacred space
-Famous and can be seen all over, especially in front of holy places and shrines
Shinto- FUJIN
-God of wind and thunder
-Fujin unleashes his elements using a bag of wind on his shoulders
-The way of the gods
-Glorified nature worship
-Localized religion
-Exited before Buddhism arrived in Japan

-Includes rites and rituals to ensure that things go well
-How to do things on a day, to day basis
BUT, provides NO explanation to those deep questions of life, thus syncretic with Buddhism in Japan
Merging of Shinto and Buddhism (A Sycretism in Japan)
-In Japan, Shinto and Buddhism coexist without contaction
-Shinto does not provide the answers to the big picture questions, but rather focuses on day to day rituals and worship
-This is why Buddhism was welcomed when introduced (filled in that spiritual gap)
-Most Japanese are both and don't differentiate between the two. No cognitive dissonance.
-Commonly said, you're a Buddhist deep down, a Shinto on your wedding and a christian at Christmas
-Buddhism often incorporates Shinto gods (KAMI) as Bodhisattvas or other things
Inari fox shrine
-Shinto saint of education
-Student go there to pray to pass tests
New Years talisman
-Combines Daikoku (wealth deity) with dice
-Kind of odd and non-congruent
-Dice, flags, shogi pieces
Kyoto Gion O-mikoshi
-A portable neighborhood shrine
-Spirit of the deity temporarily resides in it during the festival that honors him/her
-carried by bearers from local neighborhood
Miniature Street temples in Japan
-Erected to prevent traffic and accidents
-Combo of Buddhist and Shinto ideas
Similarities in Buddhism and Christianity
due to politics, culture, society and maybe even universals in human religions like creation myths etc.
Differences in Buddhism and Christianity
10 commandments
-Don't lie YES
-Don't steal YES
-Do not covet YES
-Do not destroy life KIND OF
-to Buddhist, this means all life
-Do not commit unchaste acts NO
-Do not take intoxicants NO
-Do not criticize others NO
-Do not get angry NO
-Do not self-praise NO
-Do not disrespect the Buddha, his teachings, and the Buddhist community NO
Japanese Big Bang.... the beginning
-Universe was a formless earth; the sky and earth were not yet, nor were the male (ying) and female (yang) principles.
-A Kami (sort of god) sprouted in mud ooze, produced 7 generations of Kami and then produced a brother and sister Pair
Izanagi and Izanami
Izanagi: Male who invites
Izanami: Female who invites

-Siblings, but also husband and wife
-Came down from heaven to the oily mass on rainbow
-They learn about sex from watching birds
Mythical explanation for islands of Japan
-Izanagi disturbs primeval ocean with his spear and the drips form islands
-They learn about sex and make offspring that produce the rest of the islands of Japan, the mountains, waterfalls, trees, and wind etc.
-This wind blew away the heavy mist to reveal the 8 islands of Japan
Izanagi and Izanami's offspring
Metal- izanami's vomit
Clay- izanami's feces
Water- izanami's urine
Fire- while giving birth to him, he burned her vagina and caused to get a fever and die
Marital problems and divorce after Izanami's death
-Izanagi missed Izanami after her death, so he followed her to Yomi (underworld, land of doom)
-She said, i miss you too, but don't look upon me as i am in a state of decay and pollution
-He didn't listen and saw that she was swollen and covered with maggotts
-She was shamed because of this and as revenge sent the 8-ugly females of the land of the night after him
-As part of her revenge, Izanami would rid the earth of x amount of people a day, but Izanagi said he would make more to replace those and make more
Izanagi and Izanami's Union and Divorce
Through Izanagi and Izanami's union and progeny, they established the pattern of nature for all time, but through their divorce, they created a natural cycle of life and death
Izanagi after Izanami
-After being in Yomi, he felt he was in a state of pollution, so he felt the need to purify his body, so he bathed in the Tachibana river
-Sun Godess (Amaterasu Oonikami) born from his left eye (often considered most important deity)
-Moon God born from his right eye
-Storm/Wind (Susanoo-o) god born from his nose (he was a trickster--sometimes acts with good, and sometimes bad)
Sun goddess, Moon God and Storm God relations
-Everybody was unhappy
-Sun and Moon god did not get along; sat with backs to one another-- hence day and night
Conflict between Sun goddess (Amaterasu Oonikami) and Storm God (Susanoo-o)
One day, storm god put a flayed colt in the hall when the sun goddess and her friends were sewing sacred garments.
She was usually patient with him, but this was too much! She was upset and shamed by this so much so, that she ran into a cave and world was DARK.
All the gods and goddesses met to find a solution. They tried many things to no avail.
Finally, an overturned tub was put in front of the cave and a shamaness Ama-no-uzuma (the dreaded female of heaven) climbed on top and did an erotic dance-- the Kami laughed and cheered
Sun goddess poked her head out to see what was going on. They told her that they had found a goddess more beautiful than her and help up a mirror. This mirror was the first and was made by the jewel kami. The sun goddess came out enough for her to be grabbed and the world was LIGHT again!
Japanese Royal Family
-Believed to be the descendants of the Sun Goddess (over 125 generations ago)
3 Symbols of the Japanese Royal Family derived from the creation myth
Mirror, Jewel, Sword
Shinto creation myth gives us:
1.The origin of the 8 Japanese islands
2.The 3 treasures: mirror, jewel, sword
3.The basis for the current imperial reign
Japan's original sin

(in shinto, females are basically more polluted than men)
Adam and Eve myth vs. Izanagi and Izanami myth
-Izanagi and Izanami are not punished for their actions
-Not really possible to sin in Japanese myth
-The disaster-makers were pollution and shame
Office Lady
Japanese businessman on the fast track
Masako Itoh
-Japanese feminist cultural critic and community activist long associated with a community center in Tokyo
-Worked with the housewives there
-Wrote pieces in Japanese magazine (The housewife's friend)
-In japanese "women's words we cannot ignore"
a small neighborhood police station
found all over japan
Charisma Housewife
Expert housewife
Supermom: she can do it all and she loves it
She is more like a household manager
Many experts in the media (like martha steward)
Agnes Chan
-Beloved Japanese pop idol
-Originally from Honk Kong
-She had her first baby and though she could continue her career and bring baby to work
-she could find no daycare at work
-Very vocal in her criticism of a society that makes a mother stay at home by default due to lack of daycare at work
-Some people criticized her saying that a woman must chose between career and family and that putting a baby in day care is selfish and irresponsible.
-This controversy has lasted for years
Becoming one with everything
linguistic politeness in Japanese
Different levels of politeness in verb conjugations
Women must always speak in a more level of politeness than men
Ingrained in the language, not like saying please and thank you
Madame Butterfly image
-uncivilized and exotic image
-Submissive and docile
-seductive, aesthetic and refined
-japanese women as unthreatening objects for collection and consumption
-Brought about as a result of stories about marriages to local women, like madame butterfly/ cho cho-san