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46 Cards in this Set

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What is language?

Speech or writing; our primary means for communication.

What chimp learned four words?


What is the language primates use?

Call system Language

Why are primate call systems less flexible than language?

-They are automatic

-they only have one call for danger and food

How else do primates communicate?

Sign language


Arrangement and order of words in phrases and sentences.

What is the idea of ethnicity? What is it? What is it not?

-based on cultural similarities with members of the same ethnic group in difference between that group and others in society

-they share the same beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms

What is ascribed status?

People have little or no choice about occupying them; age, race, gender

What are the similarities between race and ethnicity?

When an ethnic group is assumed to have biological basis, it is called Race.

- they are both cultural categories

What is the American anthropological association's statement on race?

Race is socially constructed

-inequalities among racial groups are no consequences of their biological inheritance, but products of social, economic, educational, and political circumstances

What is the different racial status in Brazil, US, and Japan?

Do you has has an "other" category for race but they have a strong history of racial discrimination

- Japanese people view race as "pure" or "same blood" versus "not us".

What do Japanese people say about mixed ancestry?

Burakumin are not considered "us"

-segregated in neighborhoods

Is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice is looking down upon a group because of its assumed behavior, values, capabilities, or attitudes

-discrimination is the policies and practices that harm a group. It is the treatment of others based on that

What is the Bosnia-Herzegovina war?

1990s, conflict

-ethnocide- kill Muslims and Croatians -mass rape- forced them out

Genocide versus ethnocide?

Genocide is the deliberate elimination of a group through mass murder

- ethnoside is the destruction of cultures of certain ethnic groups

Gender roles

Tasks and activities a culture assigns by gender


Vocabulary; all the morphemes in a language and their meanings

- a language dictionary.

-Influenced perception

gender stereotypes

Oversimplified, strongly held views about the characteristics of males and females

What is dominant public dichotomy

Strong differentiation between home and the outside world

- The outside world can include politics, trade, warfare, work

How does dominant public dichotomy relay to gender roles?

Minnow more likely to be active in the public domain than women are

What is India's situation about domestic violence

Husbands, acid in their brides face


Dissent trace their women only


Political system ruled by women or play a more prominent role in social and political organizations


Residence after marriage with the wife's family


Descent traced through men


Political system ruled by man


Residence after marriage with the husbands family


MIT professor

- had idea about language

-universal structure of grammar in our minds

-The human brain contains a limited set of rules for organizing language

- all languages have a common structural basis

Patrilineal-patrilocal complex

Male supremacy based on patrilineality, patrilocality, and warfare

Matrilineal-matrilocal complex

Systems tend to occur in society is where population pressure on strategic resources are minimal and warfare is infrequent

What kind of society would you expect social promiscuity to be punished



Fellatio on men by young boys to "become a man"

Intersex people

A discrepancy between external and internal genitals


When they have scarce resources, they often wage warfare against other villages. They are patrilineal patrilocal cultivators.

- they oppress women, public roll in warfare and trade


Marry outside the family


Marry inside the family


Multiple partners


Marries multiple women

Sapir and Whorf

Different languages produce different ways of thinking.


Married many brothers

What is sociolinguistics

-Concerned with linguistic performance (what people actually say)

- the study of language in social context

What is it called when speech changes in different social situations?

Style shifts

What is the switching of dialects?



- Judges by the way people speak

-believes that linguistic practices are symbolic capital that people can convert into economic and social value

-The type of dialect you use can show your power/education

Nation state

-An autonomous political entity, a country

-Society sharing the language, religion, history, territory, ancestry, and kinship


Stratified society with formal, central government